Let The Healing Continue
Dr. DeNae Lemay
In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?
I would say “ FEAR NOT” for the Kingdom of Heaven is NEVER in a crisis! Though we may be experiencing many shifts and changes right now, we must be reminded that we are never left without His promises! For He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and that He would be a very present help in times such as these. We must remember what Jesus spoke to us through His word, which was; In this world you will experience times of uncertainty, tribulation and unexpected change but to hold on to our confidence knowing that He has already overcome, and if He has overcome the world then so can we!
Crisis is not a time to cry but to create. Crisis is an opportunity for course corrections and new ideas to be developed. Crisis forces us to think in new, different and innovative ways. God always provides a strategy. Therefore, I would recommend that you take this time to inquire and rise above the chatter and fulfill your destiny!
Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.
Two of my favorite resources is the Bible which is hands down the best resource to navigate through times like these. The Bible records of times past when such events took place and shows how the King caused His people to prevail through it all. Another great resource is a powerful book which was written by my Spiritual Father the late Dr. Myles Munroe entitled “ Overcoming Crisis the Secrets to Thriving in Challenging Times”. This is a must have resource & I highly recommend it. Information is key and this book is filled with keys to overcome during this season.
What is your personal mission in life?
My mission is to see women know their identity, understand their purpose, and live as royalty no matter the circumstances that life has placed upon them. Living in a palace doesn’t make you a queen. Riding in a chariot doesn’t make you a queen. Wearing designer clothes doesn’t make you a queen. What makes you a queen is understanding that your position comes from your birthright. As a daughter of a king, you are automatically classified in the family of Royalty, and as Royalty, you are an inheritor of all the wealth and privilege of your father, the King. All rights and privileges of the kingdom belong to you. Once this concept is understood I believe you can pursue your purpose with boldness and confidence. I did not grow up knowing my identity. I spent many years making poor decisions because I didn’t know “who I was”. This is why I am committed to empowering women to know their identity, to know their worth, to understand their purpose and reason for being in the earth. I must reach them. I must teach them. They must be empowered to live above their circumstances and fulfill their destiny.
What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?
One of the biggest challenges I have had to overcome has been rejection. Rejection is a thief. It steals your beliefs, identity and any good that would be sent into your life. It caused me to retreat, refrain and refuse to believe I had any worth or value. There were times I would break out, but it would only be short lived. Until I had enough of feeling like a victim and knew I was destined for greater & for more.
What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?
Rejection, was like a deep pit to me but I came out and so can you! It was work but the reward has been far greater then the pain of going through the process. I came out “head first” because my mind was the place of my problem. Not people nor what had been done to me, but it was my thinking. I had to retrain my mind and change my thoughts so that they aligned with the word of God. I had to be intentional and not give excuses to old patterns and emotions. I was fighting for my freedom, for my husband, for my children and for the destiny upon my life, and that was reason enough to go through instead of asking to be delivered from. I am thankful for He has brought me through to the promise!
How do you define leadership?
In my book, “Royalty, in Pursuit of the Crown” I discuss and define leadership with one word RESPONSIBILITY. Those that are chosen to lead must do so with the understanding that there is responsibility attached to their position. As a parent, as a pastor, as a CEO, as a coach or as a government official there is a responsibility to the position you hold and the people you serve. We must not forfeit the responsibility. This will cause deficits and delays and allow areas to go unchecked that must be maintained. We need leaders and we need them to arise Now!
What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?
To those that are ashamed I would say “ DO IT AFRAID”! With your knees shaking and palms sweating,DON’T hold back what you have overcome! You never know who has been waiting to hear your story
How can people reach you?
Website -www.DevelopingQueens.com
Facebook-Developing Queens
Instagram- @DeNae LeMay
Dr. DeNae LeMay Bio