Power Mom

Meet Pamela Booker

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Meet Power Mom Pamela Booker

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Pamela: I served in the United States Army for 4 years as a computer specialist. I worked at the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon as a help desk tech for 1 year and I left after 9/11. I worked at the US Department of State for 5 years as a network specialist, receiving many awards. (BEST JOB EVER) I worked for the Department of Transportation, Department of Health and Human Services and my final job in the field of computer engineering was at the International Trade Commission as a GS employee. I started Koils by Nature in March of 2009, quit my job in November of 2009, and the rest is history in the making!

TDR: Please tell us about your children and include their ages.

Pamela: I have 2 babies that I gave birth to Deontae, 20 and Kendall, 8. I also have 3 bonus babies that came with my husband; Jabari who is 17, Ashante who is 16, and Naday who is 10. They ALL have very different personalities.....but they are amazing kids!

TDR: How are you balancing your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

Pamela: HA! Balance??? I don't know what that means! LOL!! I call it juggling…and with the beautiful family that I have they make it easy! Sometimes I have to throw some things in the air...and catch and work on the other things…but I make sure that I give love and attention to all…my husband, my kids and my passion…just not at the same time.

TDR: What are some of your challenges and how do you work to overcome them?

Pamela: TIME!!!! I wish an additional hour could be added to the day! (lol) I maximize the time that I have, but I wish I could have a little more of it.

TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

Pamela: My husband and my tribe! I am surround by an amazing group of women that keep me honest and keep me hungry for more!

TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?

Pamela: EXERCISING! Running is my love....fitness is what keeps me sane (lol)!

TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

Pamela: The scariest moment for me is letting go of some aspects of my business and allowing others to help me grow my business! I had to learn that in order to grow, I have to let go! I could not continue to do everything myself and I had to learn to trust people!

TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

Pamela: Dream BIG and move your feet! The time will never ever be perfect! Just move your feet!

TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

Pamela: Intentional. I want my kids to be INTENTIONAL about everything that they do!


TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?

Pamela: You can email me; pamela@koilsbynature.com


Connect with Pamela:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - KoilsbyNature

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Power Mom below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Power Mom below. We will check the comments box often. :) 

Meet Coleen Otero

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Meet Power Mom Coleen Otero

Celebrity Hair and Makeup Artist, Branding Strategist, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, wife, and mom to 4 boys, Coleen Otero is the definition of doing it all with STYLE! Born in Jamaica, raised in Brooklyn, NY, and current resident of Orlando, FL for more than 15 years, Coleen Otero is a fashionista at heart. With over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, Coleen has dedicated her life to not only helping individuals to look beautiful on the outside, but feel beautiful on the inside. Whether working out of a luxury salon, on set, or speaking on stage Coleen Otero openly shares her lessons learned as a cosmetologists, mom, wife, and woman of God. Her life’s passion is to help women be all that God has created her to be! From monthly “Get it Girl” calls to seminars and workshops—and let’s not forget her fun and sassy product line— Coleen is on a mission to help women be beautiful and successful!

TDR: Please tell us about your children and include their ages.

Coleen: 4 boys…ages 4, 5, 7, and 16. The oldest is homeschooled and does dual enrollment for college credit along with football at our local high school.  I also have a 17 year old step daughter; I call her my bonus child. They are all special and very energetic!

TDR: How are you balancing your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

Coleen: TEAM WORK! Without community it is difficult to do even in a two parent home. I work behind my chair only 2-3 days a week because my primary purpose and focus is raising my children, paying attention to their needs, fears, concerns, and of course their strengths. The other days I am not behind the chair, I schedule virtual clients but I limit how many I take.

TDR: What are some of your challenges and how do you work to overcome them?

Coleen: Scheduling is a constant challenge. With the kids, school, other after school activities, work and travel; it is imperative to stick to a strict scheduling system. I use an online booking system to stay on task. Another challenge is healthy eating and cooking. I have had to get my oldest involved in this process. I do prefer to cook Monday through Friday, so we have to plan ahead and work as a family unit to have dinner ready when hubby gets home from work.

TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

Coleen: The bible, and audible success books like ‘Millionaire Next Door’ and ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’.

TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?

Coleen: I put on spa music on Pandora and pray. I read my word as much as possible and it’s more like read a scripture and meditate on it and repeat it. On a natural side, I like pampering at least bi-weekly and weekend getaways on a quarterly basis. I also love watching the travel channel, House Hunters International, and home remodeling shows. LOL!

TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

Coleen: The market crash hurt us deeply, we lost our homes and cars....BUT GOD! It strengthened our faith, our marriage, and our family unit. It showed us who was really for us, which was next to no one when the funds ran out. It taught us the importance of Proverbs 13:7 which states the wealthy pretends to be poor. It put a lot of things in perspective on how we are to treat ourselves, others and the resources He gives us. In it all it was the greatest lesson and it took years to recover.

TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

Coleen: IT'S NOT AN OVERNIGHT PROCESS! You must be patient while working on your dream...the manifestation is what comes after the process. So seek wisdom on the process. What have others before you endured to get to where they are? What is required to maintain the dream you desire? Hunt people down for knowledge and wisdom NOT stuff! FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS. Find peace with your process and be anxious for nothing! Enjoy and Embrace the journey!

TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why? 

Coleen: FAITH IN GOD…He is real, He won't lie, He will see you to the end of thing, He will lead you, and He can handle your issues.

TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?

Coleen: Join my Get it Girl Facebook group and monthly call. Check out my site for products and services.


Connect with Coleen:

Facebook - Coleen Otero (FB),

Twitter & Periscope - YourBeautyXpert

Instagram - Beautyxpert Coleen


Meet Ranita Williams

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Meet Power Mom Ranita Williams

“There is no timeline in achieving your dream or passion. It is a pursuit, a chase, until the day you can say everything that I prayed, dreamed, desired, and wished for; I have achieved it and now it's time to share it unselfishly.”

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Ranita Williams:  My passion is working with people with developmental disabilities. My most recent job was the Medicaid Administrator for Montgomery County Maryland. I have been blessed to work jobs that I love, which is helping people. I have been working with people with disabilities for over 35 years. I am in the process of relocating to Atlanta, Georgia to begin a new chapter in my career. Although I have been in Management for 30 of my 35 year career, I am ready to be more of a hands on employee. I would like to get back to my roots and work in the group home settings and offer my expertise and knowledge to my co-workers. But most importantly I want to work directly with the individuals with disabilities living and working in the community.

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

RW:  I have two children ages 26 (girl) and 29 years old (boy). My children live together pursing their education. Both are graduates of Morgan State University in Maryland. Although I was married for 30 years, once my children became teenagers I felt like I was a single parent raising the children with little help. My children are very respectful, well-mannered and hard-working. On the other hand both are timid, vulnerable and easily persuaded. Therefore, I instilled in them that that there were only two leaders, God and themselves. Follow God and he will direct your paths. Follow your dreams as they are far better than following someone else’s dreams.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

RW:  To ensure I was being a good parent, I incorporated my passion into my lifestyle and raising my children. I always wanted to help people accomplish the best for themselves. What better way than to start at home. My children saw me working long hours, sometimes 2-3 jobs in pursuit of my passion. Years later after my children moved here from Maryland, I asked my son "how is it that you have a 3.6 grade point average now and when you were at Morgan State University, you barely had a 2.0 grade point average?"  He said, “It’s easy when you what you do is a passion then it's not considered work.”  I guess what I thought was hard work has always been my passion and now I see it in my children.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

RW:  As most single parents, finances are my greatest struggle and obstacle. Once I realized that I was in an emotionally abusive marriage, I decided to sacrifice everything and move my children here to Atlanta so that they could pursue their dreams. I stopped paying my bills and picked up additional jobs so I could support them.  It was truly a struggle with very little financial help from their father. I don't have any regrets. I knew that with any struggle it was temporary. As they say I had been in the "valley for a long time and getting out would be an upward battle.”  But at the end of the day I would come out of the battle at some point and have the victory. I am not quite victorious but have overcome some battles and the war is not over yet. But one day I know that without the shadow of a doubt I shall win and be victorious. I see light at the end of the tunnel.
TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

RW:  Attending church is my greatest resource. It keeps me motivated and grounded. I read scriptures of what Jesus went through and my issues seem so small compared to the Biblical characters in the Bible. I ask myself what is the worst that could happen and if it's that bad I don't have any control over it anyway.
My children are a resource for they remind me of how proud I am of them and not to brag I am proud of myself. I look and talk to my children to see how much they have matured and how much they have changed and improved. It is a wonderful thing to see and witness your offspring to do so well. My children motivate me. The encouraged me to leave my job and relocate to live with them.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

RW:  Reflection is my best pause. Quietly sitting in my car or apartment reflecting on the past, present, and what is about to come. They are all very positive. Even if it was something negative that occurred, in the end it has turned into something good. Quiet moments- no music, no television, and nature is my best pause.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

RW:  I am perhaps in my scariest moment now. I just resigned from my job in Montgomery County Maryland as a Senior Manager overseeing the Medicaid program. Good job, good salary, and a host of influential people who knew my work. I am relocating to Atlanta, Georgia with no job and I am moving in with my two children. After a bitter divorce, my credit is horrible and the likelihood of being able to get an apartment on my own is very slim. It’s scary but I am not afraid. I am not afraid because I am starting over. I cannot bring fear into the equation or else I will not succeed or triumph. I am making this move on pure faith and belief that God will work everything out. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. I thought leaving my husband of 30 years was a scary moment but I survived it and I will survive and conquer this new adventure in my life. I am beginning a new journey at 58 years old and I am looking forward to it with God's blessings.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

RW:  As the Nike cliché says "Just Do It.” Remove the words, "What if, But, Can't, Won't, and Fear.” Replace the words with "I can, So What, and Try again.” You must know your dreams. Not the dreams that someone else tells you. An example. "Girl you are a good cook, you should open up your own catering company.” You must ask the question. “Is fulfilling my dream is to cook or own my own business?” You can have both but each dream or passion comes with a sacrifice and you must be willing to stand the test of the sacrifices. You must take ownership and responsibility if the challenges are too great. This is your dream therefore you can't have any doubts.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

RW:  No dream or passion is worth pursuing without sacrifice. Sacrifice is not just going without buying new shoes or having extra money.  Sacrifice is the desire to give up and walk away from your comfort zone to pursue your dream and chase your passion. You must want it enough for eternity. There is no timeline in achieving your dream or passion. It is a pursuit, a chase, until the day you can say everything that I prayed, dreamed, desired, and wished for; I have achieved it and now it's time to share it unselfishly.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

RW:  Partnering with others through support groups and workshops. Networking is key and unselfish sharing of resources.

