Meet Camille Allen

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams. 

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career?

CA:  I'm a serial turned lifestyle entrepreneur who got clear after multiple entrepreneurship ventures and years of corporate or professional experience in cosmetology, bartending, retail management, event planning, copywriting, marketing, design, and adult education in entrepreneurship, sales and service instruction/training. I'm currently a commercial real estate broker and business strategist, specializing in retail and client retention.

TDR:  Please tell us about your children.

CA:  Sumaiya Ilene a.k.a. "Showtime" (13) is an honor student, cheerleader, born entertainer, social butterfly, mediator and kidpreneur; Gabriel Malachi b.k.a. "G" (11) is a soccer loving, soccer player and artist (clay sculpting and acrylic painting on canvas) and mostly paints and creates things that are soccer related. As an aside, he's a Bruce Lee, Run DMC and Michael Jackson aficionado; Akilah Audrey, a.k.a. "Triple A" (20 months) is bright, bubbly, super independent and a major music lover.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

CA:  I don't even try to juggle (or dance seriously) because I'm not that coordinated. I have a deliberate schedule with specific work hours and one rule. My one rule is that if my family is disrupted, my passion is put on pause (short or long) until the family is back in tact.

TDR:  What are some of you struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

CA:  Sometimes I struggle when things aren't moving fast enough for me - from business partners to my internet connection to my children. I often, very often have to practice patience. I do that through daily meditation, breathing and physical activity. Occasionally an impromptu day off, is necessary and works well for my sanity.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

CA:  My husband is my biggest champion. He motivates me daily. It doesn't happen much, but if I show any signs of doubt, he squashes it. I also use lots of visuals to keep motivation in front of me. I have motivational quotes all over the house, including on every mirror and I have multiple vision boards posted around the house.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

CA:  When I pause, I like to jump into my DYI projects. Right now I'm working on a bath remodel. I love being covered in saw dust and paint.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

CA:  In the span of one year, I gained a daughter and lost a mom. I spent Christmas 2013 in the NICU with my newborn who was having seizures. Then, I spent Christmas 2014 in Hospice with my mom who lost her life after suffering a heart attack 6 days after Akilah's first birthday. A pause was absolutely necessary during this time, but I utilized that time to get clear. This year, I took on some fresh new challenges and am excited about the future. My entire life, my mom always said, "Preparation is never lost time." The older I get, the more sense all of my mom's mantras make to me. I've even developed quite the library of my own quotes that my children hear constantly.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

CA:  Overall, I would say that impossible is an opinion, not a fact.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

CA:  It's hard to choose one, but I'm pretty sure my children will remember me as a visionary, peacemaking, love-leading, no b-s taking, rebel, because that's exactly who I am, I see it in my children and I'm proud of that.

TDR:  How do you support mothers and other women today?

CA:  I speak to groups of women going through the employment training and leadership programs at three local non-profits. I personally mentor two fantastic young mothers who are really working to change their lives. Additionally, I target women for my leadership and service training courses.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

CA:  I'm particularly interested in helping young mothers (ages 25-29) who feel trapped between that socioeconomic space between making too much for government assistance, but still barely making ends meet and not sure how they can even think about owning a business or changing the world. I'm happy to connect with any woman that has experience with this demographic, is this demo or once was this demo.


Connect with Camille:

Twitter - @reallifecamille

Instagram - @camilleunlimited