LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Monique Shares

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Let the healing continue

Monique Russell

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty? ALSO, SHARE ONE OR TWO available RESOURCES YOU RECOMMEND WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO HELP PEOPLE RIGHT NOW?

Our nation has been impacted by unexpected trauma and change.

1. Be gentle with yourself. Embrace and understand that life as you knew it has changed and that business, as usual, is unrealistic. Avoid placing unhealthy expectations on yourself and/or others.

2. Celebrate the wins. Each day is an opportunity for you to do the best you can. Focus on doing the next right thing, whatever that means for you.

3. Choose the mindset you want to be in. We are not ignoring or denying the real challenges many people are facing; however, if we choose to practice gratitude and look for the things we can be grateful for each day; it will enhance our overall outlook and well-being. There is no evidence that being negative is helpful. In fact, it weakens our immune system daily.

4.  Monitor and manage the content you consume. It’s easy to get wrapped into the news cycle, or communication cycle of what is going on nonstop. Reduce your intake of media; and avoid spreading negative content to family and friends on Whatsapp, text or email. Choose to spread positive energy.

5.  Reflect on the most difficult obstacles you faced in your life. Think about what you did specifically to get through. Who did you become in order to persevere? Channel that inner fortitude as you embrace your day. You are a warrior and the human spirit can sometimes get weary, but you are resilient and will get through this.

6.  Be of service. No matter how small the act is, when we perform acts of service by checking in on others, donating to someone in need (clothes, food, money), it helps us to boost our outlook on life because we are taking part in a global human need of connection.

7. Forgive yourself, and others. Un-forgiveness takes up space in our hearts, mind, and body. It is a weight that weakens our immune system. Think about those people you need to forgive and forgive them. Think about those that need to forgive you, and ask for it.

8.  Seek professional support. As a professional coach, many clients come to me to accelerate the process of achieving their goals, to increase self-awareness and ways they are holding themselves back. On occasion, past traumas and hurt arise which can be dealt with in a gradual way. The current crises didn’t allow for a gradual embracing of change and because it came on so suddenly, it can be overwhelming and confusing to think things through clearly. Get an outside, supportive counsel in your corner.

9.  Connect to your spiritual source. Emotional intelligence research shows us that regular practice of compassion, mindfulness, and prayer to a loving God activates the system of renewal. Don’t forget who you are and whose you are. 

What is your personal mission in life?

My Personal Mission is to help inform, inspire, and empower others so they can live a leadership lifestyle they can be proud of. I want people to understand and accept that they can have the positive and productive relationships the desire in this life to create healthy legacies for their families and children with the powerful tools of effective communication. This is something I love doing because these are things I have worked on and continue to work on in myself, we don’t ever stop growing.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the biggest challenges I have had to overcome was learning how to be totally in love with myself. You don’t really know that you don’t like yourself because there are so many others around you who don’t like themselves either! There were many things I didn’t like about myself in my earlier years: my skin color, the size of my nose, the shortness and texture of my hair, etc. All of this happened while I was simultaneously excelling in everything I did. Additionally, I struggled to set boundaries and would often do things out of obligation even to my own detriment. Learning how to see myself and my past in a powerful way as well as developing the skills to say now without feeling guilty is something I am immensely proud of. As a result, I am literally in love with the woman I am; Monique.

What one action helped you overcome your challenge?

One action that helped me overcome this challenge was identifying and being in the presence of other women who had the same characteristics I did but are walking with confidence in who they were and being true to themselves. It’s very powerful to be inspired through modeling and adapt to what you see possible for yourself. This one action led me to be exposed to other intrapersonal communication tools and strategies such as visioning, new forms of goal setting, sisterhood, community, therapy and more.

What is your definition of leadership?

I define leadership as a lifestyle. It is who we are and our continuous development. It is not a place where you ever arrive, but it is an ongoing journey of continuous improvement.

What is your advice to someone who is ashamed to tell their story?

My advice to anyone ashamed to share their story is that you are not alone. The first fear of sharing something you’ve had to overcome is often that no one else has experienced it. or that if you were to share it, you would be rejected. This is far from the truth. Your story is your gateway to a deeper connection with others. It will humanize you, inspire and give others permission to share and inspire in a ripple effect form.

Make sure you take the time to heal yourself first before sharing so that when you do, you have developed the inner fortitude, wisdom, and confidence to stand tall and strong when it is released.

How Can I Be Reached?

Phone: 706-963-0322

Monique Russell Bio

Hailing from the beautiful islands of The Bahamas, Monique Russell is an International Inspirational Teacher, and Executive Communications Coach based in Atlanta, GA where she teaches effective communication strategies to leaders in a variety of business and government sectors. She has taught thousands of leaders globally and has consulted for government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control, OSHA and for fortune 100 companies such as Verizon, Intel, and Equifax. She has worked with institutions of higher education in the areas of diversity, cultural sensitivity, public speaking, and communications with an emphasis on Emotional Intelligence. New managers and leaders especially seek her out for her unique and interactive methods of team-building and problem solving using human-centric approaches.

