TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career. 
Leslie Briscoe:  I have spent my career in retail management – 25 years!  Whew!  I began as an assistant buyer and am currently a senior buyer with Carters Inc. (Oshkosh and Carters Kids Apparel). I have held various positions in retail: store manager/gm, associate buyer, planner, department manager, merchandise team manager, consultant etc. I have worked for both department and specialty stores including Macy’s, May Company, American Eagle, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Belk.

TDR:  What is your current mission?  
LB:  To be the best me I can be.  I know that if I am not happy and whole that I cannot be good to my family or in my work.  Being authentically who I was built and designed to be is crucial – I believe we walk in our truest grace when we are doing what we were born to do. I also believe that our children emulate us and I have a munchkin walking in my footsteps.

TDR:  How many children do you have? What are their ages? 
LB:  I have one amazing 9 year old princess named Gabrielle Renee.  I also have 2 awesome godsons (23 and 18) and 4 beautiful niece princesses who, I take responsibility for as well.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with parenthood? 
LB:  I have a passion for youth, particularly girls so that gaggle of girls in my family is a blessing.  I know I can directly impact the lives of my daughter and nieces on a daily basis.  My other passion is women and event planning.  I am able to dabble in it here or there because my family and friends usually reach out to me for events, gift ideas, etc., but it’s not formal. I also enjoy lifting others – I am naturally an “up” person and the joy I used to think was odd I now know is a gift from above.  He’s put me here to uplift and motivate others.  I easily relate to others and can see things many people miss – very perceptive.  It helps me bring out the best in people both in the workplace and personally.

TDR:  What are some of the things you struggle with that would surprise other people?  
LB:  One of my struggles is saying ‘no’.  I am a pleaser and it brings me joy to make others happy.  Sometimes though I do this at the jeopardy of myself.  I love to see other people happy and doing for others (caregiver at heart) feeds my soul but I have to be careful….it’s easy to get burned and for others to mistake my kindness for weakness.  It’s a lifelong battle that I work on daily.

TDR:  How do you overcome those struggles? 
LB:  The #1 thing is recognizing you have the issue – that is ½ the battle.  I am winning more than I am losing (today anyway) and when I do fall down I don’t beat myself up over it, I just try and do better the next go around.  I have also learned to be more vocal when I am disappointed or unhappy I share it.  I am candid/honest even if painful.  That has helped tremendously.  I no longer hold onto things.  I release them and move on.   I also do not do anything without praying about it first.  I have strong instincts and need to follow them more.  God has gifted me with it I just don’t always want to see people and things for who and what they are.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice for other Power Moms wanting to follow their dreams? 
LB:  Doing what makes you happiest will inevitably make those around you happy.  Your children need to see you being good to yourself.  It helps them see and understand how they too deserve to be treated.  I want my daughter to be/do whatever her heart desires so I never say “can’t” – she knows that word is not allowed in our house!  “We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us”.  Our children emulate what they see so remember you are their mirror.  Mom’s are really superheroes who wear a plethora of capes – it just depends on the situation! 

TDR:  What are 2 resources that you use to help you stay motivated? 
LB: Prayer, good music (Gospel and R&B), and journaling

TDR:  What is your favorite way to ‘Pause’?     
LB:  I love pampering of any kind; but massages, facials and mani/pedis are my favs.  A pedi after a long week (solo or with my mom, sister, daughter and nieces) is a joy.  Quiet time is also a guilty pleasure.  I have very little of it so having a quiet house when I can unwind, read or journal is good for my soul. I can also spend hours at the bookstore!

TDR:  What is your favorite quote? 
LB:  Oh my – I have soooooooooo many but here is one “life is the greatest of all statements…make sure yours speaks volumes…..”

TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?  
LB: The end of 2008…beginning of 2009.  I made the decision to separate from my now ex-husband.  I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do, not only for me but for my daughter.  The weight of the responsibility for everything was daunting at times, but even more-so when I found out my company was relocating and my job would be eliminated in early 2009.  At that point, it was imperative I get a job and not just any job but one paying me what I was making or more because, my ex decided he’d leave me with all of the financial responsibility we had once shared. Many sleepless nights, but God…

TDR: What word best describes the seed or legacy that you want to leave for your children? 
LB: Faith.

TDR:  Why do you choose this particular word?
LB: I would be nowhere without it.
TDR: How do you support other mothers and women today? 
LB: I don’t have a formal way of reaching others right now.  I send a lot of inspirational emails to groups of women that I think will benefit from it.  Many of them come from my own personal experiences and/or devotionals or books I may be reading.

TDR: How can others collaborate or support your mission? 
LB: I hope to be working on a platform soon (website and/or blog) so that I can reach a broader audience.  I realize that sharing your story truly does help others.  People are always shocked by many of the battles I have overcome.  #Fearless!


Connect with Leslie Briscoe:

Facebook – Leslie Renee Thomas Briscoe
Instagram – leslierenee12

Meet Toyiah Marquis

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.


LaToya “Toyiah Marquis” White, was a singer in the nationally recognized R&B singing group Che. A group that traveled throughout the US with many reputable artists such as The Chi-lites, The Emotions, The Stylistics, CeCe Peninston, Twista, Public Announcement  and many more acts in their 14 year history of being in the music industry. Additionally, LaToya “Toyiah Marquis” White is a SAG accredited actress with credits ranging from TV to film, best known for her role in the motion picture "Barbershop" where she played "Samir's Wife." Also a published co-author of two highly-acclaimed children’s books “Not Fat because I Wanna Be,” & “Stand Up! Bully Busters....Coming to Town” which she wrote with her then 6-year-old daughter, award-winning author, LaNiyah Bailey. She is also responsible for the development and success of RCA Records recording artist Jawan Harris; whom she managed from the age of 5 to 12 years old alongside multi-platinum, super-producer “Kaygee” from the legendary hip-hop group “Naughty By Nature.”

Currently, LaToya “Toyiah Marquis” White is the Executive Director of The G.L.A.R.E (Girls Loving And Respecting Everyone) Club which is a not-for-profit organization which mentors teen girls throughout the Chicagoland area and co-owner of Custom Bling N Things which is a custom t-shirt business. LaToya is also chairman & co-founder of So She Cosmetics, Inc and Crown Kandy Hats. 

Known to many as an "Entrepreneurial Hustler" LaToya “Toyiah Marquis” White, has many notches in her belt which range from experience in Artist Management, Writing, Import/Export, Cosmetics, Retail, Marketing and Publishing.

Latoya has two children, ages 10 and 2.  Her favorite way to pause is to spend time alone and envision herself traveling through a journey for peace. "My goals are to be successful in anything I touch. I want to create a legacy for my daughters. I want to have enough power to help people deal with their struggles, help empower them and create self -confidence to help people achieve their dreams and goals in life. I want to make a difference in the world", exclaims LaToya when asked. 

Tune in July 14, 2015 at noon for a live interview with Toyiah and TDR-.

Dial In Number: 770-744-1657

Connect with Toyiah:

Instagram: MsEntrepreneurialHustla  

Twitter: ToyiahMarquis  

Facebook: MsMillionaire 

LinkedIn: Toyiah Marquis


Meet Sally Lou

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Sally Lou Loveman

Speaker – Emcee – Host

Sally Lou was the audience producer for The Oprah Winfrey Show and Oprah's Lifeclass on OWN and has spent the past 30 years doing what she loves, working in television.  At age 14, she tuned into her passion for TV when she sat in a television studio audience at The Mike Douglas Show. She spotted a girl on the set with a clipboard.  Sally Lou didn't know what she did but she knew in that moment that she wanted to do it too.  

Today she serves her clients and engages audiences with inspirational presentations that connect with truth, talent, and a life's work.  When people connect and recognize the great joys in life, the purpose that feeds their spirit and soul, they share that enthusiasm and drive with the people who surround them.  That's the moment when love really speaks.