Connect with Ranita
Facebook - Ranita Monica Pulliam Williams

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Power Mom below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Power Mom below. We will check the comments box often. :) 

Meet Tanjuria Willis

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Meet Power Mom Tanjuria Willis

Leadership and entrepreneurship is quintessential for Chicago native Tanjuria Willis. A graduate of North Carolina A&T State University with a degree in electrical engineering, Anderson worked at the prestigious Westinghouse Electric Corporation as Plant Systems Engineer in the nuclear division. Mrs. Willis migrated to Atlanta, Georgia to work as an IT Engineer traveling nationally to consult companies. As her job shifted and she began to travel less, Tanjuria decided to fill the void by creating The Catering Consultants firm was renamed to TCC Consultants, Inc. (TCC) – a service-oriented business, which located qualified chefs and caterers for small and large companies. After observing her clients needed additional services, she developed and started CONNECT Magazine, a general market action information publication providing a platform for consumers to learn about events, services and the pulse of the city. The publication debuted in 2005 at a tradeshow with a distribution of 500 copies which she created in a friend's apartment, printed at Kinko’s (now FedEx Office), assembled and stapled herself. After the first anniversary, the budding quarterly publication grew distribution to over 100 locations in metropolitan Atlanta including the Airports plus subscribers in 2 states. Within 24 months, CONNECT’s distribution has expanded to an astounding 30,000 copies per quarter in over 200 locations with subscribers in 8 states. In 2010, with the advent of the economy bust in 2008, she made the difficult decision to stop publishing CONNECT. Tanjuria recognized how people reorganized their priorities specifically in the fashion bespoke arena while also witnessing how the clothing that you wear really does drive your emotions. A simple dress can enhance your feeling to conquer the world. Being a lover of fashion, Tanjuria patiently watched as the masses, including herself, determined they loved the quality of luxury brands but it was not a budget priority. In 2013, putting her plan in to action. eKlozet.com, an online clothing and apparel company specializing in authentic luxury designer consignment. Her mission is to utilize fashions as a tool to show consumers how clothing can contribute to their success through the "If you look good, you do good” model providing them with quality name brand merchandise at more than half off the retail cost. She wants to promote self-confidence one outfit at a time.

TDR: Please tell us about your children and include their ages.    

TW: I am the blessed mother of a beautiful 2 year old daughter named Greer. She amazes me every day and already has a great fashion sense. She loves to sing, dance and take pictures. Her favorite song is the ABC song which she likes to sing even before going to bed. I want her to be well rounded so at 6 months we started playing Mandarin Chinese and Spanish DVD's. She also has 30 minutes of Spanish every day.

TDR: How are you balancing your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

TW: I believe in what I am doing and stay focused on the end goal. Parenthood has definitely helped me be a better steward of my time. Because my daughter is at such a young and impressionable age, I try to make sure that when she returns home from school that I am focused on her and family time until she goes to bed. I don't want her to ever feel that my computer and work is more important than she so I try to account for that in my calendar. I schedule the times that I will work, write, email, etc. My schedule starts with my waking up to meditate and workout prior to Greer waking in the morning. Next she wakes, prepares and leaves for school, then I take a half hour to write after which I start my work day, meetings, etc. Over lunch I read and answer emails, then I finish the general work day. After I pick Greer up from school, my work ends until she goes to bed. Once she is in bed and after dinner, I work for another 1-2 hours, then I take an hour to wind down before going to bed. I feel really blessed to be a mom. I focused on my career for a long time and wasn't sure I was cut out to be a mom until she came into this world. Having my daughter put everything in perspective. She is one of the best accomplishments in my life. That doesn't mean that I give up on my dreams. It means I learn tactics to have both in my life. I continue to grow and that's how I balance. I would be remiss if I didn't say that I couldn't do all of these without the support of my loving husband. He shares the responsibility which gives me the ability to focus on my passion.



TDR: What are some of your challenges and how do you work to overcome them?

TW: One of the largest challenges that I've worked to overcome is keeping the faith. Not because I don't believe in what I'm doing but many of us come from great families who believe that you go to college, get a good job and stay there until you retire. That fact that I would be an engineer and stop doing that to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor was not understandable and viewed as a hobby and not truly supporting that passion. I continue to work to overcome the challenge by staying true to myself and my goals, by not letting someone else dictate my future and I continue to pray; not only for me but also for them. Along with the support from my husband, I continue to push forward.


TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

TW: When my daughter looks at me with those innocent eyes and tells me she loves me, I am instantly motivated to keep going. My husband is my rock and my biggest supporter. When I've had a challenging day, I can talk with him about it and he always offers perspective. The love that he gives makes me motivated to run the race.


TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?

TW: To unplug...no phone, no computer, just my family. To spend time with my family gives me great joy and allows me to focus my energy on something other than work. My other outlets are travel, work out and ride motorcycles, even though I stopped riding when I was expecting my daughter. I miss the peace that I used to feel being on the bike. I've been thinking about getting back on.


TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

TW: When I decided that I would no longer publish Connect magazine but only for a moment. It was a tough decision and I struggled many a night. The most difficult was seeing something that you had nurtured for years at the end of its life cycle. The emotions that I felt were not that of a business person but were very personal including failure and defeat. What I would realize, once I started eKlozet.com was although it was the end of the CONNECT journey, I was starting a new journey. I used all those mistakes made and lessons learned along the way turning the scary moment in to a moment of discovery.


TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

TW: Make the decision to stop wanting to do but to get out there and do it. Only you can stop yourself from going after your dreams. Identify the milestones that you have to reach in order to pursue your dreams and tackle them one at a time. Don't allow your fears to dictate your outcome!


TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

TW: Growth because if my child grows in her learning, her knowledge, her business and everything she does, she will have the ability to manage and enhance the businesses that I pass to her. Her wealth would continue to grow as well.


TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?

TW: There are several ways to support us. 1) Share eKlozet.com with your network 2) Shop with eKlozet.com 3) Consign with eKlozet.com. When you consign you are recycling your goods which supports a green environment. 4) Engage by sharing your thought on our blog posts and signing up for our newsletter.


Connect with Tanjuria: 


Twitter - @eklozet

Instagram - @eklozet

LinkedIn - Tanjuria Willis

Pinterest - eKlozet


Meet Stephanie Ardrey

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Meet Power Mom Stephanie Ardrey

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career.
Stephanie Ardrey: I am a real estate developer & launched my own firm in 2015; previously directed several multibillion dollar portfolios of commercial real estate development projects. I founded a business accelerator to fund early stage technology companies. I am also an adjunct professor teaching in the graduate and/or undergraduate programs at California State University, Los Angeles, The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, and University of California, Los Angeles. I make several guest appearances at alma mater, University of Southern California's Ross program on real estate. Recently, I received a Commendation from Mayor Garcetti, City of Los Angeles for organizing the first Startup Weekend in south Los Angeles aimed at introducing urban youth to technology, new venture creation and funding.

TDR: Please tell us about your children.
SA: Sterling Ardrey - 18 years old is an amazing young man! He has been a talented SAG-AFTRA actor since he was four-years old and has had guest starring and recurring roles on television, film, commercials and voice over projects. He is a freshman at St. John's University and pursuing studies in sports management with the goal of becoming an attorney/sports agent. He has volunteered for many causes, supported Stevie Wonder's House of Toys, Living Advantage Foster Youth and more with love, joy and grace.

TDR: How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?
SA: Prayer and focus on the vision. We’ve juggled so many life challenges while moving forward and in the end, the passion along with a clear purpose has contributed to how we continue to push forward. As a parent I made a point of always being present with my son and not having my work cause him to be needy. In practice when he was younger, I would pick him up from school and if I was on the phone he knew that once that call ended, which would be less than five minutes, that he would be the full attention until I put him to bed each night. We would discuss his day, or have to race to an audition and discuss the script en route, and then once home we enjoyed a sit down dinner with conversation. We didn't watch a lot of television, so we developed a great relationship built upon trust and communication. Once dinner was completed when he was younger, he would have a bath and get a full body massage and we'd read a book before he went to sleep. I would then return any late business calls or check emails before finally retiring myself. 
In the mornings, I would check in with my staff while getting him ready for school. We would walk to school and then I would come home and dress myself and head to my office. This allowed him to drive his toy car to school or skate, etc. as we walked in the morning. Again, our time before the rest of the business demands required my attention. 
Before my son left for college, he gave me a talk where he shared how much he feels I deserve love and that he has been loved completely, never harmed in any way and that I have been an amazing mom. He encouraged me that I have so much love to share and he felt that I too deserve to receive love.

TDR: What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?
SA: My mother passed at 48-years of age just prior to my becoming pregnant with my son. His father was diagnosed with cancer and his medical treatments were ongoing for the first four years of my son's life. All of this while I was in litigation dissolving my then $250M joint venture advertising agency. When I think back it has always been my faith and belief, to keep me motivated and encouraged to overcome. I feel as if God has wanted me to one day share my story and that for those reasons, I had to not just survive, but thrive irrespective of the challenges. I eventually married, which ended in divorce, and suffered the challenges associated with dissolving business interests and experienced financial setbacks as a result of the Great Recession and the dissolution of many of the organizations that I had either contracts with or ongoing projects. Again, it took a lot to be willing to watch everything I had built crash and burn, and still remain loving, positive and optimistic that "this too shall pass". My son has remained a positive spirit, and source of such encouragement. I'm often told by others how much he loves and respects me as not only his mom, but an entrepreneur.

TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?
SA: My faith in God and that my life has a purpose are the rudders guiding my actions.
I read a lot of books and listen to motivational messages. I am constantly seeking opportunities for new learning and evolution.

TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?
SA: I love sports and am a great football and basketball spectator. So catching a game, curling up with one of my books, taking a trek to the spa or a walk in the park are ways to pause and reflect. My favorite is sitting by the water - so grateful to have an office on the water - as this is a way that I energize my spirit.

TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?
SA: When my mom died suddenly I experienced a pain so deep that I didn't know how I would overcome that feeling of loss. She was really my best friend, biggest supporter, and confidante. In my immediate circles, I was considered "weird" for being so driven at an early age and to have built the joint venture at the time with $250M in capitalized billings, eight-offices, 400 employees - in advertising, where diversity did not exist, at 26-years old was a pretty significant accomplishment. It placed me in a very different space from many of my peers, therefore, I trusted all of my thoughts with my mom. 
I was so alone when she passed, and being both an only child and not having the immediate loving or emotional support of family members, this crossroad caused me to lean on God and I'm certain it's when he first started really carrying me - think of the poem, "Footprints." 
God blessed me with Sterling who was born on the night before the one-year anniversary of my mom's passing. My desire to be the best mom that I could be and to have a clear vision for the type of child I wanted to nurture became the focus of my next career decisions and really the guidepost to what was going to be next.

TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?
SA: Create a clear vision and take actions daily to execute the plans necessary to accomplish your goals. Remember, you don't eat an elephant in one bite! A clear vision of where you are headed is essential, as when life challenges take you off course, remember like the GPS in your car, it will recalculate, recalculate and still direct you to that destination. I consider my GPS (God's Purpose System) - aimed at getting me to the destination irrespective of the bumps in the road, harsh weather conditions or life challenges.

TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?
SA: It is my goal to leave a wealth legacy for great-great grand kids, built upon the idea that they each are blessed with talents which must be developed and delivered for humanity to advance. I have raised my son to believe that he has a significant gift and is charged with presenting his talents to make the world a better place.

TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?
SA: I'm leading an initiative "Women of means doing meaningful things" - aimed at helping women to monetize their mission by embracing their talents, use planned giving strategies, and creating legacy based ventures that can change the course of their family’s lives.

Connect with Stephanie:


 Instagram:  @iventlabs

Facebook: Stephanie.Ardrey

LinkedIn: Stephanie Ardrey

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Power Mom below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Power Mom below. We will check the comments box often. :) 


Meet Annelle Johnson Elder

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TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.


Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Annelle Johnson Elder:  I started out as a cashier for McDonalds as a teenager in Albany, New York. On to do nursing assistant work in nursing homes, while raising my two daughters.  I was also a medical secretary for nearly ten years and in school at the same time to become a Master Cosmetologist. I've had now thirteen contracts in all types of facilities. I am an advocate for seniors and those persons diagnosed with Alzheimer ’s disease. My husband and I have a small real estate company, we have had for fourteen years.  We do appraisals, home inspections, and mobile notary services.  I have recently written my first literary project entitled "Purple River".  This book was written to help others live well past their past, pains, and hurdles.

TDR:  Please tell us about your children.  

AJE:  Tierra Destiny; a wife, mother of two wonderful children, community engager, a giver, as well as being an entrepreneur.  She is the author of “The Power of Peace in a Pause.”  I am extremely proud of Tierra Destiny.  My youngest daughter, Tashbina Vaya Wahid, is a veteran jewlery sales associate at a high-end franchise.  Tashbina is a sweet person that enjoys helping others and she loves her family and friends. Tashbina mentors young ladies and she is the author of "The Fast Lane."


TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

AJE:  I no longer have to juggle, but back then I tried to do as much studying as I could while the children were in school or sleeping.  I never let go of my passion to help and connect with people. Parenthood was always #1, because the girls had no one but me to depend on.  My life and theirs was hard, but we made it out of difficult times and God walked us through all of the seasons that were ours. Once the girls got bigger, I dug in to do what I wanted to do in life and didn’t mind trying new things that were out of the norm for women.


TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

AJE:  Caring too much for others, I have to learn that I can do some things, but I cannot change and fix the world alone.  I am learning to listen more and better also. Life has a way of changing right in front of you and we may not see it happening.  I will continue to work on myself to get closer to God with every breath I take until the end of my journey.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

AJE:  Dreams and love for humanity.  I also love to listen to music as an outlet.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

AJE:  People watching, music, traveling, eating good food along with a nice margarita, and visiting thrift stores in different cities.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

AJE:  Being a young mother with the wrong man and leaving Albany, New York, by myself.


TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

AJE:  Ask God to direct your paths, set goals, and make good choices.  Never lose sight of your dreams and pursue them without fail. You can do it!!!

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

AJE:  Love and to love and help others.  This is what I hoped for and eventually I did get on many levels.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

AJE:  Join in and stay connected with the "Purple River" book movement and spread the word. My book is written to give back, inspire, motivate, and encourage! Please feel free to reach out with your ideas to help mankind live better with my message. Thank you!

Connect with Annelle:

LinkedIn -To Elder's Real Estate

Facebook - Ajonsonelder/purple




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TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Meet Power Mom Bess Blanco

If God gave you the dream, and you are scared - remember that He brought you to it, HE WILL bring you through it!