Monique has been a leadership and communications strategist to local Chambers of Commerce, National associations such as the Society of Human Resource managers, National Headstart Association, Consulate Generals, school groups, and faith-based organizations. Because of her background, she is a frequently sought after guest on business, local and international radio shows, and she's been quoted and featured in publications as a subject matter expert in the areas of leadership development, team building and effective communications in the United States, United Kingdom, The Bahamas, Namibia, Nigeria and Jamaica to name a few.  

Monique's civic involvement includes serving as a board Advisor for non-profit groups, establishing a Tedx afterschool club which is broadcast globally on, sponsoring anti-bullying campaigns in the Caribbean, and facilitating programs at Junior Achievement, and YearUp Atlanta among others. She is the founder of the Clear Communication Online Institute and an advisory board member of Leadercast, the world’s largest one day leadership conference.

 Despite the credentials and success, through the journey of life, Monique lost her confidence but reclaimed it through a series of empowering exercises and resources.  It is because of her multi-dimensional experiences that her teachings on how to communicate confidently from the inside out are very effective. Monique earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Broadcast Journalism, and two Masters of Science degrees in Public Relations and Advertising. She is a Certified Life Coach and DiSC facilitator. Monique is married with two boys, loves the outdoors and reading.

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LET LOVE & LIGHT: Victor Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Victor Vonico Johnson


Now is a time to explore all of our skill sets and see how we can use them to help others and keep our cash flow in place. Many are sitting at home bored and restless, when they would be better off studying, marketing online, reviewing and work their Goal Sheets and Vision Boards. Overall, continue personal and professional development. Everything is accessible online.

What is your personal mission in life?

To live a happy, healthy and wealthy life, while making an impact on my community and to leave a lasting legacy for my posterity to live a much better life.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Having a poor money management mindset. I overcame this in 2014.

What is one action which helped you overcome this challenge?

Watching my children get older, I realized that I needed to do a better job of building a legacy for them. Not leaving debts, but leaving behind assets (properties and businesses).

How do you define leadership?

Leadership is having the vision, compassion, and knowledge to help a team achieve its goal.

What advice would you give to someone who was ashamed to share their story?

We are all here to serve others. Our personal stories, are more similar to others' than we realize. Sharing our stories helps others to overcome similar challenges, and to be inspired to take action towards their desires.

How can people contact me? 

Victor Johnson Bio

Victor Vonico Johnson is an inspirational speaker, author, real estate investor, entrepreneur and financial wellness coach that spent 20+ years in leadership roles for Debt Collection Agencies & Call Centers, where he was responsible for collecting more than $100 million in debt, and more than 75,000 transactions resolved during that time period. He has an intimate understanding of the traits that cause people to live in a cycle of debt and how to deal with those debts, debt collectors & the credit reporting industry. Victor has mastered the steps required to, not only improve one’s credit, but also the mindset needed to STAY OUT OF DEBT. Victor is a certified credit consultant, highly engaging, informative and motivational speaker that educates his clients and audiences on financial literacy. His clients have transformed their credit scores, personal finances and learned how to purchase rental properties.   He is the published author of the book, PROVEN PATHWAYS TO WEALTH & HAPPINESS- which tells the story of Victor growing up in a single-parent home- BROKE, then, as an adult living paycheck to paycheck with horrible credit, and how he transformed that into a 7-figure real estate portfolio, and has a credit score consistently over 760. The book outlines the exact steps that allowed him to accomplish this success over a 5-year period. Victor has also mentored dozens of employees, friends, clients and family members through their personal finance & credit challenges.   Today, Victor is the Founder of Nico Don Projects, a Financial Wellness Company (, and is the Senior Managing Partner of 555 Equity, a Carrollton,TX real estate investment company,, and serves as an Independent Contractor with D and G Credit, a credit restoration and education company (

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Executive Coordinator


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Let The Healing Continue

Roz Knighten-Warfield

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Stop the lower nature thinking that causes negativity and because of the crisis seek out opportunities to birth new dreams, visions, goals and witty ideas. Seek the highest good in others and connect with the  source Jehovah, and watch heaven come to earth with brilliance and greatness to serve and share Christ to a dying world.

Also, share one or two resources you recommend which are available to help people right now.

Books, Stop It And Smile

Soul Source

What is your personal mission in life?

To teach others to own their smile. S.M.I.L.E is an acronym for Simple Make Intentional Love Encounters, Starting with yourself first.

what is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Pressing past regret, guilt, shame and fear. Owning my voice and embracing my self-worth. 

what is one action that you used to overcome this challenge?

When I surrendered to group counseling with and I never gave up searching for relational currency and collaborative measures and effective partnerships and covenant agreement social groups that had like minds for wholeness and mental awareness. 

how do you define leadership?

Even though one may be an expert in a certain arena, they still must own a humble heart to serve, follow, not mind rolling their sleeves and last but not least not own a haughty attitude. 

what is you advice to anyone who is ashamed to share their story?

That everyone has a story to be told because it's your life story that can save another life. The stories maybe similar, but every story has a superstar of deliverance and the flavor of the journey is signature for that individual. 

how can people reach You?

Roz Knighten-Warfield Bio

Roz Knighten-Warfield flies her white flag high with imagery of red lettering. As your eyes focus it spells out SURRENDER along with a smiling face. Truth is, life can be a scary roller coaster ride or ones animated view can say it's a hot fudge chocolate sundae mess with mixed nuts of regret, guilt, shame, fear, procrastination etc. etc. etc. The world expects a bio to start off with all the bells and whistles, but now that Roz has your attention, here's the accomplishments that have been birthed thru life's circumstances: She is a child of a King, wife, bonus mom, G-ma, favorite auntie, an amazon best selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant, certified power coach, christian coach, radio and t.v. guest, wordsmith, acronym queen, tshirt designer and most of all affectionately known as the smiling prayer warrior.

Roz's God assignment is to encourage, empower and enlighten women and men to commit to daily chat sessions with the Father thru daily communications of prayer. Surrendering to a life of transformation allows one's born again self to reign in power. She loves, to inspire, promote and realign women and men to own their voice and fashion their pre-ordained mission in life. She without effort creates synergy at any God moment and runs like a stallion with an idea, her supernatural super powers are a servants heart of creativity; hospitality is easy for Roz and she has a level of compassion and empathy to be on the mark for ones concerns. She delights in the joy of witnessing others illumination as they fire up their brilliance. She honors that everyone has their own perspective and that harmony in communication is garnered looking through the love lenses of Christ.   Roz's mantra is stop lower nature thinking that causes negativity and to simply make intentional love encounters, starting with self first then catapult to a new level of responsibility to propel ones potential in self and serve others; to create their signature puzzle box top cover. It's time to stop playing hide and seek with the world and be found as a full time smile agent of the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. The Father Inhabits the praises of His people!

Lastly Roz is an advocate and heavily promotes relational currency, collaborative measures, effective partnerships which the three are under the umbrella of covenant agreements. Stop trying to figure out life on your own! Building communities are lost treasures found!  Power connections of serving, gleaning, learning, training  and or supporting have created collaborative measures of relational currency: Woman Act Now, Victorious Discipleship, God's Leading Lady, Pathway to Purpose, Thelma Wells Ministries, Desperate for Jesus, Azusa, Girls Living Life On Purpose, Corner Sisters Morning Prayer, Women Of Audacious Faith, Faithpreneuers , V.I.P. Prayer , When Women Heal, Monday Night Meet Ups, Self Discovery, Kingdom Sisters Network, Soul Author Movement,  TDR International, Jesus Women, Zig Ziglar Monday Morning Devotions, Embrace Ministries, RUN Women.s conference. Sharing Our Mess, The Protocol of Prayer, Jabez Books, Y.O.U. Team,  TBN Tulsa KDOR-17, Spiritual Hope Enlightenment, Global Travel to Amsterdam, South Africa and Sister Power (Nigeria), Effectual Magazine(Nigeria),  These power connections have produced writings,books, anthologies and recorded teachings: In October 2015 Roz completed her first book - #StopIt&Smile, POW-ful Quotes from Every day Women, Soul Source, Souful Prayers, Sharing Our Mess, Verbatim Communication, Butterflies and Bamboo Trees, God Notes for Love Languages, S.O.A.R., Calimus Grows In the Dead Sea and more.   Now you have a small snippet, Roz survived the muckity mucks of life, If she can press, push, and pray in the the name of wholeness, so can you. It's time to resuscitate those dreams, visions, goals and witty ideas. It's time to S.M.I.L.E again and own your gifts and talents. Enjoy the teachings of Roz and stay in touch go visit Roz's #1 cheerleader is her BOO (Beloved Only One) Vincent Warfield, they have 3 children, 2 grandchildren, and a host of young people in their lives and resides in Oak Cliff, Dallas, Tx.

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Virginia Shares

Let The Healing Continue

Virginia Nava

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

I want you to remember you ARE a gift, your life is a gift, not what you do, where you live etc. As you navigate changes, whether it is a career change, a financial change or another, please remember your value comes from within and there are incredible gifts inside of you.  Go within, listen to your heart, connect with your deeper self, access connection to a higher power if you believe in it.There is wisdom inside of you that can help you navigate new opportunities. The essence of who you are is always constant and will remain, always.

