Good morning everyone :) I woke up with the most amazing feeling today. Each of us have so many things to be thankful for each moment of the day but there are times in our journey that simply bring us to our knees in complete despair and other moments that feel like nothing could be more perfect. Well over the course of my own personal journey and surrender to PAUSE and get to know MYSELF, I learned so many things. Some of them were not worth bragging about, in fact they were quite selfish. Other things I realized about myself made me wonder why I would dim my own light to appease family, strangers, or friends who may possibly have insecurities of their own. I realized that taking the time to pause and listen allowed me to find my own greatness and honor it. It was very hard at times, however there is nothing greater than discovering and accepting the truth. This gives you your power back.
Easy to say the truth will set you free, but so many people are afraid to look in the mirror and ask, What lie have I told myself because I am afraid of the level of accountability that comes with the truth? A lot of accountability comes with that. I realized that after doing the *heart* work, the rebuilding of the mission work and stuff that seemed so hard at first has been much more fulfilling. I have learned to attract greatness and flow instead of forcing and trying to work with people who are in a different mental place or energy than may be a fit for my vision. I have learned that the beauty I possess is not diminished by flaws or standards but somehow we are taught that we must focus on FIXING and measuring up instead of self love. Are we taught this by people who are also insecure perhaps? Well, I am so grateful to see the picture for what it is. The beautiful, the lessons, and why we must learn how to process pain rather than be overcome by it. That is how you build the muscle for the next level where you are headed. Learn how to process and grow from what hurt, what worked, and what made your heart skip a beat. Those moments all add to our essence, our zeal, our wisdom. When its all over, at least we can say we enjoyed the ride.
Today I am so excited and honored to see the manifestation of attracting vs forcing. Ms. Oprah Winfrey, whom you already know I have so much respect and gratitude for, has agreed to join us for a tweet chat about mediation and I know for a FACT that this would not be a topic I would have even approached her about before my pause. It is a manifestation of removing the fear and aligning your words and actions with the desires of your heart. You may get a no and rejection may hurt, but you could also get a YES . Put yourself out there! You can do this! I hope you will join us today at 1PM on Twitter at the #energyofattraction .
As I sat in the reality of meditation on all of this early this morning, I also became overwhelmed with the amount of people who have helped make the vision a special reality and Ms. Kaira Akita truly poured her heart into my website and vision. There are so many people I will thank of the next several days but for now, I have learned to just enjoy the moment. They pass us by much too soon, only to become a memory. Why do we rob ourselves of the years and tears it takes to reach such a special moment simply to treat it as just another day. Well, I've decided not to do that.
I am headed to a worship service today, not because it makes me a better person because true spirit and worship is in the heart. I now realize that our light is not something we seek it is something we share from within. God has shown much grace over my life and for that I am grateful and I hope to stay in the flow. Afterwards I plan to enjoy a brisk walk with JAX in this chilly weather and instead of being all antsy and anxious and stressed about not messing up on my chat today with the group and Ms. Winfrey, I now stand in the power of my truth and I know that I AM enough and I am going to simply have a good time and enjoy the love and transformation as it is reciprocated. Fun is now a huge part of my special moments and I can't wait for more! We are love and we will never realize how much people love us until we can look in the mirror and ask how much we really love ourselves. Happy tears.
love T