Sally Lou’s mission is lovespeaks.  Lovespeaks is a connection agency and inspiration network.  As a former television audience producer, she spent decades engaging, entertaining, and connecting with large groups while fostering a sense of shared experience and camaraderie.  With lovespeaks, her speaking engagements focus on connecting audiences with their greatest talents and designing professional and personal experiences that embrace that innate joy and spark.

Sally Lou is the loving mother of 3 children; ages 22, 20, and 16.  Sally Lou also gives back to her community by serving on the Executive Counsel of Erika's Lighthouse, a non-profit organization that educates communities about teen depression, eliminates the stigma associated with mental illness and empowers teens to take charge of their mental health.  Her favorite way to ‘Pause’ is through meditation.

Tune in June 30, 2015 at noon est for a live call with Sally Lou and TDR. 

If you missed the live interview click here to listen to the recording. 


Connect with Sally Lou:

Twitter & Instagram - @lovespeaks2U

LinkedIn - Sally Lou Loveman

Facebook - lovespeaks


Isn't it time you trust that inner voice?

Sometimes GOD shows up in such a mighty, loud, clear and experienced powerful way that after the conversation,  you have NO choice but to listen , be obedient and act on the instruction because you have no doubt in your heart that the message was for you.

If it causes pain ...cry through it. Smile through it. Celebrate through it. Why? Because you are mature enough and faithful enough to try and you know that similar to another painful event in your past, this too shall pass and it's here to help push you into your greater season.

Take your time. Honor yourself. Love yourself. Trust your intuition. Reach out to someone for support or accountability.

Don't forget that the world is full of people who are just as talented as you are in areas that you may struggle in. You are surrounded by and meet people daily who could have the next opportunity, recommendation, resource, a word of encouragement, life lesson or whatever. You are only going to be alone if you choose to. 


Well Hello!

Thanks for opening this email.  I’m so glad you did.  I decided to stop everything I had planned today on my “perfect” to do list and I decided to sit down and write a personal oath to MYSELF.  I am not sure who else is reading this while feeling like they are ready to perform at their highest calling and are tired of waiting for the stars to freaking align.  THAT’S THE THING!  When you realize that you must stop waiting and DECIDE what you want then the magic does happen!

EXACTLY 6 years ago TODAY, this minute, I was sitting in my cubicle at my corporate office.  My son was 3 and Kylie was 11 weeks old.  I would be officially laid off in 9 days.  My company was downsizing and had offered to relocate me and my family but that was not an option for us.  I knew deep down inside that I was ready for something different, something within that I could not put my finger on.  I wanted to give Myself, my life, my gift a chance!

Have you ever felt that way??  I know it’s not just me.  The crazy thing is, you look around and then the fear really sets in because you are like, oh crap, so who else is REALLY doing what they were BORN to do??  Where are those people???  There were a few here and there, but I wasn’t talking about within my corporate environment, I was talking about entrepreneurs who loved CREATING and Trying, and Serving, and Selling, and Winning and even Failing but LIVING LIFE without the Box or the Ceiling or the Ladder so to speak.  That is me.  And if that’s you, I would love to share more of my story with you.  If you have followed me for a while then you have a glimpse of my journey, but there is more I want to share.

I am not known to be FEARFUL and I am really not afraid of much.  I do believe that we are all afraid of something though.  I feel that it shows up in different ways and until we admit it, stop suppressing it or masking it; it will continue to fester, to hold us back, and to limit us.

Before I wrote my book, I remember reading and sharing inspirational quotes to help others while feeling like I wish I could fly again.  I felt like I had been flying with a broken wing so to speak.  Well, I am flying again damn it and I want to share what I have learned with you!  I want more leaders and servants.  And women of power and influence to blaze more trails.  In order to do so, you must be willing to STRIP!  YES, STRIP!  I said it!!!  Layer by layer.  It is a life process, a life journey and I have signed up.