If you are a leader, step into leadership now the light is needed; you are needed, listen within and then lead. Stop being afraid and stop waiting for the perfect moment to lead. Let me tell you, right now is the perfect moment to lead; the world needs your gifts, we are all keys to each-others gifts and when we don't share them, someone out there who needed your gift doesn't receive it.  

And as a leader don't leave yourself behind, acknowledge yourself, nurture yourself, love yourself; being a burned out leaders doesn't help. I used to be an over-achiever worked tons of hours traveled around the world and now I don't lead that way. I pause, I listen, I connect within. I connect with a higher power and then I act and I lead through inspired action instead, re-actively most of the time. 

Also I almost forgot really important ingredients: self-compassion for your mistakes, self-acceptance for where you are today and self-grace unconditional love for yourself regardless if you achieve the bar you set for yourself. There is a lot of self conditional love out there, I would love you when...... please don't do that, love yourself as you will love your best friend. Self-love is the core ingredient for success. Exchange perfectionism for consistency and progress.

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to serve the person who wants to live their life from a deeper purpose and gifts and help this person in different stages in this journey, from finding their inner gifts and purpose to building a business and career from deeper purpose and gifts. I help people live a life from the essence of who they are and remind them they deserve to be seen and live free and in wholeness and alignment within.

Also my personal mission is to help a person who already has a deeper purpose business to succeed through strategical and aligned tools by helping them share their why stories to those they serve, so they can connect with their purpose to others.

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

1) For those in a self-discovery journey for deeper purpose and share their gifts with the world.

Free E-Book

Your Unique Gift

A self story guide to discover your unique gifts. As children, we are all born with unique gifts. As we grow, we become more socialized and we either get closer to our gifts, celebrate them, or disconnect from them. Your Unique Gift: Finding Your Life’s Unique Gift Proposition (A Transformative Guide to Meaningful Freedom)

2) For those who have a deeper purpose centered business and need tools to share what you do:  Special offer on my strategic marketing workbook for purpose driven organizations who are interested in learning to be more effective with their brand story. The Missing Link is the Meaning Link

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

I had to learn to know the difference between being an overachiever and being an essential leader. For years I've confused doing more as the way to achieve purpose instead of being in alignment deep within and bringing all of me into the doing and creating a life and business from meaning and essential alignment.

Over-achievement vs. fulfillment from deeper purpose: Over-achievement didn't give me the fulfillment I wanted instead living essentially and aligned with a deeper purpose and my gifts has given me that sense of deep meaning and fulfillment.

Expressing full-self vs. parts of self: I also learned the difference of expressing my full self in my work vs. expressing parts of myself in my work and I realized that expressing some parts of ourselves at work is a conditioning we have received from what work is. When we shift the way we work, and work becomes an integral part of our lives, we are more free. It takes too much energy to manage many roles instead of being in wholeness. Through my journey I know now why we live in compartments and our career isn't integrated to other areas of life because we don't realize we are doing it. We have signs of feeling bored or burned-out or feeling a lack of meaning. 

A mindset shift: When we go through sharing more deeply who we are there is a vulnerability to it. This sense of self-responsibility of claiming our own vision, voice, and style can be a difficult process unique to each individual, like fear of stepping-out or other fears.  I know for me experiencing the difference between being a corporate person in mid management and being an author, offered a lot of growth to me about being truly visible with my own ideas and work as well as being a strategic marketing consultant and a CEO of my own company. I learned to claim myself, my ideas and my own purpose and gifts.

What one action helped you to overcome this challenge?

The moment when I realized that the source of deep fulfillment came from within and alignment.

To learn to change my perspective from the outside-in, to the inside-out. Instead of outer driven leadership finding inner leadership.

In regards of expressing myself through work it was the knowing that my life experiences and gifts and talents could impact another person and they weren't there to be kept. My life has been positively impacted by many people and I can't keep my gifts to myself.

Looking for the outside is really fleeting. The inside is a sustainable way to live and self-actualize. Also serving others with our gifts is part of our social responsibility.

Creating a core vision and coming from there for me is deeper purpose and I lead with this vision from my inspirational books. Sharing my story of how I found my gifts and deeper purpose as well as, leading other companies in creating and marketing their deeper purpose businesses as I created my own.  It is becoming the author of your own life instead of letting others write the pages.

How do you define leadership?

I define leadership as inner leadership. A person that knows themselves as a gift, a person that knows their heart and wisdom and uses their mind to bring all gifts and talents into the service of humanity. A person with a clear inner light and compass that is driven from a depth that is rooted and strong.

Many times leadership isn't convenient however it is an opportunity to help another. I remember writing my first book years ago and I was pregnant at the time. I launched my books 1 month before I gave birth to my son and I did it because I wanted to help another person.  Leadership starts with one and then moves to others.

