LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Leslie Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Leslie Briscoe Andrews

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?  Also, share one or two resources you recommend which are available to help people right now.

My mantra is to always do all things in love and I think that is even more necessary now.  People are frightened, panicked and have heightened levels of anxiety mostly because there are so many unknowns and we are forced to distance ourselves from others.  We are all creatures of community and need the connectedness to operate and thrive. It is like air to us. I don't think people realized how much they relied on community until they were forced to pull back from it.  It is important for us to listen to each other right now - listen so you can hear what the needs are.  Some just need to know it's going to be ok, while others are petrified of even stepping outside of their home.  Show up for them however they need it.  My mom is 74 and lives alone.  Up until this past Saturday she was feeling ok about things, getting out each day for a daily walk. But something changed for her Saturday morning - she woke up with a fear in her heart.  We talked for over an hour and she said she felt better and refused to let me come visit. The more I thought about it I "heard" her saying in our convo that she was worried about her babies - yes we are 51, 41 and 39 but still her babies.  So I scheduled a zoom call with all of us for the next day.  Now getting her set up on it was a challenge but the smile on her face and the peace she felt afterwards was worth it.  Figure out what people need.  It can be a phone call, picking up groceries for them, a text, a surprise delivery of balloons or flowers, anything.  Just listen to and respond to their hearts. Lastly, I believe God is speaking to us - not only has he said be still but He'has said sit down AND be still.  We should take this time to reflect on our lives and understand that this message is universal.  It's not just the United States affected but the entire world.  It's global and so is our connection.  We are more alike than we are different.  We must begin to look at and engage with one another through a lens of love.

Resource suggestions:

  1.  My newly released book - "Joy-Yes" - A Journey of Love, Faith & Gratitude

  2. Devotions, Advice & Renewal For When Motherhood Feels Too Hard: Daily by Kelly Crawford

What is your personal mission in life?

To spread the love and light of God and show others how to find the joy in their journey.  Find your joy in spite of your circumstance.

What is one of your biggest challenges that you have overcome?

The biggest challenge I have overcome is finding the strength to leave an abusive marriage while raising my toddler and facing a company merger/job loss.

What is one action you used to overcome your challenge?

One action which helped me overcome was my faith.

What is your definition of leadership?

I believe in leading from the heart.  The best leaders understand that leadership is not about them, but those they serve.  It's not about showcasing your own actions but lifting the actions of others up.  People first. 

What advice would you give to someone who was ashamed to tell their story?

I struggled with sharing my story initially because of my addiction to perfectionism.  It felt like failure to me, but I soon realized that sharing my story not only healed my heart, but it helped others identify their wounds and start the path to healing.  We are all a part of each other's journey.  The sooner we recognize the connection the better.

People can reach me at: - email - website - facebook

   @leslierenee12 - instagram


Leslie Briscoe Andrews Bio

Leslie Renee Briscoe-Andrews is a wife, mother, retail executive, mentor and founder of “joy-yes” – a journey to living a life of wellness and joy! A heart-led leader, her motto has always been to walk in excellence even when those around you choose mediocrity. She is full of energy and passionate about those she loves.  For her it is the people that matter.  She believes that her body is indeed her temple and is an avid proponent of a healthy lifestyle and fitness! Health is wealth!

While professional success has been gratifying, she believes she has no greater or more rewarding role than that of mother to her beautiful daughter, Gabrielle Renee. “I am because she is and being her mother is my number one priority.” 

Currently a Senior Buyer for Carters Inc., Leslie has over 25 years of expertise in the retail management industry. She has worked for retail industry leaders including Macy’s, Dicks Sporting Goods and American Eagle Outfitters holding management positions in Buying, Financial Planning and Store management. She has also worked as a consultant for Aptos and other Retail Software companies.

Community is a priority. She currently serves and works with Jack and Jill of American, North Suburban Atlanta Chapter, as Program Director and The Roswell Women’s Club as a part of the Education Committee supporting and funding college scholarships for local high school seniors.

There are 2 values she holds dear – authenticity and faith. She believes that we are all perfectly imperfect and embracing our experiences both good and bad shape who we are. Living your life as your most authentic self, without apology, is the most empowering and freeing feeling ever. 

Lastly her faith is the essence of who she is. It has sustained her through life's experiences and is fundamental to who she is and the way she approaches life. Her mantra is that every day is a gift and acknowledging that and applying it to how you live can be life changing! She believes that with God all things are possible, that miracles happen every day, dreams do come true and that attitude is a choice.  Choose to be positive, choose to be happy, choose joy! If she shares nothing else she wants others to know that the light of God lives within her!

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Executive Coordinator