Well Hello!

Thanks for opening this email.  I’m so glad you did.  I decided to stop everything I had planned today on my “perfect” to do list and I decided to sit down and write a personal oath to MYSELF.  I am not sure who else is reading this while feeling like they are ready to perform at their highest calling and are tired of waiting for the stars to freaking align.  THAT’S THE THING!  When you realize that you must stop waiting and DECIDE what you want then the magic does happen!

EXACTLY 6 years ago TODAY, this minute, I was sitting in my cubicle at my corporate office.  My son was 3 and Kylie was 11 weeks old.  I would be officially laid off in 9 days.  My company was downsizing and had offered to relocate me and my family but that was not an option for us.  I knew deep down inside that I was ready for something different, something within that I could not put my finger on.  I wanted to give Myself, my life, my gift a chance!

Have you ever felt that way??  I know it’s not just me.  The crazy thing is, you look around and then the fear really sets in because you are like, oh crap, so who else is REALLY doing what they were BORN to do??  Where are those people???  There were a few here and there, but I wasn’t talking about within my corporate environment, I was talking about entrepreneurs who loved CREATING and Trying, and Serving, and Selling, and Winning and even Failing but LIVING LIFE without the Box or the Ceiling or the Ladder so to speak.  That is me.  And if that’s you, I would love to share more of my story with you.  If you have followed me for a while then you have a glimpse of my journey, but there is more I want to share.

I am not known to be FEARFUL and I am really not afraid of much.  I do believe that we are all afraid of something though.  I feel that it shows up in different ways and until we admit it, stop suppressing it or masking it; it will continue to fester, to hold us back, and to limit us.

Before I wrote my book, I remember reading and sharing inspirational quotes to help others while feeling like I wish I could fly again.  I felt like I had been flying with a broken wing so to speak.  Well, I am flying again damn it and I want to share what I have learned with you!  I want more leaders and servants.  And women of power and influence to blaze more trails.  In order to do so, you must be willing to STRIP!  YES, STRIP!  I said it!!!  Layer by layer.  It is a life process, a life journey and I have signed up.