I have also lead through my strategic and communications abilities to international teams around the world, consulting start-ups and transformation leaders. During these opportunities I realized that when we are a leader who has a clear vision and mission others can come together with their own personal motivation to the mission and with love, collaboration, and growth, the opportunities that we can create together are beautiful. I believe the glue of leadership is story. Story as an author of a story; the way we live as the way we lead.

What advice would you give to someone ashamed to share their story?

Stories are powerful because they help us connect with each other. Ask yourself if someone would have taught you all that they learned and you have had access to their tools what would have been different to you now? Would it have stopped you from going through the painful process of learning value? We are all learning, we are in the school of life. I have had many wisdom teachers all my life since I was 3 years old, each person who has taught me since then has had a significant impact in who I am now. Learn the value of your life experience and when the opportunity to serve one person or many comes, open your heart to share your story.

You can contribute to one life with your story. I know it is true because it has happened to me. I have felt deeply humbled for another person to be open to learn about my story and share how it impacted them.  When you share your story for service of others, you create a treasure from what you learned.

How can people reach you?

Virginia Nava Hieger, CEO

Transformative Power


Virginia Nava Bio

Virginia is the author of Your Unique Gift: Finding Life’s Unique Gift Proposition and Meaningful Freedom: Finding Freedom Through Wholeness, two new books aimed at empowering women on a journey of self-discovery, authenticity, wholeness and personal freedom. As a Transformative Power® guide for those ready to emerge into wholeness, she believes each one of us has our own GIFT, our own source of inner wisdom to be received and then shared with the world. To share our GIFTs with the world, Virginia says what we need are the tools to reconnect with the heart of our gift, our inner-why, along with the courage, commitment and heart desire to live and share a GIFTED life rooted in love, gratitude and truth.

Virginia became a guide after undergoing her own transformative journey after leaving her corporate career in the field of international business with DuPont, Merck and Sanofi, marketing and transforming brands, concepts and strategies into products and profitable ideas worldwide. Vibrant, fresh, and with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, she jumped into the world of freedom by starting her own company, Transformative Power, LLC, in 2012. Her GIFT is to empower others to reunite, receive and share the heart of their GIFT. She helps companies discover and share their GIFTs from the inside out. She believes in the importance of living a life of contribution, a life of IMPACT.

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Pastor Blakes Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

RC Blakes

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?  ALSO, SHARE ONE OR TWO RESOURCES YOU RECOMMEND WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO HELP PEOPLE RIGHT NOW.

It is vital that you give your mind a daily agenda. Develop the habit of planning your next day. Without an agenda it’s very easy to slip into boredom and despair. We should take this time to work on:

1. Our health; exercise

2. Reading certain books that expand the mind. Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and Blink by Malcolm Gladwell are two that come to mind.

3. Research online businesses that can be done from anywhere in the world.

4. Strengthen your personal prayer life and meditation

5. Work on your important relationships

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission is to use my mistakes and experience as a transparent road map for others to follow. I accomplish this through writing and conversation. 

What is one of your biggest challenges?

My greatest challenge in life was being an unwed teen father in the Black Church. I experienced rejection and public disapproval that nearly broke my young soul.

What is one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

I overcame this challenge because of a great father and mother who taught me the power of individuality and breaking free from the need of public approval. Discovering my individuality in Christ and not others, empowered me.

How do you define leadership?

I define leadership as influence that is generated through serving and teaching.

What is your advice for anyone who is ashamed to share there story?

My advice to anyone who is ashamed to share their story is- your history (story) is the infrastructure of your destiny. If you never love yourself enough to accept yourself , the world will always deprive you of fulfillment and you will always shrink from your purpose. Your story is the part of you that the world needs.

People can reach me at:

R.C. Blakes, Jr. is a husband and father of four.  He is a grandfather.  RC is an empowerment speaker.  Though he is a pastor, preacher and teacher, his approach is conversational.  He believes that transformation happens in conversation.  HE tackles issues and subjects that are sometimes uncomfortable for man leaders to address and may be even difficult for some people to understand.

RC is the pastor of New Home Family Worship Center of Louisiana and Texas.  He is the author of several books, including: Queenology, Imperfectly Holy, Soul=Ties and others.  His most popular is entitled The Father Daughter Talk, which is actually more than a book- it is a national movement.

His women’s empowerment conferences (Queenology) are life changing for women who travel from around the nation and abroad.  RC has traveled extensively to communicate the principles of: healthy relationships- self- discover- self-love, faith in God- and success in life.

As a result of his relevant and laid-back approach to communication, social media has become a natural and comfortable platform for his message and ministry of empowerment.  On a daily basis he is impacting the lives of people around the world through many social platforms.

