Thoughts From TDR


I am amazed at how POWERFUL our Pause & Propel event was with so many new faces who didn't know each other in such a short amount of time! Some of the women were a bit reserved and conservative at first, but by the end it seemed as if we had all spread our wings and realized we were more alike than different! To see the transparency and transformations take place were priceless. I shared personal challenges and things that I had experienced since my last conference in DC and some of the ladies who have watched the brand on social media were in complete shock! There were so many golden jewels passed along and the inter-generational wisdom and exchange of love and compassion was refreshing.

In honor of the lessons I took away from our journey to Africa, we each passed around a glass diamond as we shared our personal revelations and declarations.

I am sitting here wondering how in the world I am suppose to fully process all that I am learning from each of you. Africa will take forever to fully process but then Saturday seemed like an unexpected garden of rich wisdom.

I am still figuring out the process and being in the moment when so many experiences are coming so fast.

You all are changing my life and I learn from each encounter.

Having the munchkins there was an answered prayer and it was so sweet to see Kylie take in the sisterhood.

Bryson preferred chilling in the lounge at the buffet and site seeing afterwards... He was a good sport but I think he will pass on the next event. He would rather go play or bring his ipad.

I am forever grateful for each of you and I have said it since my first event in 2012. There is just something so special about DC I think we may end up doing something else here, just not sure what.

Belinda Johnson, Lisa Matthews, and Monica Byrd it would not have been a rich, powerful, and heart-awakening experience without your support and effort. Thank you for having the courage to help me with this vision.



Yes! A moment is just as powerful as a plan...a life is birthed in a moment and a life can be taken in a moment. You need both in order to understand the power of embracing significant moments of unity that are desperately needed, and the sustainability of a plan that takes consistent time and effort. Don't minimize one for the other, because they work together for those willing to see the entire scope of change.

People must feel and see hope sometimes once it has been stripped away. Who are we to minimize restoring hope so that people can muster up the desire to keep showing up at the polls, keep feeling like their money matters, keep holding their local education and police system accountable? Do you know how many people have gone numb?

 People who do NOT need you to tell them to do these things went numb this week so don't assume that we think a rally creates change... It sparks it... IT REVITALIZES IT! Don't minimize efforts and feed into divisive mindsets and conversations. BE THE CHANGE... 

For those who are parents, we know when our children are growing weary and we need them to push through towards the end of a project or test..right? Sometimes we have to remind them, show them, inspire them... That's what this did for me and 10,000 others. I have so much love for those who shared and came out! If my life can be used to change lives, yesterday definitely has revitalized my determination. I stand as one...but I come as 10,000. I can't stop reading the text messages that we had just 48 hours ago trying to pull this together. IT'S POSSIBLE! I LOVE YOU



It's Good To Cry!

It’s good to cry!

It’s amazing how emotional this time of the year can be. At a time of great joy, memories, and festivities; also comes grief, financial burden, and reality. The reality of what is here and what isn’t. The reality of who is here and who is not. It can sting and it can burn. Some pain runs so deep, that no tree, no egg nog, no 10 pound plate of turkey, dressing, ham or cake can replace. Some wounds and voids are complete holes in our hearts. If this is you, just know that you will get through this. I don’t know what it’s like to live with a hole in my heart but I’ve gotten pretty close to experiencing what death of a loved one close to you will feel like with divorce. I know it’s still different because we are both still living and co-parenting. Heck, we were together last night at spirit night. But the death of what “was supposed to be” is the emotional twist that adds a new dynamic to this holiday for me.

I just finished writing the most gut-wrenching chapter of one of my upcoming books. It took everything in me to write it, but I can’t explain the power of getting it out has just revealed to me.  Behind every tear was toxins leaving my body. Each tear reflected a bit more self-forgiveness, a bit more self-respect, and a bit more compassion for what was.

It’s ok to cry. Crying is a cleanser, a detox, a release, and a nurturer. As bad as the pain feels, the clarity that comes after a good cry could be just the thing you need for your next chapter, New Year, and New View.

- Tierra Destiny

Are you selling a DREAM and your blessings to people who haven't built the muscle to carry them?

Are you selling a DREAM and your blessings to people who haven't built the muscle to carry them?

As a consultant and speaker, this was hands down my number one least favorite and most discouraging part of the journey. I cared more about the end result for my clients than the transaction or recurring revenue.
My intent and investment of time and energy was tied to their results.
I began asking other coaches, consultants, and leaders if they struggled with this.
Each and every one said, as long as you provide good information, it's up to the client to produce the result.
Being the numbers person that I am, the conversions were still extremely low after digging into each conversation with each expert.
I came to the conclusion that if the expert was solid to begin with and was a trustworthy coach who provided the entire blueprint including the what, the how, the pitfalls, the expenses, the support needed, etc...and an extremely high percentage of clients were still not hitting the goal, only a handful of success stories here and there, then it must be something wrong.

Was it that information needed to be niche out enough to measure the deliverables?

Were we leaving out the fact that each person has a unique set of skills, I communication sales planning which ultimately have a direct impact?

If these things aren't factored in, we still leave people somewhat forced to figure it out on their own. 
I think as leaders it's our responsibility to include all the factors, not just the ones that support the dream or the transaction.  If it's hard and you could barely figure it out, then say that.  When a client invests in information, they should be provided a complete process or guide which is sold off the merit and integrity of the solutions and potential pitfalls, not a dream lifestyle.  So many legends in the industry have resorted to teaching new leaders how to sell programs but not how to truly change communities.  I believe it begins in the mind and your journey will prepare you. 

With the focus on the deliverables of the program, the clients are investing in the learning, doing the work, and committing to a process; not the emotional and psychological high of a new life or fear of staying stuck in an old one.

Fear based decisions provide temporary solutions which lead to a low rate of people who actually have the power and muscle to make it to the finish line.

- Tierra Destiny

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday! 

Are you over reading? Crazy question, right?  I know, but I was curious.  I think that sometimes we can get so addicted to learning and taking in information that we stunt our own momentum.  There are countless "voices" on the internet.  These "voices"  are human beings just like you. We each have unique experiences, which is what's so awesome because we each grow from each other through sharing our voice.  

However, beware of always seeking the voice of others more than you do your own.  This is what I realized while writing, "The Power of Peace in a Pause.  Life can become so routine that we rarely choose to stop reading, listening, and doing what everyone else suggests; in order to know for a fact, that we are where we want to be and doing what we want to be doing.

- Tierra Destiny

Be The Change You Wish To See In The World


"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Ghandi

We've all heard this quote before, but what does it mean?  Does it mean if we witness something or someone operating at a fraction of their potential, we turn a blind eye to it, allow it to happen, and just become great on our own? Or do we rise, become the example, and inspire those around us to do the same?

As an entrepreneur, I've seen a lot.  At the end of the day I see people who are more alike than different.  We all have goals, dreams, families, failures, successes, hurts, joys, and ultimately want to become the person we feel we were created to be.

How does this happen?  With time, experience, honesty, and truth. Honesty is the display of truth. Truth is black and white.  As leaders, we have a responsibility to always do a self-check and admit where we could be better or where we are wrong.  After a couple years out of the entrepreneur "spotlight" or wheelhouse so to speak, I was able to see differently. 

How many people shift or transition from one job to another, only to become a slave to themselves and their team?  Believe it or not it felt this way for me even though I loved what I was doing.  Having a brick and mortar storefront, there are advantages and disadvantages.  One advantage, which I'm a huge fan of, is systems and products. You can generate revenue without being there. The downside is the responsibility of overhead, hours, and geographical restriction. 
In a nutshell, starting WITHOUT a huge nest egg, a mentor to say get this amount of help, no employees just interns, a new born, three year old and husband at home; life wasn't much prettier than my corporate first.  This is where the tricky part comes in and the entire reason for this message.

The intent of a decision drives the decision.
If the intent is freedom and flexibility for myself and family without a financial cap, then somehow the entrepreneurial path would not fully be worth it without the FREEDOM and financial payoff.
Stay with me. 
First, the freedom piece takes time!!  Again, you can't pay me or anyone else to give you time.  There's no way around it, as a startup. Those looking for immediate time and freedom become frustrated like I did and begin to seek other options or models for their company.  E-commerce and a digital model provide more freedom sooner, however it still takes time.
Secondly, it's a process. We each have a unique goal or dream. Someone who has made it to your desired destination can only give you the tools. You must apply them.  As leaders we are responsible for providing the right tools, at the right time, for the desired outcome.
What happens many times in sales is that people are no longer treated as such.  People are seen by many corporations as a transaction.  At the auto dealer where I worked, there was a script generated that included so many seed-planting emotional words and the motto 'Always Be Closing', that I wondered if we were running a doughnut circuit.
Don't get me wrong. Yes, in business we have transactions.  We sell products.  We sell services. But, I think it's time to SHIFT the approach. 
As an entrepreneur your story is sacred.  Use it to inspire.  Protect it.  Remain humble. If it's emotional, let it be, because that what it is to you.  Not because someone taught you to include the emotion at just the right time and when to flash your offer at just the right follow-up moment.  It's sad, but it's true. I sat in on corporate meetings with potential investors and even had conversations with leaders, coaches, and general managers who had no ill will, it's just the nature of what they have been taught.

My advice. Share your story.  Sell your products.
Don't sell your story, manipulate the messaging, or feel that you must always be closing.  Even as a strong sales negotiator, something always seemed a bit misaligned to me.   I realized what I had been taught was not the only way to secure contracts, clients, and opportunities.  I realized that being me, sharing who I am, sharing what I know, and what I don't know, works too.  Knowing that is more refreshing than the old school model.

It's time for a new view in business, entrepreneurship, and life.  Let's rise into an intentional way of leading and living that inspires the whole leader inside and out.  Sell solutions, not the dream. 

We've been taught there is always a "formula" to success. We feel that the formula is YOU.

- Tierra Destiny