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Bess Blanco: I've done so many things over the years, this one is always so hard to do! Let's just say my FAVORITE job ever was managing a group home for a group of adult disabled people. I learned SO MUCH from them about finding joy, appreciating life and the true meaning of LOVE! I also learned serious people management skills which is serving me well these days! Another impactful "career" of mine was the decade I spent successfully maneuvering the direct sales world with Mary Kay. I LOVED the way I could determine my own success, and I grew to the top 2% of the company, working as a Senior Sales Director and growing others into directors, too! Drove the free car, wore the diamonds I earned, but mostly, just learned VALUABLE management, leadership and communication skills I now use in the company I've built from the ground up now.
These days, I am the CEO of my company, FRESH Start for Health, and I've never been more tired and stressed, but blissfully happy and fulfilled in a job! Leading a team of FRESH Start Coaches, we are a movement of health and hope, and we are changing lives and building legacy together as a team! LOVE working with this group of servant-heart givers and leaders!

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

BB:  Jovanni is 17, he's a senior in high school - he's quirky, strong, funny and loves to play classical guitar, lifeguard in summer and wears flip flops year round. Isabella is 14 and our responsible girl. Rule follower, high achiever, serious (sometimes too much!) she's the oldest sister and my biggest helper. Giana (GiGi) is 11, self-motivated, a nurturer, funny. She is currently my office buddy as she is doing 6th grade from home, digitally. AnaSophia (Sophi) is the "baby of the family" and in 2nd grade, almost 8. She's everybody's friend, smart as a whip and doesn't meet a stranger. She's *slightly* boy-crazy and has a keen sense of fashion - Sophi-style fashion that is!

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

BB:  Well, I don't always know how I am doing it! LOL And, truthfully, I am not always doing it well! But at the end of the day, I wouldn't change this crazy day-to-day we live in, and my kids tell me they wouldn't either. (and I know that because sometimes I threaten to be a working-outside-the-home mom, and they freak out on me! LOL) They love having me here and even on the rough ones, I do too.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

BB:  TIME. When to use it here, when to apply it there. Seems like EVERYONE needs a piece of me, hell, even I NEED A PIECE OF ME sometimes! LOL Seriously, there is NOT enough time in the day and I struggle with prioritizing it sometimes. The BEST way I have found to combat the issue of "not enough time" is to do everything in my day ON PURPOSE (ie: exercise, naps, cooking, writing, emails, family time, worship, etc.) EVERYTHING I do is on purpose and this helps me. Also, to PLAN. I plan nightly for the next day. I plan weekly for the coming week. I plan monthly for the goals to break down into weekly tasks...etc. Oh and I CANNOT forget to mention I have a POWERFUL team in my kids, hubby and "inner circle" of support. They are also planners and purposeful people, SO it makes the rest of all this work!

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

BB: TedX Talks - NEVER get tired of listening to these! Fuels my fire! 
Chats/communication with my "inner support team" (my "dream team" I call them!) – when I'm down, frustrated or losing focus, I call on one or more of them. Sometimes, it's just me and Jesus chatting away. Other times, it's a person. I need my peeps. I don't ever pretend I have done, or could do, this alone!



TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

BB:  After a long day? HOT as I can handle it epsom salt and lavendar oil baths! Ooooh, with a delicious glass of red moscato! YES! FAVE WAY. My "daily pause" is my 6 a.m. coffee and Jesus time on the back porch. Usually watching the early sunrise, or the buzzing hummingbird as it feasts on my trumpet vines and jasmine.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

BB:  When I lost my business partner late last year. I didn't think I would make it or keep going. I had leaned on her so much for 3 years (she's a BEAUTIFUL person full of skills and big belief in me and our vision!) I spent the first 6 months of this year healing from the loss and what felt like a business-divorce, realizing I COULD do this, learning all the hands-on stuff (mostly on my own) that I had not yet had to do, and praying through the next breath as I did!!!

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

BB:  If God gave you the dream, and you are scared - remember that He brought you to it, HE WILL bring you through it! Trust God, hold the hands of your very own personal dream team or inner circle, AND JUMP!!! You've got this!

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

BB:  That I NEVER GAVE UP. I want commitment to be my legacy. I mean, because of what I do, sure, I want them to be healthy and whole! I want them to pursue their God-given dreams! I want SO MUCH for them. But I want them to cling to their dreams and NEVER GIVE UP. It's a shaky, changing, scary world out there, but I want them to feel the fear and do it anyway!

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

BB:  Oh this is FUN! The mission at FRESH Start IS ALL ABOUT OTHERS! We are ALL about TEAM! There are several ways they can collaborate with us! There are precious peeps sharing our message through community groups where they present the FRESH Start message through using the workbook, and there are health coaches and community leaders sharing our message through their own businesses across the US! (We are in 15 states now!) Just check us out at www.freshstartforhealth.org and there is a tab called "Get Involved" there!


Connect with Bess:

Facbook - https://www.facebook.com/bess.blanco 

Instagram - @coach_bess

Periscope - @coachbess



TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Meet Power Mom Michele Santiago

There are many unknowns when deciding to pursue your purpose and the fear of the unknown paralyzes many and they never fulfill their God given purpose due to "what ifs". I say focus your "what ifs" on the possibilities.