RC is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana and lives between New Orleans and Houston, Texas.  He has a passion to help people to understand purpose and to move beyond their pain through understanding.  HE’s married to Lisa Blakes.  The two of them are partners in purpose as they work to change the world, one honest and transparent conversation at a time.

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Jourdon Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Jourdon Ferdinand

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to help as many people realize their goals and ambitions as much as possible. I want to leave this world in a better state than it was when I entered it by empowering and teaching others how to make their dreams become their future reality.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Procrastination was one of the biggest challenges I have overcome.

What one action helped you overcome your challenge?

What helped me overcome this challenge was the realization of what my life could become if I don’t start putting actions behind my ambitions. I had to take a long hard look in the mirror and tell myself that I’m better than a person who’s always putting things off. I had to tell myself that I’m tossing away God’s possible blessings every time I say “I’ll do it later” and then later never comes. I had to start making it a point to myself to get things done and handle my responsibilities or else risk becoming a lazy shell of my former self.

How do you define leadership?

I define leadership as being: helpful, encouraging, kind, giving, consistent, and one who can instill hope inside the hearts of those who believe in them. To be a leader doesn’t mean to be a self-righteous entitled person, but to be someone whom others can look up to for guidance in a real genuine way.

What is your advice to anyone who is ashamed to tell their story?

There’s someone right now who can learn from your experiences so why not share it with them? If you can help someone avoid some of the pitfalls that you fell into during your life’s journey , then what’s stopping you from sharing it? Bless others with the opportunity to learn from what you’ve been through, in order for the next generation to go even further during their life’s journey.

People can reach me at: Email:

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Allison Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Allison Crow

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty? Also, please share one or two available resources which can help people right now.

We are living in an unprecedented time and naturally the uncertainty of this pandemic is intense. I am an optimist and encourage you to look up and forward AND keep your feet grounded.  During this time I am calm, and sober, strategic, and mindful.  I am most concerned about people bypassing with mindset or faith alone. I advise a two-pronged approach:

Please, deeply care for your own mind and body - self care, rest, daily movement, and nurturing your emotions and mind at this time are foundational. Please be tender with your self and others, meet your fears with compassion, process thoughts and emotions, ask for help if you need it, and recognize that for many this is traumatic. Don't be an &%@ to yourself or to others. The last 4 episodes of my podcast I've recorded sessions to support your self leadership, emotions and deep fears - you can find more at or The Better Life Better Work Show on your favorite podcast app.

Make logistical plans for your family and business as best you can.  Positivity will get us part of the way - and smart strategy can save lives! Take wise steps, rest, and then take another wise step.  Manage the moment and execute your plan as best you can. Again, don't be afraid to ask for help. One of my colleagues, Racheal Cook, has generously put together a fabulous and strategic checklist and list of resources (comment section) to support small business owners as we pivot and shift in this uncertain season. 

Finally, I want you to remember that you are RESILIENT.  We will get thought this, together.

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to BE fully me in mind, body, and spirit, and to fully learn to trust myself so that I am able to teach and inspire other women to do the same. My mission is to help others rememBEr who they are- the ONE that lives deep inside and under all the layers of the world’s conditioning and expectations, and then move forward in the fullest expression and embodiment of that self-knowing and trust.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Honestly - I can’t say that I’ve had any kind of rock bottom life that rebounded to glorious success. I have been through childhood neglect, trauma, and abuse. I’ve done years of healing and self-discovery in these things. And I’ve lived in the context of upper middle class white privilege. I was left by a husband on a random Wednesday afternoon. I decided to become a small business owner at 32 after thinking and planning to be a stay at home wife and mom since I was a child. I have lived with clinical depression and anxiety for most of my life - like many of my family members. I’ve been sick, had a brief stint with cervical cancer that was cured with surgery. I am a recovering overachiever and people pleaser. What I know now, is that life is full of goodness AND *#@&. The truly biggest challenge was never outside of me in any of these events, or circumstances, or environments- it was only ever my deep self-doubt. Those sneaky thoughts of shame, blame, and guilt along with the excessive need to be pleasing and conform were the most challenging to overcome. I’ve come a long way in mental and emotional health and fortitude and have used life and work as a vehicle for teaching myself and others to BE ON THIS JOURNEY of BECOMING.

What one action helped you overcome this challenge?

Reading non-fiction books! Books - that I chose, when I was in my 20s’ - books that had not been prescribed by my parents, or church, or school, opened me to new ideas outside of my small little world. Reading led to personal development and a curiosity for learning about myself, and about the world around me. Reading helped me be eternally curious and look forward to possibility instead of suffering over my past. Reading led me to coaching, leadership and entrepreneurship which have been my vehicle for inner becoming.

How do you define leadership?

