
Accountability is a multi-faceted leadership principle, self-accountability, and employee accountability. As a leader in the corporate space, traditional accountability measures are available from formal to informal ways for leaders to evaluate, monitor, and assert the people they lead. Over the years of leading remote and onsite teams, I quickly learned that accountability had to start with and end with me. My education journey was an act of ultimate accountability. My parents forever ingrained the importance of education in my mind; I can hear the echoes of their voices; education is forever. No one can take that from you. I genuinely enjoy learning and consider myself to be a lifelong learner. Successfully earned BA and MBA, holding myself accountable to attain the level of education that I envision for my children. Another business practice is the level of engagement. As a leader, it is my responsibility to be present and engaged with my teams. Face-to-face interaction is preferred. However, remote check-ins have been just as effective. 


  • Take personal accountability for professional growth

  • Self-awareness, courage to understand individual strengths and weaknesses.

  • Humility to engage other resources, willingness to learn new skills.

Promoting employee accountability

  • Clearly define expectations

  • Define what good looks like

  • Timely actionable feedback

  • Reward for success

  • treat mistakes as an opportunity

Approaching accountability in this manner has yielded a culture where people are empowered and accountable. I've led many remarkable leaders who celebrate success but reward people who dare to admit failures.