Join TDR and Friends for a Free 2-day online course that will unite, educate, and celebrate; servant leaders, entrepreneurs, and people committed to intentional leadership. We feel that the industry has done a great job at fueling entrepreneurship, leadership, and success; but we've found that there are very few tools in place to serve the servant. As a leader, entrepreneur, or servant, it is important to understand the power of your intent and to know how to assess your overall reality, not just your professional one. A leader who expands their view beyond the results of their gifted efforts and truly embraces their world and state of being as a whole will increase their impact, influence, and state of living dramatically.
This free course will reveal:
The Importance of Assessing Avoidance Tactics
The Importance of Protecting Your Mind
The Importance of Gaining Clarity & Removing Distractions
The Importance of Intentionally Breaking Bad Habits & Patterns
The Importance of Pricing & Positioning
The Importance of Intentional Mindset & Intentional Living