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Michele Santiago:  I began my career in sales in 1989. Married in 1992 and became a stay at home mom until 1999. During those years, I became a licensed nail tech to earn money and began to volunteer at my children's schools, sit on various community boards, and volunteer for political campaigns. I went back into sales by becoming the first African-American woman in the Midwest region to sell luxury vehicles for a local dealer. From that position I returned to retail as a manager for a national men's suit store until the company closed half of their stores. I worked as an independent contractor utilizing my skill set to work for organizations contractually until returning to luxury retail management. I became a certified life coach in 2013 and began working for myself. My clients range from women who have experienced chronic homelessness to individuals and businesses who need image/wardrobe coaching. I am blessed to be able to marry my love for helping people with my custom clothing business and I don't feel like I work a day in my life. In 2012, I also partnered with my best friend to launch a reality show pitch company.

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

MS:  I have three children. My eldest son who is 28, works for an industrial company and has a passion for writing rap lyrics. My daughter, my middle child, is a new mom. She's 22 and a great mom. I am so proud that she is nursing her daughter just like I nursed her and her younger brother. I was too ill to nurse my oldest. The baby is 3 months old. She is pursuing her license to become a clinical esthetician and then back to college to study dermatology. My youngest is 19 and an aspiring producer, writer, and director. In kindergarten he said that he was going to move to L.A. and work for Pixar, he is pursuing that by attending film school and interning with a local organization that works with youth who desire to have careers in the film and television industry.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

MS:  It took a moment for me to learn how to organize my life. I would become overwhelmed because I didn't know how to manage my time efficiently. Through trial and error, I finally learned to manage my time. I schedule every aspect of my personal life, family life, and career. I made sure that I set time aside to pursue what I was passionate about daily because it gave me life. I was determined to make use of the gifts and talents God gave me and made it a priority and shared this priority with my family. As a tool, I use a calendar and EVERYTHING has to go on that calendar. Now that the children are all young adults, everyone has somewhere to be and I had to train them to write every interview, outing, and appointment on that calendar.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

MS:  My biggest struggle was being disorganized. This became a detriment to our livelihood. When you get tired of paying additional fees and higher percentages due to late payments you learn very quickly how to begin organizing your life to reflect the outcomes you desire.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated

MS:  My vision board is my most valuable resource. Goals from every area of my life are on there. I use post-its around my home to help me remain focused. One of my weaknesses is that I can become easily distracted. My post-its remind me to stay the course. The next step to this process is my accountability partner. It can be my husband, my best friend, or an individual who has accomplished something I desire to accomplish. They know my goal, action plan, and when I set to complete it. This works well for me because I hate having to tell someone I didn't complete something, lol.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

MS:  I love dancing and being in the company of great friends. I love the human connection and I value the relationships in my life. With modern technology we have moved so far away from quality time spent with friends and family so we make a conscious effort to plan time to spend with one another. Preferably on vacation!

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

MS:  My scariest moment was when my husband was 41 years old and he suffered a major stroke. It left him disabled and it forever changed all of our lives. It was the first time my faith was challenged and I had to become a caregiver to him, as well as his cheerleader, his source of strength, and courage for my children who were school age at the time.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

MS:  Do it afraid. There are many unknowns when deciding to pursue your purpose and the fear of the unknown paralyzes many and they never fulfill their God given purpose due to "what ifs". I say focus your "what ifs" on the possibilities. How will your life change? How will your family's lives change for the better? Connect with that feeling you're having at that exact moment and make a vision board with images that represent the outcomes that invoked that feeling of success and place it where it's visible all the time. Now create an action plan with deadlines to reach your goals.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

MS:  Generational Wealth. Sorry, I know that's two words, but this is what pushes me daily. I am now a grandmother (I prefer GiGi, lol) and all I can think about is that my husband and I didn't have anyone to gives us money or rich relatives. We struggled often because although we were hard workers we were financially illiterate. This will NOT be my children's or my children's children legacy.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

MS:  My personal mission is to be empowered to empower others. I love speaking to groups (especially people form disenfranchised areas) to let them know that as long as they have breath, there is hope. My personal goals is to empower moms to be advocates for their children and how to reinvent themselves. Others can collaborate and support my mission by liking and sharing my social media pages and by having me come speak about my journey.


Connect with Michele:

Facebook: askcoachmichele

Instagram: theshespokenmogul 

Twitter: @gladiatormoms

Facebook: chicksthatpitch

Meet Shyreeta Benbow

Meet Power Mom Shyreeta Benbow

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TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

“Our storms are our challenges. If you make it through the storm, you become several steps closer to succeeding.”

