LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Eardie Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Eardie Houston

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

With this unprecedented time that we are in right now, my advice to others would be to intentionally relinquish control... yes, be responsible; yes, prepare as best you can for you and your family; but please bear in mind that so much of what is happening right now is outside of our control. The best we can do right now after we've done our best to protect our families is to enjoy this season of life slowing down a bit. Our family plays more games together, spends more time in the backyard, engages in more reading challenges, and has eaten breakfast and dinner together at the table every day for the past two weeks! Consider all of the reasons that we have to be grateful right now. Yes, so much is uncertain, but there's so much to be thankful for RIGHT NOW. Don't miss it.

One resource that I would recommend for families would be an enhancement to the family library that would serve as both entertainment and resources for family enrichment. That is our children's book collection that can be found at

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to encourage and empower others to overcome various barriers in their life and reach for excellence... in their personal aspirations, their relationships, their parenting, and their careers. At times, the mission is carried out formally, through speaking and discussions... other times, it's just through example, serving as an inspiration through vulnerability and transparency, showing others what is possible.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

What one action helped you overcome your challenge?

Some of what helped me overcome this challenge was time and maturity, definitely getting in God's word more.... And then another practical thing that I have done over the past decade was gradually disconnecting from those relationships (or lowering their influence) that fed the narrative of low self esteem and lack of confidence, and reached for relationships with people that encouraged me to be the best version of myself and not shrink.

How Do you define leadership?

Leadership can look differently depending on the leader, in my opinion. For some leaders, it's all about casting the vision, or having the creative, effective idea. Some leaders demonstrate boldness in their ability and willingness to blaze a trail. Some leaders quietly lead by being their authentic self, setting examples for others. At times, I've fit into several different modes of leadership. Most often, I tend to quietly lead by example.

What advice would you give to a person ashamed to share their story?

To a person ashamed to share their story, I would say, I understand and they have to share when they are ready. Being vulnerable and transparent can be intimidating, at times, because we open ourselves up to judgement and ridicule from others. So I get it. But as that person finds peace with their own journey and develop a desire to share, I would encourage him/her to focus on the people that will be blessed by knowing our stories. Someone needs encouragement and support in precisely the way we can give it. Someone is waiting... for you!

People can contact me at:

Dr. Eardie Houston Bio

Dr. Eardie Houston is an international speaker, author, filmmaker, and servant who is passionate about supporting and encouraging women to stretch beyond their perceived limitations and reach for excellence in their various roles in life. Raised in a trailer park and once considered “trailer trash”, she’s a living example of how God can shatter stereotypes and lowered expectations, and use the unexpected to make a mighty impact on the world. Eardie’s journey includes overcoming poverty, abuse, and abandonment through faith, education, and determination, to become a woman that passionately pursues her purpose and lifts others as she climbs. With humility and grace, Eardie also serves alongside her husband, Dr. Terence Houston, affecting lives globally, through marriage enrichment and global medical missions. Eardie earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from Florida A&M University, and completed her post-doctoral studies at Rutgers University. She has had a successful corporate career in the pharmaceutical industry for over a decade.

Eardie has done significant volunteer work in South Africa through the When Women Heal Global Leadership Activism Summit, which includes serving as Director of Research and International Speaker, where she has led team efforts in gathering insights to best support women (US & S. Africa) in areas related to Education, Economic Empowerment, and Self Care. As Speaker, she’s used research findings and personal experience to inspire and equip women and girls with strategies to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.

Eardie is married to her college sweetheart, and together they parent three brilliant, gifted, and amusing children. Together, Terence & Eardie own and operate Alpha Omega Infusion Services, a home infusion pharmacy providing clinical support for patients with infusion needs in Southeast Texas. Learn more at

They have also created a platform, “Living Life with the Houstons” to inspire, encourage and support marriages and families. Additionally, their family has authored two collections of children’s books, “Adventures of David of Joshua” and “Chronicles of Christian Grace”, to encourage and inspire families. Learn more at

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator