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Let The Healing Continue

Brent Wolfskill

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

I would encourage people to remain faithful and to intentionally practice faith over fear during this season. There's a lot of fear out there if one chooses to plug into it, but we have an option of whether we choose to be afraid or to walk in faith. It really is a perspective. Limit your intake of news stories  that promote fear. It's a balance of being informed  versus being overwhelmed  with opinions. Seek God through prayer, scriptures, song, meditation, or counseling. Make sure you are getting some exercise, stretching, doing calisthenics or hand weights in your home, outside in your backyard, or at a local park or field near your home.

Some good resources to use are the Bible app, YouTube, The Abide spiritual meditation app, Calm meditation app and Insight Timer meditation app. These are all great resources and tools for encouraging oneself intentionally on a daily basis. Seek outside counseling if you need someone to talk to and feel overwhelmed. Many providers are offering Telehealth counseling services during this pandemic if you don't want to go into the office

What is your personal mission in life?

To create, show and display love, peace and joy while continually pursuing all 3 and seeking life-long learning, guidance, knowledge and wisdom from the Holy Spirit of the universe.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Learning to love myself when I didn't feel worthy or lovable.

What is one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

I put intentional energy and study into learning what love truly was and started practicing self-love, forgiveness, gratitude and healing daily. A major part of this was developing a team and set of support tools.

How do you define leadership?

Being willing to go first and set a God like standard / path / example for others to follow through mentorship / discipleship that helps them to experience their own greatness.

What advice would you give to anyone ashamed to share their story?

There is power in sharing our testimonies. It is a form of praise and honor to God. It is also a way we can encourage others who are going through tough times and life trials to remain faithful and have hope.

People can reach me at:

Transitions Counseling Associates 

2304 Bardin Road Suite 202 Grand Prairie Texas 75052


Brent Wolfskill Bio

Brent Wolfskill is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has been practicing for 24 years, he is a U.S. Navy veteran  and the founder of Transitions Counseling  Associates  located in Grand Prairie  Texas. He has been married to Stephanie for over 28 years and they have one daughter Brenna who is in her second year at Texas Christian University.

Brent has a counseling Ministry of encouragement that is committed to helping wake people up to their true power within and to live a life of hope, peace and love. Brent's walk with God and his counseling Ministry have been impacted greatly by past life traumas like losing his mother to cancer at age 10, the death of his father and both of his grandparents by age 18, school failure, child welfare parental termination, poverty, addiction,  chronic health issues including cancer, kidney disease, being paralyzed  and obesity where he at one time weighed 350 lbs.

Brent is an overcomer with a powerful testimony that he finds joy in sharing with others who are stuck and in a state of imbalance.

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Eardie Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Eardie Houston

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

With this unprecedented time that we are in right now, my advice to others would be to intentionally relinquish control... yes, be responsible; yes, prepare as best you can for you and your family; but please bear in mind that so much of what is happening right now is outside of our control. The best we can do right now after we've done our best to protect our families is to enjoy this season of life slowing down a bit. Our family plays more games together, spends more time in the backyard, engages in more reading challenges, and has eaten breakfast and dinner together at the table every day for the past two weeks! Consider all of the reasons that we have to be grateful right now. Yes, so much is uncertain, but there's so much to be thankful for RIGHT NOW. Don't miss it.

One resource that I would recommend for families would be an enhancement to the family library that would serve as both entertainment and resources for family enrichment. That is our children's book collection that can be found at

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to encourage and empower others to overcome various barriers in their life and reach for excellence... in their personal aspirations, their relationships, their parenting, and their careers. At times, the mission is carried out formally, through speaking and discussions... other times, it's just through example, serving as an inspiration through vulnerability and transparency, showing others what is possible.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

What one action helped you overcome your challenge?

Some of what helped me overcome this challenge was time and maturity, definitely getting in God's word more.... And then another practical thing that I have done over the past decade was gradually disconnecting from those relationships (or lowering their influence) that fed the narrative of low self esteem and lack of confidence, and reached for relationships with people that encouraged me to be the best version of myself and not shrink.

How Do you define leadership?

Leadership can look differently depending on the leader, in my opinion. For some leaders, it's all about casting the vision, or having the creative, effective idea. Some leaders demonstrate boldness in their ability and willingness to blaze a trail. Some leaders quietly lead by being their authentic self, setting examples for others. At times, I've fit into several different modes of leadership. Most often, I tend to quietly lead by example.

What advice would you give to a person ashamed to share their story?

To a person ashamed to share their story, I would say, I understand and they have to share when they are ready. Being vulnerable and transparent can be intimidating, at times, because we open ourselves up to judgement and ridicule from others. So I get it. But as that person finds peace with their own journey and develop a desire to share, I would encourage him/her to focus on the people that will be blessed by knowing our stories. Someone needs encouragement and support in precisely the way we can give it. Someone is waiting... for you!

People can contact me at:

Dr. Eardie Houston Bio

Dr. Eardie Houston is an international speaker, author, filmmaker, and servant who is passionate about supporting and encouraging women to stretch beyond their perceived limitations and reach for excellence in their various roles in life. Raised in a trailer park and once considered “trailer trash”, she’s a living example of how God can shatter stereotypes and lowered expectations, and use the unexpected to make a mighty impact on the world. Eardie’s journey includes overcoming poverty, abuse, and abandonment through faith, education, and determination, to become a woman that passionately pursues her purpose and lifts others as she climbs. With humility and grace, Eardie also serves alongside her husband, Dr. Terence Houston, affecting lives globally, through marriage enrichment and global medical missions. Eardie earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from Florida A&M University, and completed her post-doctoral studies at Rutgers University. She has had a successful corporate career in the pharmaceutical industry for over a decade.

Eardie has done significant volunteer work in South Africa through the When Women Heal Global Leadership Activism Summit, which includes serving as Director of Research and International Speaker, where she has led team efforts in gathering insights to best support women (US & S. Africa) in areas related to Education, Economic Empowerment, and Self Care. As Speaker, she’s used research findings and personal experience to inspire and equip women and girls with strategies to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.

Eardie is married to her college sweetheart, and together they parent three brilliant, gifted, and amusing children. Together, Terence & Eardie own and operate Alpha Omega Infusion Services, a home infusion pharmacy providing clinical support for patients with infusion needs in Southeast Texas. Learn more at

They have also created a platform, “Living Life with the Houstons” to inspire, encourage and support marriages and families. Additionally, their family has authored two collections of children’s books, “Adventures of David of Joshua” and “Chronicles of Christian Grace”, to encourage and inspire families. Learn more at

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Tanysha Shares


Let The Healing Continue

Tanysha Carroll

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

I would advise people to not forget basic life skills.  Helping and caring for yourself is just as important as caring for others, if not more so.  When we think of life skills, I mean caring for your physical body, your emotional and mental health, your family members near and far.  Teach your children or nieces and nephews important things they should know, how to cook, how to iron, how to wash clothes.  In uncertain times we must go back to basics and ensure that we provide those we love and treasure with a good foundation.  Providing this information to the youth and young adults around me is important in this time.  After you have done these things for those in closest proximity, then you can look outward and offer the best of you to those who have no help.

One great place to get basic information is YouTube. There are so many “How To” videos and informational videos. I would also encourage connecting with mental health professional through your insurance. Many are offering Telehealth opportunities in this hour. I highly recommend  

What is your personal mission in life? 

My personal mission is to be true to myself and others so that the best part of me will show up wherever I go.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the biggest challenges I overcame was regularly caring for a person I loved, who did not appreciate what I and other family members was doing for several years.

What one action helped you overcome this challenge?

When I began to express my love for that person freely and treating them with kindness even though they didn't respond to me in the same manner, there was a change in behavior.  Initially, I was very hurt and did not want to be around the person but, when I began to see them through God's eyes and with love our relationship changed.

How do you define leadership?

Leadership is living in such a way that your life speaks louder than anything you could ever say.  Leadership is humility, truth, and authenticity.

What advice would you give to anyone ashamed to share their story is?

I encourage people that sharing your story is freeing for you and empowering for others.  We walk in shame oftentimes because we think we are the only one going through what we are going through.  It is a lie!  When you begin to share you see how other people have similarities and you learn and grow along with those with which you share. Sharing is breaking free and breaking through.

People can reach me at? …

IG: @imonassignment

Tanysha W. Carroll Bio

Tanysha Carroll is a dynamic woman of God ordained to help other servant leaders, entrepreneurs, organizational leaders and young adults to stay true to their assignment when their flesh wants to quit.  She has devoted the last 3 years to creating opportunities for people of varying ages to look within and agree with the high calling on their life and its need for it in the world.

Tanysha is a regular contributor on, author of the book, “Chosen To Rise: How To Stay True To Your Assignment When Your Flesh Wants to Quit, and a truth seeking encourager, empowering you to live authentically.

Tanysha’s journey has equipped her to identify, recognize, and serve people as they fulfill their assignment.  Her past experience includes banking with SunTrust Bank for 3 years where Tanysha interacted with over 500 customers in person and via phone allowing her to learn and understand the variety in personalities, and the value of one on one connections in service.

Serving as a choir director, worship leader, and Elder of worship since the age of 15 has allowed Tanysha the opportunity to identify specific gifts, strengths, areas of improvement, and purpose within others. Teaching, training, and building hundreds of young people and adults has brought great joy and provided Tanysha with a keen eye to support people as they determine what works for them and what needs to be let go. 

For the last 11 years serving as the Administrative Assistant to the Pastors at Redeeming Love Christian has further built Tanysha’s heart to serve people and support them on their journey to purpose through varying assignments. Interacting with high level individuals in the religious and governmental community has allowed Tanysha to positively represent her pastors providing people with an experience which exudes trust, confidence, and consistency.

Tanysha served as a Teacher for an International ESOL company which allowed her the opportunity to move from adults to also include children by assisting students ages 8-60 with the goal of not only learning the language but also  interacting with varying personalities.  By assisting students as they overcome language, personal esteem challenges, confidence and even social skills, Tanysha has found her way to a love for helping people not give up.  Tanysha regularly identifies the fact that everyone has a unique assignment as well as challenges which will occur a long the way.  Everyone has not only a gift but an assignment. Tanysha’s desire for people is to not  give up but  endure in certain seasons of life in order to learn more about themselves, their purpose, and to have the greatest impact during the assignment.

Her commitment as a wife for over 17 years reveals the value of not giving up.  In addition, being the mother of two blessings, Marcus who is an aspiring artist and youthprenuer, and Makayla who is an amazing supporter of everyone who loves dancing and singing allowed Tanysha to grow and strengthen the family bond and being an example of faith, endurance, and hard work.  In any area you can grow beyond your current circumstance to your intended destiny. Tanysha desires to connect with people who desire just that and are willing to put in the work to accomplish it.

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator



Are you ready to have a real conversation, address real issues, and get real results? The truth is... there is no one way to do anything. However, when you have the opportunity to connect with solid, solution driven and success minded individuals, it is important that you not only show up and make the sacrifice to get there, but it is equally as important that you ADD YOUR VOICE.

This is so important to me because for 2016, we have been enforcing the intentional message of A NEW VIEW for 2016!
A new view requires that we get honest on a new level. We must look at ourselves and ask where we can improve?
We must look at our goals and ask, where can I improve or how can I use my wisdom and mistakes to propel forward?
We must assess the people and environment around us and honestly ask if we are in a healthy place to thrive and what changes may be needed to support our ultimate growth.

