Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
I normally avoid sending emails on Mondays, but for some reason, I felt led to send this one. I have been reflecting a lot lately over how some seasons in our life or bridges we must cross, seem to be endless, heavy, and filled with drudgery. Then there are those seasons in which everything seems to be coming together. It makes me think of the saying, just when you think things are falling apart they could be falling in place. It's funny how when life begins to change we try to hold on to our comfortable place. We don't want our routine to change, we immediately starting thinking of all the things that will be different, how our schedules will change, how our budget will change and ultimately most of it is in our mind.
The reason I have been speaking so much about 'Intentional Leadership, Intentional Living', is because I realized that what we do today is truly our choice. However, how many of us have a "Monday Routine"? What if you took an additional 5 minutes to say, what is one thing I could do differently today? What is one thing bold, or courageous I could do to make myself proud of ME today. As a servant, I realized that many of us can use it as a distraction as well. It sounds good to help others. It feels good to know you are making a difference, but are you doing it from a healthy, conscious place with boundaries? It's just a question. Maybe you are. I would love to hear your thoughts about it. I have personally struggled with enforcing boundaries in certain areas of my life and I see the huge benefits, we receive when we face the things we want to avoid.
I hope you have a great week. Do something different and see what just might open up in your world. Let me know about it in our comments section below. I'll be on the look out!
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With Gratitude -