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Shyreeta Benbow:  I've been in the Healthcare field for 15 years as a medical biller and coder. I love what I do but I never saw it as a job to retire from. I've always been what they call a "hustler." I was a teen working for the railroad sophomore year of high school and purchased my first vehicle at 15 years old. I made money doing braids, watching kids, selling snowballs, selling candy door to door and so on. I co-owned Envision This Event Management Inc. for over 3 years. We planned and managed events and sold event props at wholesale prices. I volunteered for non-profit organizations, small businesses needing odds and ends done in order to familiarize myself with how a business should be ran, and I invested in small projects as well. In turn, I was asked to explore another business venture. This was a venture that I had already had experience with, importing products overseas. My friends, one of which owns a successful cosmetics line (packaged overseas) and the other that owned a popular boutique (clothes imported from overseas). Collectively, we share over 10 years of experience in importing goods from other countries. Our passions are to help people. Particularly, small businesses that were on the brink of closing due to high overhead expenses. We decided to do some research on the demand import/export agents, regulations/requirements, customs/duty rules, and certified freight forwarding. After doing so, we found that there was a lack of women and knowledge in this area and we were willing to accept the challenge of becoming the ones to do so. We saw that people needed our assistance importing item specifics at wholesale prices, starting or maintaining a business, product development, branding, packaging a product, and their shipping needs. In 2012, we formed our own company, iBrand Matchmaker Int'l Trade Co. At that time, we started travelling to different cities in China in order to experience the hands-on approach of quality assurance within a factory. We've done so, every year thereafter. In 2014, we decided to host China trips for individuals wanting to travel alongside us to experience the process hands-on. We were our own guinea pigs. By stepping out, we broke barriers that people wouldn't have the heart to do. By doing so, we have extended our business. We now have a 100% herbal stimulating hair oil named, ‘Oh My, Miracle! Hair Oil’, which is formulated by an Indian doctor, a unisex hat line named, ‘Crown Kandy Hats’, backed by celebrities like Nick Cannon, Coko Clemons, Twista, Do or Die, and Jennifer Hudson's husband, David Otunga; a scented nail polish kit for teens named, ‘Bella Colori’, mascots for a children's book, and a packaging for the make-up line, ‘SoShe Cosmetics’. I'm proud to say that this is our niche'. As an individual, I refuse to stop here. I'm aspiring to become a non-fiction author so that I can inspire and empower people. Again, my purpose is to help and not hurt people.

TDR:  Tell us about your children.  

SB: My son, Elijah is 14 years old. He's articulate, creative, outgoing, funny, and smart. He loves to sing, dance, draw, and stay at home and play video games. His favorite subject is English. My daughter, Amari is 1 month away from turning 16 years old. She is caring, loving, a bit shy, smart, helpful, assertive, and ambitious. She loves to travel, watch movies with her grandmother, cook, sing, dance with her brother, and rap. Her favorite subject is Math.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?    

SB:  I make everything work by planning ahead and communicating with my team. If my children are at practice for sports then I use that time to get on a conference call, send emails, track shipments, and to communicate via WeChat with my assistant. I'm employed currently but my office is 7 minutes from my job. I utilize my lunch break to go to the office and check in or meet clients. My daughter has been taught to cook real meals by my aunts, my mom, and myself. We prepare dinner together so I don't plan anything around our time spent together. I plan outings very often for my children and I don't allow business to supersede our plans. Balance had its struggles at one point in my life but I was determined to learn how to schedule my time accurately.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

SB:  Traveling out of the country during the school year and needing someone to care for my children. I had to organize a day to day schedule for my mother and my brother who are both employed full time. I set what days and who would either drop off or pick them up, draw up a second schedule for sports including Saturdays and Sundays. Buy food for home and my mom's house, leave emergency money and spending money (budgeting ahead is a must), notify the schools (they were in separate schools) of my absence, and coordinate my sleep schedule because the time zone difference is 17 hours ahead. When I'm up they’re sleep and vice versa. With roaming charges, calling home from my cell was not possible. I downloaded an app called WeChat to communicate only in WIFI areas. This app allowed me to call, facetime, text, leave voice enabled messages, record videos, and send photos. I called home at 7 a.m. my time to speak with them in the evening about how their day was and I'd return to my room at 8:30 p.m. to speak with them before they left for school.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

SB:  Youtube and books or podcasts.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?  

SB: I love to sit quietly by a pond or creek, my car, the kitchen, or the restroom jotting down my ideas and thoughts. I also love to listen to jazz; Robert Glasper is my favorite artist.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

SB:  The scariest moment was when I decided to join my partners in travelling to China. We didn't know anyone there, we hadn't built a network, and we had only 7 months to execute a plan for travel. We didn't know where in China was best to seek out manufacturing companies, where to stay and if it was Westernized, their culture, or how we would get place to place by only speaking English and it not being a primary language there. What we did know was that we wanted to help people by becoming the source to provide small businesses a service that would save them money.   

TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

SB:  Do not fear taking a step towards your dreams. You will never know your limits if you refuse to step out on faith. Our storms are our challenges. If you make it through the storm, you become several steps closer to succeeding. Plan and execute!

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

SB:  Diligence- To always be persistent in completing a task. Diligence is the virtue of hard work and success is the result.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?    

SB:  Please visit our website, www.ibrandmatchmaker.com to familiarize yourself with the services that we offer. If interested, contact me by email at ImportAgent@iBrandMatchmaker.com or by phone 773-443-8003.


Connect with Shyreeta:

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

LinkedIn: Shyreeta Benbow