Grateful. The first feeling to overcome me as I stand there on the Edmund Pettus Bridge arm and arm with the likes of Oprah, Common, John Legend, David Oyelomo, and so many more. I had been a part of history. I had participated in bringing the realities of "Bloody Sunday" to the big screen.  It was out there for people to see, for them to try to understand what it means; what it has meant to be African American in this country, in our country. There were other feelings too, anxiety, anger, fear, I could go on and on. I imagined Martin with his wife Coretta, who he was supposed to protect, out there, exposed to all of that hate. He must've been afraid of what that moment could mean for their children. What if they were killed? Yet, they were there with so many others, arm in arm, step by step, directly toward the enemy, they moved. The feeling was still here, embedded in our souls, as if we were back in 1965. The "push" was evident. I will not stop, I must not stop. My children, my grandchildren will not live in peace if I'm not on this bridge in this moment. It is 50 years later and Ferguson is happening, people are marching all over the world screaming "Black Lives Matter!" Yes, they do! I am not going to settle for mediocrity and hate so long as there is breath in my body! I will fight for my quality of life and for the women that I have been charged with helping. I am a black woman, daughter, mother, friend, entrepreneur, actress, and so much more. I am not concerned if that makes another person nervous or afraid, I am here and I am not going away. There will always be times of darkness, times when life seems unbearable. In those times, I pause, I take a deep breath, and I am clear. I must search for my light, after all, Dr. Martin Luther King said,  "Only in darkness can you see the stars." I see them Reverend. Thank you.


Good morning everyone :) I woke up with the most amazing feeling today. Each of us have so many things to be thankful for each moment of the day but there are times in our journey that simply bring us to our knees in complete despair and other moments that feel like nothing could be more perfect. Well over the course of my own personal journey and surrender to PAUSE and get to know MYSELF, I learned so many things. Some of them were not worth bragging about, in fact they were quite selfish. Other things I realized about myself made me wonder why I would dim my own light to appease family, strangers, or friends who may possibly have insecurities of their own. I realized that taking the time to pause and listen allowed me to find my own greatness and honor it. It was very hard at times, however there is nothing greater than discovering and accepting the truth. This gives you your power back.

Easy to say the truth will set you free, but so many people are afraid to look in the mirror and ask, What lie have I told myself because I am afraid of the level of accountability that comes with the truth? A lot of accountability comes with that. I realized that after doing the *heart* work, the rebuilding of the mission work and stuff that seemed so hard at first has been much more fulfilling. I have learned to attract greatness and flow instead of forcing and trying to work with people who are in a different mental place or energy than may be a fit for my vision. I have learned that the beauty I possess is not diminished by  flaws or standards but somehow we are taught that we must focus on FIXING and measuring up instead of self love. Are we taught this by people who are also insecure perhaps? Well, I am so grateful to see the picture for what it is. The beautiful, the lessons, and why we must learn how to process pain rather than be overcome by it. That is how you build the muscle for the next level where you are headed. Learn how to process and grow from what hurt, what worked, and what made your heart skip a beat. Those moments all add to our essence, our zeal, our wisdom. When its all over, at least we can say we enjoyed the ride.

Today I am so excited and honored to see the manifestation of attracting vs forcing. Ms. Oprah Winfrey, whom you already know I have so much respect and gratitude for, has agreed to join us for a tweet chat about mediation and I know for a FACT that this would not be a topic I would have even approached her about before my pause. It is a manifestation of removing the fear and aligning your words and actions with the desires of your heart. You may get a no and rejection may hurt, but you could also get a YES . Put yourself out there! You can do this! I hope you will join us today at 1PM on Twitter at the #energyofattraction .

As I sat in the reality of meditation on all of this early this morning, I also became overwhelmed with the amount of people who have helped make the vision a special reality and Ms. Kaira Akita truly poured her heart into my website and vision. There are so many people I will thank of the next several days but for now, I have learned to just enjoy the moment. They pass us by much too soon, only to become a memory. Why do we rob ourselves of the years and tears it takes to reach such a special moment simply to treat it as just another day. Well, I've decided not to do that.