Leadership is a personal responsibility over a position. What is a positional leader when the person occupying that position is empty? I saw this modeled in my youth and young adult years. I decided I would be responsible for me - in mind body and spirit, and that I would model a different kind of leadership. I would model soul-full living and work. I would model a human BEING not a human doing alone. To me, leadership is creating my life - sharing my heart and showing my work as an authentic human on this journey called life and helping others to do the same.

What advice would you give to anyone ashamed to share their story?

First I have a deep tenderness for the damage shame does to our being. First I say, “I see you. And I just want to take a moment to be with you in the same breath and let you be seen.” Shame thinks it is protecting us - when really it is killing us - shame literally vibrates near death and I don’t want you to die. Releasing shame is one of the first (and many steps) of self-acceptance and self-love. Underneath the shame is the beautiful true and deliciously fallible you. There is a path to discovering her - and to being fully in love and confident with ALL OF YOU - even the stories that are hardest to tell. Your perfect story isn’t perfect....your glorious human and imperfect story and BECOMING .

People can Contact me:…

Allison Crow Bio

I am a Better Life & Better Work Coach, an Irreverent Priestess (yes, I’m a licensed minister), and Teacher.  I help people learn to follow the heart path in life and work, guided by their own inner wisdom and the Divine within.

No more bullet point promises or bull@!&*  list of deliverables… I just promise to hold space to help you get to know and trust yourself, your intuition, and your true Divine, Wild, & Free Self.  It will probably involve some meditation, some energy work, some f-bombs, prosperity mojo, lots of stories and conversations, some silence, journaling, with a splash of strategy, and practical steps for moving forward.

I’ve been teaching and coaching in one form or another since the mid-90s. I’ve been full-time coaching as a profession for over 11 years.  I have a Masters degree in Educational Psychology, am a Certified Visual Coach, and a Certified Expressive Arts Facilitator (and a die-hard Oxford Comma User). I’m also a founding member of an extraordinary community of leaders called 4PC.

My clients are soul-centered, high achievers – and often “recovering over-achievers.” They are leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, bold artists, business owners, and even a few executives who are ready for expansion and to live life from the inside out – to discover who they were before they got lost, and then begin living in a new way.  Above all, my heart sings to help people truly listen to & follow their heart, to help them find their authentic feel good…and to begin creating BETTER Life & BETTER Work 

Once a hard-lined performance and sales coach motivated by outside forces and an excruciating need for approval, I finally figured out that everything I want and need already resides within me, and now I help my clients do the same. This means BEING more and STRIVING less – while still creating income.  I specialize in energy alignment, Law of Attraction, accessing intuition, and courageous, creative & inspired action, and business building through client creation and online expression.

I am also a bit of a bohemian, intuitive artist and create or paint almost daily.  If I am not coaching or speaking, you can probably find me in blue jeans and a LOVE-themed t-shirt and covered from head to toe in marker ink or paint, or in the grass tapping into the 6th sensory world. Or these days, possibly on FB-Live with a glass of red wine in hand.

I live in Austin, Tx with my husband and three rescued dogs, Leroy Brown, Clementine & Rocky Potato. I’m addicted to reading, facebook, macaroni & cheese, champagne, and naps.


Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Tiffany Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Tiffany Kelly

What is your personal mission in life?

My mission is to be of service to others. I'm on a mission to help people see how important their health is, fully walking in their God given purpose. I believe my assignment is to help others believe in their ability to live healthy, happy, and FREE.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Being overweight and not believing that I can achieve success with my health.

What one action helped you overcome this challenge?

One action was to change my mindset. This is not easy when you have habits that are so deeply rooted that need to be pulled up and changed. When I shifted my mindset, my whole life changed. My ability to push my way through and get rid of excuses helped me reach success.

How do you define leadership?

It is the driving force that motivates and inspires others to achieve a common goal.

What is your advice to anyone who is ashamed to share their story?

My advice is to remember that someone else has a similar experience or story. You are not alone. Sharing your story can bless someone in a way you couldn't imagine. Be obedient to the call to share because your message could shift someone's life in an instant!

People can reach me at: Website: IG: Tiffanyd_Kelly FB: Tiffany D. Kelly Consulting

Tiffany Kelly Bio

Tiffany Kelly is “The” Health Transformation Coach, author, media personality, and speaker. She is the CEO of Tiffany D. Kelly Consulting, a company dedicated to providing services that help people and their families improve their health by learning how to eat healthier and stay fit through health and wellness workshops, retreats, corporate wellness programs, and more. 

She is the author of Lady of Power: Inspirations for the Weight-loss Journey, which includes thirty-one inspirations to motivate and encourage women on their journey to a healthy lifestyle! Tiffany’s own personal journey of losing over 80 pounds, curing her high blood pressure without meds, and overcoming depression and unhealthy eating habits naturally inspires so many!

