Emerge, Expand, and Evolve with TDR and Team

TDR has locked arms with industry leaders, corporate trained, and innovative entrepreneurs to support a hand full of leaders ready to emerge and serve on a greater level. This opportunity is not for startups without 15+ years in a specific industry. This is a very specific opportunity for corporate leaders or professionals with years of experience and expertise and training in their career and background, looking to build a solid platform, product or service, or expand their current assortment to include consulting, retreats, or public speaking, training, and development to the list.

TDR has always had a sweet spot in her heart for women and our evolution but there is a burning desire to use the resources and information that she has been exposed to in order to help other solid women of excellence and leadership; and create opportunities to grow beyond their everyday reach.

 A huge component in working with TDR is she values intimate experiences. She would rather go deep than go wide, which is extremely rare in this industry because exposure is critical to growth as an entrepreneur but our philosophy proves that what you can attract with your authentic gifts and obedience far exceeds the exhaustion that comes with the traditional marketing and exposure methods.


Personal Thoughts Below:


My latest experience with Ms. Oprah Winfrey at a surprise watch party in Atlanta couldn’t serve as a more powerful, authentic, and humbling example of what can happen when you focus on your path and process.  We believe that there are opportunities that are simply so huge that you CANNOT strategize them, plan them, or create them. We believe taking the time to prepare yourself and develop your process allows you to attract greater and be ready to show up as your authentic best when it does.

Better to be prepared without an opportunity, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.

What’s funny is, this same time 3 years ago, I was invited to an intimate lunch with Ms. Winfrey and other OWN ambassadors in LA.  Exactly 3years ago, exact same time.  Could I try and manipulate the imagery and words to portray the power of our brand to “create” this magic? Sure. We see people do it every day. They post pictures to “portray” relationships and opportunities without the true context of the image. It’s sad, but it’s true. But our philosophy, is don’t build a mansion on the sand.

 That opportunity in itself was again, bigger than my planning, strategizing, and even bigger than “connections” and relationships. It was God. It was the law of attraction through obedience. Why? When God instructed me to pause. I did. When he told me to let go, I did. Kicking and screaming, but I did. A few weeks later, Ms. Winfrey followed me on Twitter. It took me a few weeks to actually correspond with her, but I did and two month later, we met face-to-face for the first time with the group in LA.


I never spoke a lot about that story publically because it was as fragile as a newborn baby at that time, and many would have tried to use it in a number of ways, for me it was sacred. It was bigger than the people involved. God knows who to use to get our attention, and in my case he used Oprah. Be still TDR. Let Go. Heal. Let it wash away. Trust that greater is coming. All can be replaced. I still get flashes of the butterflies in my stomach. The anxiety, the fear, the pain, and the confusion.

It was confusing to be doing something I love and be so full in my spirit but still empty and exhausted at the same time. Lawd! I recall staring out of the window in DC thinking, “Why God? How is this mixture of emotions even possible?”

I was flying on a broken wing. Period. I had soared to great heights, but there were a few things that needed and deserved healing, so I would not continue to lead other women into exhaustion, chasing dreams, and basing their results and expectations on mine because each person, each woman has a unique mix of gifts and a special background that has equipped her to succeed and serve in her lane and in HER WAY!

Did I believe that then? Somewhat. But honestly, I thought that if I gave someone the Blueprint, that if they followed it, they would succeed. Guess what? Some did. Some exceeded expectations and some allowed distractions, pain, and life to derail that plan. That’s why it’s important for me to work with women who are honest with where they truly are. Over the last three years, I took time to work with women to understand what is needed at each phase. Not everyone needs an online course, while that is best for those seeking fundamentals or tangible information. Some people need accountability, honesty, and a guide. They are sharp as a whip, experienced, and simply transitioning with life, overcoming fear, and ready to expand or take the leap.

We have created 3 solid programs to serve our community of women.

START SMART:  Perfect for startups who need a full perspective on the entrepreneurial space, what pitfalls to avoid, and how to set yourself up to grow and measure your results along the way. Request Details Below.

TRAILBLAZER PROGRAM: Personal Development and Transformation Program that takes women who are in a fragile or vulnerable space or crossroads and serves as a bridge to your next chapter. Confidence, clarity, and a stronger voice to embrace your new life, new chapter, as a new you emerges. Request Details Below.

PAUSE.PLAN.PROFIT: A premium and intimate experience with TDR and a circle of industry experts to work with leaders and experienced entrepreneurs for 3 days face-to-face on branding, platform creation, authentic attraction, passive revenue, and accountability. TDR and team hosts this in Atlanta and will travel to clients who prefer a local one-on-one experience. Request Details Below.




For 2016 TDR is opening enrollment for 4 servant leaders who are READY TO EXECUTE. This is a premium one-on-one opportunity for those who understand the importance in investing in knowledge, time, access, and accountability with someone who DOES care and IS tied to your results and your success. Applicants will have a direct call with TDR to ensure it is a good fit for both parties. This is a 6-12 month commitment with TDR.  If we don’t feel it’s the right fit or the right time in your stage of development, we will suggest a different service that may be a better fit. This group will also have 4 face-to-face trainings with TDR and experts throughout 2016.


Thanks for taking the time to read, support, and consider locking arms with me and the mission of TDR BRANDS INTERNATIONAL.


We don’t take it lightly. We are embracing a ‘NEWVIEW’ for 2016 and beyond and we hope you will be with us.