TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.
"Do something EVERYDAY to work towards your goals."
Tierra Destiny Reid: Please give us a brief recap of your career.
Sabrina Claiborne: I have had the honor to work in the Hospitality field for 14 years and being able to meet some of the most amazing entrepreneurs and business people. I have advanced from working as a Front Desk Associate to Assistant Manager to General Manager and to Sales. I am now on the path to enhance my entrepreneur path as the Founder of L.E.A.D (Ladies Empowering and Aspiring Dreamers), A Women's Empowerment Group designed to bring a group of powerful non-competitive women together to share business ideas and help each other grow.
TDR: Tell us about your children.
SC: I have two children. Devynn, 11 years of age, home schooled and in the 6th grade. His passions are Math and Science as well as skating. He enjoys cooking and martial arts. My daughter, Nila, 4 years of age, enjoys helping to cook with family or in her play kitchen area, "My Little Pony", and is very active and determined at whatever she is doing. She likes her toys, books, etc to be placed neatly in a row, and she definitely enjoys bubble baths with her Hot Wheels and ponies.
TDR: How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?
SC: Juggling between parenthood and my passion to help others and encourage entrepreneurship is finding balance, controlling my emotions to ensure my decisions are in the best interest of my family and not based off emotion, and staying FOCUSED. I made a decision early this year to leave hotel management to move back to a front desk position just to be able to use more time with my kids, gain the opportunity to Home School and teach them self-employment skills. For me, being able to juggle the two is found within taking time to stop and think about the "Big Picture" and how more of my presence IS appreciated by my family. This was not an "emotion" based decision. This was looking at what is needed to prepare my children with a better future and to enhance my business. I surround myself with positive motivators and continue to FOCUS on the ULTIMATE GOAL.
TDR: What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?
SC: Some of my struggles are not having the finances to participate in networking events and vending opportunities to grow my business, as well as accepting help from others. I overcome this by putting strategies in place to determine which opportunities are best and taking everything one piece at a time. I provide my own networking opportunities which provide a platform for others who want to grow. With trusting others, I am currently still struggling with this position. I search deep within an individual to ensure their passion for the task is just as great as mine.
TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?
SC: Two resources I use to help me stay motivated are music and my children. Positive motivating music keeps me happy and my children help me remember how much I want them to succeed and KNOW not to give up no matter how hard the obstacle may seem.
TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?
SC: Unfortunately, I don't have just one. I barely get to pause, so there are a few different ways. One of my favorite ways to pause is to have the house to myself. I can say that I enjoy when I can be home and there is silence for me to watch a movie, take a bubble bath, sleep (something most moms don't have an opportunity to do) or meditate about the next level in my life for myself and my family. Another one of my favorite ways to pause is to spend time with my family with no electronic devices and just watch my children PLAY.... PLAYING is necessary. And one other way I enjoy pausing is to spend time with inspiring, motivated, and determined women - this can be dinner, girl's night out, or just a simple visit to a friend's home.
TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?
SC: The scariest moment in my journey was leaving a management position to hold an hourly position. My thoughts immediately went to trying to figure out how to continue to financially provide for my family. Financial Security plays a large fear in my heart due to my past and struggles as a child. However, I realized that with the multiple streams of income I already had and the knowledge to increase my business, it would work. Patience is the key. Now, with changes in my husband's job coming soon after, it is forcing me to put more energy in my passion even with fear of financial security. I continue to use multiple streams of income to provide for my family until my passion has reached its height.
TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?
SC: The greatest advice I can give to other Power Moms wanting to pursue their dreams is to know it may seem like a slow process. However, as my husband told me, "Do something EVERYDAY to work towards your goals." I have found this works, no matter how little we think we are doing, it will eventually add up. Also, STAY Positive and surround yourself with positive people. Network, Network, Network!
TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?
SC: Responsibility - This legacy is important to leave for my children because it will allow them to be in control of the situation and themselves. It will allow them to make decisions to guide them to achieve success, self-empowerment, and care for others without compromising self. It will allow them to learn self-reliance, and gain the knowledge needed to move towards greatness.
TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?
SC: The way others can collaborate and support my mission is to provide opportunities for me to give back to the children and teach them. Another way is to share my mission with women and children who need the assistance and provide opportunities for the members of my group to learn and network with others who share the mission. I would love to collaborate with others who are looking to make a big difference with children and how they are taught. I want to teach ENTREPRENEURSHIP. I am here to help others and that is my purpose here on Earth. Bring any opportunity for me to continue to motivate and empower others to NEVER GIVE UP ON THEIR DREAM! Small steps make a big difference.
Connect with Sabrina:
Facebook: @leadambassadors
Twitter: @leadempowers