Welcome to the TDR Community Connections & Accountability Hub!

It is our mission to help you move farther ahead by connecting you with women looking to collaborate and connect. 

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Meet Keshea Way

Owner of Kreative Signature Events, LLC

Professional Expertise

Operating as the lead market liason, coordinating meetings among the market, teaching and training through company direction to develop others. I have provided strong administrative support.


The past 18 years has been spent managing, teaching, training and developing others. Along with customer services skills for clients and their platforms. Twelve of those years has been working in health and wellness in the field of opticianary.

One of my preferences when networking is...

Having open lines of communication, whether it be through email or conference calls. If you are available for this one particular event let me know how I can reach out for further assistance once the event has come to an end.

One of my pet peeves when networking is...

The small details, knowing what works and what doesn't work. Being honest about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

I am looking to...

Collaborate, Connect, Advertise, Meet new people, Speak, Consult, and Serve Others.

I want to help others who need..

Advice or constructive criticism to improve a service or product and promote their brand with the favor being returned.

I need help with...

Inspiring, influencing and impacting others through word whether its blogging, writing or speaking; A purpose partner to hold me accountable for my goals; Starting a non profit; Starting a 2 week summer enrichment camp; Connections to people that are like minded and growing through service ; Any feedback that will allow my platform to prosper and grow.

Which one best describes you?

Startup, Business Owner, Corporate Leader, Author, Entrepreneur, Servant Leader

I am open to bartering conversations. 

 It would definitely depend on the service one needs, but I could promote an upcoming event or be some what of a virtual assistant to help. Once there is a connection with the source then we could definitely come up with what will work for the both parties.

Connect with Keshea:


Email: kesheaway@yahoo.com

Facebook: Keshea Way
LinkedIn: Keshea Way
Periscope: @kesheaway
Tumblr: @kpway
Instagram: @taughtbyfaith


Meet Rhonda Glaze

Founder of RaRa's Style Appeal

Professional Expertise

Virtual & Personal Stylist


My love for beauty, fashion and style grew out of a hobby for creating style looks on a virtual website.

After doing this for a couple of years, I went through my own personal style transformation after making an authentic decision to go natural with my hair.

I began to see my true self and became motivated to do an overall style transformation.

This began to get the attention of others and led to me becoming a featured style expert for a local fashion boutique's newsletter.

I now have my own style blog and website. In addition, I am a stylist for TDR Brands International as well as a featured style expert.

One of my preferences when networking is...

Making connections that are the right fit. I've learned that just because an opportunity presents itself, it may not be the right fit.

One of my pet peeves when networking is...

When people have a wrong motive and just want to look out for themselves.

I am looking to...

Collaborate, Connect and Speak. 

I want to help others who need...

Help discovering their own personal style.

I need help with...

Growing my business and attracting the right clients. 

Which one best describes you?


I am open to bartering conversations.

I am willing to barter and exchange a Virtual Style Session.

Connect with Rhonda: 


Email: rlglaze@gmail.com 

Instagram: @rara_styleappeal
Twitter: @RaRaStyleAppeal
Facebook: RaRa's Style Appeal