Are you selling a DREAM and your blessings to people who haven't built the muscle to carry them?
As a consultant and speaker, this was hands down my number one least favorite and most discouraging part of the journey. I cared more about the end result for my clients than the transaction or recurring revenue.
My intent and investment of time and energy was tied to their results.
I began asking other coaches, consultants, and leaders if they struggled with this.
Each and every one said, as long as you provide good information, it's up to the client to produce the result.
Being the numbers person that I am, the conversions were still extremely low after digging into each conversation with each expert.
I came to the conclusion that if the expert was solid to begin with and was a trustworthy coach who provided the entire blueprint including the what, the how, the pitfalls, the expenses, the support needed, etc...and an extremely high percentage of clients were still not hitting the goal, only a handful of success stories here and there, then it must be something wrong.
Was it that information needed to be niche out enough to measure the deliverables?
Were we leaving out the fact that each person has a unique set of skills, I communication sales planning which ultimately have a direct impact?
If these things aren't factored in, we still leave people somewhat forced to figure it out on their own.
I think as leaders it's our responsibility to include all the factors, not just the ones that support the dream or the transaction. If it's hard and you could barely figure it out, then say that. When a client invests in information, they should be provided a complete process or guide which is sold off the merit and integrity of the solutions and potential pitfalls, not a dream lifestyle. So many legends in the industry have resorted to teaching new leaders how to sell programs but not how to truly change communities. I believe it begins in the mind and your journey will prepare you.
With the focus on the deliverables of the program, the clients are investing in the learning, doing the work, and committing to a process; not the emotional and psychological high of a new life or fear of staying stuck in an old one.
Fear based decisions provide temporary solutions which lead to a low rate of people who actually have the power and muscle to make it to the finish line.
- Tierra Destiny