Tiffany is originally from Brooklyn and now resides in the Metro Atlanta Area. She has a B.S. in Business Management and a Master’s in Math Education and Educational Leadership. She’s completed coursework in advanced nutrition, is a certified fitness instructor, and has over five years experience with group fitness and weight-loss coaching.

Tiffany won the 2018 Rising In Community Excellence Award (R.I.C.E.) for Health and Wellness for her dedication to helping people adopt healthier lifestyles. She has been featured on television, radio, in magazines, and as a speaker at conferences and retreats.

When she’s not working, Tiffany enjoys spending time with family and friends, thrifting, participating at her church, fitness training, creating healthy recipes, designing custom wigs, and traveling.

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Horace Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Horace Lovett

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty? Also, Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now?

I would advise people to stay well informed of developments during this time of uncertainty. This means heeding the guidance of reliable entities such as the CDC and WHO as you safely and responsibly navigate the dynamics of this pandemic. Be hopeful about us overcoming our current plight. 

While we anticipate this situation will worsen before it becomes manageable, research suggests with adaptations, we will be able to get through it. 

I would also suggest people exercise greater faith. Be intentional about your prayers. Embody the tenets of your belief system. There’s healing power in praying for others. There’s divinity in showing general concern and providing resources to those in need. 

Lastly, I recommend people be a little selfish with this time. Make time to do those things you’ve neglected to do for yourself because life had gotten in the way. Cultivate a stronger bond with friends & family members. Pick up the phone and call them! Read that book you bought a year ago. Go meditate. Rediscover old music or movies you loved. Plant flowers. Or simply be still long enough to understand how grateful you are to still be alive; and how grateful you are for another chance to enjoy the simple things you’ve unknowingly taken for granted. 

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to help people see and experience things from different perspectives - influencing them to push limits and take risks to reach their full potential. Many people never actualize their dreams because they are afraid to go against the grain, be different or question norms. Imploring the need to view challenges or barriers from a growth mindset will help them discover or understand their true purpose in life. When I dialogue with people dismayed by their life’s circumstances or deferred dreams, I try to offer a different perspective without judgment. I’ve learned that one conversation or understanding ear can reignite a person’s hope and desire to become their best self. That’s my mission. That’s my passion. 

What is the one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced regarding my mission is the resistance or inability of some people to “see the bigger picture” or think unconventionally. Many of us have beliefs and understanding of life that was forced upon us by our families, religious organizations, or general socialization; we’ve never thought to investigate or second-guess the validity or reasonableness of those beliefs. Our mindsets are based on other people’s thoughts, experiences, or personal agendas.

What one action helped you overcome your challenge?

I’ve learned to anticipate helping people, who are open to challenge constructs, to see arrested by the views or opinions of others. I follow-up that conversation with words or guidance that inspires them to begin thinking critically and introspectively about their beliefs. I see that as my mission, and I never deter from that calling - even when it’s not received. I know we’re all on a journey to figure “it” out.

What is your definition of leadership?

Leadership is a responsibility bestowed upon individuals from a higher being. Being an impactful leader requires a person to understand the mission and have a clear vision for accomplishing organizational goals. A leader helps an organization devise a plan and empowers those with the organization to execute. During the execution of the plan, the leader guides the work, assesses progress, and steers a team towards success. 

What advice would you give to someone who is ashamed to share their story?

My advice for anyone ashamed to share their story would be to own your SHAME. Shame is personal. You have to figure out what is at the root of your shame and work to reconcile the differences between who you present as and who you ”REALLY” are as a person. One must come to grips with the idea that there will always be prejudices and biases placed upon anything outside of “the norm.” Despite that reality, we must be courageous and choose to live our truths. Once you do that work, you have to grow comfortable with narrating your journey with vulnerability and transparency. In my experience, openly sharing my journey might inspire increased hope and strength in someone else - maybe even you. 

People can contact me at:

Social Media Instagram: The_hair_genie

Horace Lovett Bio

Senior Stylist Horace Lovett is a native of the East coast. As an Army-brat, he lived in Georgia, the Carolinas, New Jersey and Germany.  His affinity for styling hair began at the impressionable age of twelve. On weekends, Horace would work as an assistant to his aunt, who owned a salon and served as a master stylist.  Witnessing the transformations of the salon’s patrons, Horace discovered what he considered his life’s passion –hair!   Horace is an honors graduate of Paul Mitchell School of Atlanta, one of the premier cosmetology programs in the world. He is able to transform his clients with innovative hairstyles and cuts. In addition to salon work, Horace has worked with the hair department for “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” and “Mocking Jay” Part 1. He has also worked on numerous music video shoots to include “Baby D” And “Gucci Man”. His work has also been featured in nationally renowned magazines such as Essence, Black Hair, and The Huffington Post . His styling’s have also been feature in digital ads for some of the industry’s top hair companies.

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator