TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.
Tierra Destiny Reid: Please give us a brief recap of your career.
Jenelle Daniels: As a 15 year veteran of the corporate High-Tech industry I've held roles in Customer Service, HR, Marketing, and Executive Administration. For a short while I also spent time in a higher education environment, which allowed me to give back to the community I grew up in. I found as my expertise grew the creativity and level of work I was being provided did not fit into my interests or personal value system.
Family is a high priority for me, yet I've always struggled with finding the right balance between career and home life. This delicate dance lead me to begin building an environment where I could be closer to home. Social media and project management have been integral in my previous roles as I managed the professional lives of highly successful executives and team projects. With the help of web based technology and the digital revolution, I am able to offer my unique expertise to small businesses. Social media strategy, project management, blog coaching, and marketing automation are activities I help clients work through. I hope to build a successful practice that will support me and the family for years to come.
TDR: Tell us about your children.
JD: As a parent with kids over a decade apart, I am constantly finding ways to bridge the generation gap. Much of the effort is in helping a cranky teen, Javin, 17 years old, learn to be empathetic and responsible for a younger sibling; Niobe 4 years old. Javin has had an IEP and has developmental delays as well as focus challenges. Navigating education for him has been rough. Little Niobe has just begun Preschool and is a natural leader and energizer bunny wrapped up in a 4-foot package. They are both a joy and a challenge.
TDR: How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?
JD: Juggle is a great way to put it. I do EVERYTHING for my family. My spouse works late and travels. In addition, he suffers from severe depression which leaves nothing emotionally for the family. So I carry the torch and manage academics, medical, emotional, and caretaking. I am determined to find a way to stay working virtually and become profitable. As a single Mom with my oldest for 8 years, I remember the challenges of drop-off, pick-up, and corporate rat racing. I really want to be available to my family, yet still build something for myself and them. I split my time as best I can. Kiddie drop-offs, client calls/client work, business building via local networking and online networking. Sometimes I only get 4 hours of sleep, but manage to gauge this as it is not a healthy habit. CREATIVE has been my theme for 2015. I just make a way.
TDR: What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?
JD: Funds to invest in more coaching and marketing. Finding the right clients that value my expertise and work. A need to become profitable sooner than later. I continue to network using LinkedIn, leveraging other colleagues via private accountability groups, mastermind sessions, and sharing. We all have a dream and keep each other motivated and positive as we live life and build for our futures.
TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?
JD: Prayer and exercise really do help me. Exercise sometimes is just stretching or breathing technique. A GOOD walk gets the job done sometimes. I do what I can.
TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?
JD: My AM walk. Breathing in the morning air is so nurturing. It's amazing how the mind is opened and the creativity flows. I keep my spiritual schedule up as well. Oh and of course re-reading sections of the “Power of Peace in a Pause.” It's a go to for me.
TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?
JD: Today, facing divorce. 10 years of a difficult marriage I am still navigating. Limited support. I'm scared to death, but have faith things will fall into place in due time.
TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?
JD: Don't stop. You deserve it. Don't go it alone. Be flexible but don't compromise yourself. It's OK to have a good UGLY cry. We ARE human.
TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?
JD: CONNECTION - To me legacy means connecting the past with the future. It makes way for stories to be told, the joys and the hardships. Family legacy anchors our hearts and souls to those whom share the same blood and DNA. Family legacy is something to be nurtured leaving a window into the past for future generations.
TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?
JD: The blogging community has been great. Sharing best practices, opportunities, or an encouraging word is what will help my mission.
Connect with Jenelle:
Facebook: thirtyplusmom
Twitter: thirtyplusmom
Instagram: thirtyplusmom