Meet Power Mom Coleen Otero
Celebrity Hair and Makeup Artist, Branding Strategist, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, wife, and mom to 4 boys, Coleen Otero is the definition of doing it all with STYLE! Born in Jamaica, raised in Brooklyn, NY, and current resident of Orlando, FL for more than 15 years, Coleen Otero is a fashionista at heart. With over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, Coleen has dedicated her life to not only helping individuals to look beautiful on the outside, but feel beautiful on the inside. Whether working out of a luxury salon, on set, or speaking on stage Coleen Otero openly shares her lessons learned as a cosmetologists, mom, wife, and woman of God. Her life’s passion is to help women be all that God has created her to be! From monthly “Get it Girl” calls to seminars and workshops—and let’s not forget her fun and sassy product line— Coleen is on a mission to help women be beautiful and successful!
TDR: Please tell us about your children and include their ages.
Coleen: 4 boys…ages 4, 5, 7, and 16. The oldest is homeschooled and does dual enrollment for college credit along with football at our local high school. I also have a 17 year old step daughter; I call her my bonus child. They are all special and very energetic!
TDR: How are you balancing your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?
Coleen: TEAM WORK! Without community it is difficult to do even in a two parent home. I work behind my chair only 2-3 days a week because my primary purpose and focus is raising my children, paying attention to their needs, fears, concerns, and of course their strengths. The other days I am not behind the chair, I schedule virtual clients but I limit how many I take.
TDR: What are some of your challenges and how do you work to overcome them?
Coleen: Scheduling is a constant challenge. With the kids, school, other after school activities, work and travel; it is imperative to stick to a strict scheduling system. I use an online booking system to stay on task. Another challenge is healthy eating and cooking. I have had to get my oldest involved in this process. I do prefer to cook Monday through Friday, so we have to plan ahead and work as a family unit to have dinner ready when hubby gets home from work.
TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?
Coleen: The bible, and audible success books like ‘Millionaire Next Door’ and ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’.
TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?
Coleen: I put on spa music on Pandora and pray. I read my word as much as possible and it’s more like read a scripture and meditate on it and repeat it. On a natural side, I like pampering at least bi-weekly and weekend getaways on a quarterly basis. I also love watching the travel channel, House Hunters International, and home remodeling shows. LOL!
TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?
Coleen: The market crash hurt us deeply, we lost our homes and cars....BUT GOD! It strengthened our faith, our marriage, and our family unit. It showed us who was really for us, which was next to no one when the funds ran out. It taught us the importance of Proverbs 13:7 which states the wealthy pretends to be poor. It put a lot of things in perspective on how we are to treat ourselves, others and the resources He gives us. In it all it was the greatest lesson and it took years to recover.
TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?
Coleen: IT'S NOT AN OVERNIGHT PROCESS! You must be patient while working on your dream...the manifestation is what comes after the process. So seek wisdom on the process. What have others before you endured to get to where they are? What is required to maintain the dream you desire? Hunt people down for knowledge and wisdom NOT stuff! FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS. Find peace with your process and be anxious for nothing! Enjoy and Embrace the journey!
TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?
Coleen: FAITH IN GOD…He is real, He won't lie, He will see you to the end of thing, He will lead you, and He can handle your issues.
TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?
Coleen: Join my Get it Girl Facebook group and monthly call. Check out my site for products and services.
Connect with Coleen:
Facebook - Coleen Otero (FB),
Twitter & Periscope - YourBeautyXpert
Instagram - Beautyxpert Coleen