I am headed to a worship service today, not because it makes me a better person because true spirit and worship is in the heart. I now realize that our light is not something we seek it is something we share from within. God has shown much grace over my life and for that I am grateful and I hope to stay in the flow. Afterwards I plan to enjoy a brisk walk with JAX in this chilly weather and instead of being all antsy and anxious and stressed about not messing up on my chat today with the group and Ms. Winfrey, I now stand in the power of my truth and I know that I AM enough and I am going to simply have a good time and enjoy the love and transformation as it is reciprocated. Fun is now a huge part of my special moments and I can't wait for more!  We are love and we will never realize how much people love us until we can look in the mirror and ask how much we really love ourselves. Happy tears.

love T


I have sat at this desk a million times. Sometimes with excitement. Other times with tears and despair. Sometimes we aren't sure what we want or what we need, but we are clear that where we are just isn't enough. That was me 5 years ago. That's when I opened my first store front. It was time to give myself a shot. That was also how I felt two years ago when I decided it was an awesome journey , but it still wasn't quite where my story would end.  


Today I sit here at 4:37 AM  typing this letter with such gratitude.I'm shedding tears also. Different tears.  I am listening to It Ain't Over by Maurette Brown Clark and I know this to be true. I don't want another person in this world to give up on themselves or their dreams because it is hard or they are uncertain. Over the last several months, I have been preparing myself for this very moment without even knowing it. Doing the heart work, shutting out the noise, letting things go that are no longer a fit, and honoring your highest calling, are tasks that require commitment and time. 


What is popular and shiny is typically just one side of the coin. You can either keep searching for answers to soothe your soul or you can look within. There comes a time when what you are yearning for is way more important than taking a quick glimpse. You literally begin examining your soul and asking yourself the tough questions that require you to uncover the ugliness, the pain, the grief and let it out. That is what I decided to do and while it was the hardest thing I have ever done, it has been worth it. I am so excited to see where this next chapter leads. It already feels amazing. 


My greater is not coming because it is already here. I have learned to speak in the present. I have learned that we create our reality. No longer one day but TODAY. Today I share my journey with you. The Power of Peace in a Pause will release next month and you can order your own copy today. I am so excited to see what is to come but to be honest with you, this very moment, this moment as I type my thoughts and know that I made it through one of the scariest and unpredictable chapters of my life when I literally shut everything out that felt so familiar, this just feels awesome right here.  This wasn't about becoming an author. This journey was personal. I just hope it helps others keep going until they discover all that is buried inside because that is where I found my greatest gifts. I promise you will discover something that you never even knew was waiting for you to uncover it. You are worth the time it takes to find it. I'm rooting for you. Please share your thoughts with me below. It's been way too long :) 

Blessings to you and yours.

Shine Bright Unapologetically




As I sit hear working, I am reflecting and I just want to send a word of encouragement to anyone who is going through a dark season or traveling in a place that feels unfamiliar and you may not even recognize yourself. I went through that as I reached for more and knew that I wanted a life I hadn't seen yet. I have girlfriends who are going through it right now. You may be questioning your next steps or if things will ever get better. I want you to know that it will get better and you must trust that you were not built to break. You may let several things go and you may have to let a few people go but you will get through. Please listen to this song, which I love so much. You are stronger than you think and you will find all of your answers within. Any unhealthy relationships, distractions, or stress can cloud your inner voice and cause confusion. You can and you will get through this but you must be willing to look at the entire picture without the rosy lens and get rid of what does not fit into your healthy vision for your life and you highest potential. It hurts. Its scary. Trust me, I find myself constantly evaluating all the areas in my life and constantly trying to decide what to work through and what to get rid of. Wisdom helps us to know the difference . Take your time. Be patient with yourself. The hardest thing you will ever do will become the most important thing you have ever done.

With Love TDR