Many times we are too hard on ourselves but then there are times when we are ready to get serious, streamline, tap into the root of an issue and LEVEL UP. Yes!!!! Level up, meaning reach and execute towards a greater vision and a deeper level of potential and truth. I have been in business for several years now and I never imagined that getting laid off would catapult me into my love for entrepreneurship full time. It was overwhelming and scary but it was exciting too. There were days when I felt like I was on 2,000 and could conquer the world. Then there were days that I felt alone, fragile and vulnerable. I was uncertain of how things would fall into place but I was never uncertain of the talents and skills that I had worked too hard to learn in my past corporate career in Federated Buying Offices or at the University of Georgia. 

I knew that eventually I would be lead to a place that would lead me exactly where I was meant to be. After bootstrapping (a fancy word for doing a whole hell of a lot with a little lol) my first brick and mortar storefront with my entire severance package and no investment money and struggling to get my startup off the ground, to becoming a national speaker and consultant that wanted to help others feel the freedom that I felt, I realized that my belief system changed over time and I began to emerge from a deeper place.

See at first I thought everybody needed to be an entrepreneur and "if you were building your own dreams then you were being paid to build someone else's." In fact, a portion of that is true to a degree. However, after embracing my transformation after taking a pause and writing my book The Power Of Peace In A Pause, I realized that not everyone is meant to be a full time entrepreneur because not everyone is equipped or wants to invest their life in creating their own welfare. Some individuals simply want options. Some just want peace of mind and some of the most talented people I have ever met in my life, have honestly told me that they can not stand the unpredictability of entrepreneurship, especially at the bootstrapping phase. Guess what? I get it. I respect it. Why? Because I now understand that what is for me may not be for you and what is for you may not be fort me. However, that doesn't mean that together we can't do something amazing!

Now I am a huge advocate of people creating the life that is in their heart. We all want some form of success, whether it be in our company, families, organizations, relationships or whatever. It all begins with our mind, our heart, and our intent.
This is why I began to dedicate myself to infusing personal development and self accountability exercises and intentional thought provoking messaging to the business and entrepreneurial consulting that I offer. If we want better results with anything, we have to first be wiling to start at the source. We are the source. We have amazing potential and power, however many times we are taught to reach on the outside instead of within.

As we celebrate the manifestations of our New View for 2016, I want to invite you to Train for a Day With TDR. It will be an intentional day of community, learning, and leveraging what you already have! Many times we are seeking someone new without learning how to put the pieces together that are already in your lap so to speak. 
Let's maximize where you are with what you have without getting overwhelmed, overloaded with too much to execute, and learn to leverage. 

Join me for
A New View. New Actions. New Results. I look forward to locking arms with you just as you are. On that note, I 'll leave you with the quote that blessed me most as I embarked into 2016.
" You don't need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections."


Changing the world happens one step at a time, through acts of leadership and courage
— Andrew Young

Ambassador Andrew Young has created a legacy of leadership and it was an honor to witness and document such a beautiful tribute in celebration of his 85th birthday. On Saturday, June 3rd, the 2017 Andrew J. Young International Leadership Awards, recognizing and honoring those who have also transformed lives across the globe, was held at Atlanta’s Philips Arena and became a mecca for those traveling from near and far to join in the celebration of Young. 

Anthony Anderson, star of ABC's "Black-ish," was the perfect host for the star-studded evening, which included tribute performances from Usher, Jill Scott, Wyclef Jean, Angie Stone, Estelle, gospel artist Anthony Brown and more! Each of the artists performed with such passion and gratitude in honor of Ambassador young. The energy was high and Anderson kept us laughing the entire night!


The awards are part of efforts by the Andrew J. Young Foundation, which it’s founder and namesake continues to chair, to encourage individuals to work in inspiring ways toward a better world. The gala’s theme was "Lead Young," highlighting the foundation's commitment to supporting and developing emerging leaders.  


"Changing the world happens one step at a time, through acts of leadership and courage," said Ambassador Young, as the climactic event approached. "It is the work of generations, with progress made possible by those who pass on the lessons learned from both successes and setbacks, and most importantly, the necessary knowledge that positive change is indeed possible."

Among the recipients was former Vice President Joseph Biden, who received the Chairman’s Award for his lifelong, exceptional leadership in areas that reflect Ambassador Young's life work. Biden’s lifetime of contributions to his country have also earned him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor.

"I value an award based upon the organization giving the award," Biden said.  "This is one of the most consequential awards I've ever been given."

Other honorees included:

  • Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez, and Bob Bland, National Co-Chairs of the Women's March on Washington for inspiring and organizing a worldwide outpouring of positive civic engagement;

  • Ron Clark, for creating a transformational school that models teaching excellence and nurtures future leaders, and opens its doors to share those strategies with thousands of other educators;

  • Activist, commentator, and Dream Corps founder Van Jones, for promoting human rights and police accountability and helping young people fill jobs, not jails;

  • Singer, songwriter, rapper and producer Akon, whose Akon Lighting Africa project is using small-scale solar energy systems and street lights to bring transformational change to communities in Africa whose development has been harmed by lack of electricity.


It was so exciting to celebrate and interview many of the guest as they arrived for the red carpet. Among them was Atlanta native and Fox 5 News reporter Aungelique Proctor, who shared how excited she was to be there.

Proctor knows what it means to earn awards, with three Emmy's, the Associated Press Best Newscast and National Association of Black Journalists award. The busy mom also loves to volunteer, so she knows how much it takes to make a sustainable difference. She had high praise for all Young had done for her hometown and people around the world. We also had some fun and laughs after interviews were done with other guests, such as award-winning actress Terri J. Vaughn, who also directs and produces, and has three NAACP Image Awards, Anthony Anderson, before he rushed down to start the show, Trina Braxton, and more!


From eager anticipation, it became an evening full of a beautiful spirit and energy, with a funny, relaxed tone set by the affable Anderson. He is definitely a natural and each of the honorees spoke from a space of humble respect and gratitude.


Although Akon was not able to attend he provided a heartfelt message stating that this meant so much to him and would probably be the most special award he will receive in his lifetime.


There is much to live up to. Young's first chance to make a difference was in his community, as a young pastor. From there, his influence expanded as he joined Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement and served as director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Young was an early leader in the Civil Rights Movement, and executive director of the His political career included serving as a U.S. Congressman from Georgia, United States Ambassador to the United Nations and Mayor of Atlanta. Young has founded and served in a large number of organizations working on issues of public policy and political lobbying.


The videos of Ambassador Young’s life and his sacrifices was so inspiring, I personally feel it reinvigorated us to think about how our lives and work impact humanity. While we were there to celebrate Ambassador Andrew Young, his heart and vision left a lifetime impression on all of us. It was as if he was lighting a torch for many years to come. Thank you Ambassador Young.





Tierra Destiny Reid is the CEO of TDR Brands International, author of 'The Power of Peace in a Pause, emerging media contributor, Oprah Winfrey Network Ambassador, and servant leader who is passionate about sharing her personal setbacks and successes to educate and empower our community. With a huge heart and gratitude for those before her \, she has dedicated years of service to be a bridge for others and is on a mission to continue the legacy of the leaders and trailblazers who have paved the way.











I am amazed at how POWERFUL our Pause & Propel event was with so many new faces who didn't know each other in such a short amount of time! Some of the women were a bit reserved and conservative at first, but by the end it seemed as if we had all spread our wings and realized we were more alike than different! To see the transparency and transformations take place were priceless. I shared personal challenges and things that I had experienced since my last conference in DC and some of the ladies who have watched the brand on social media were in complete shock! There were so many golden jewels passed along and the inter-generational wisdom and exchange of love and compassion was refreshing.

In honor of the lessons I took away from our journey to Africa, we each passed around a glass diamond as we shared our personal revelations and declarations.

I am sitting here wondering how in the world I am suppose to fully process all that I am learning from each of you. Africa will take forever to fully process but then Saturday seemed like an unexpected garden of rich wisdom.

I am still figuring out the process and being in the moment when so many experiences are coming so fast.

You all are changing my life and I learn from each encounter.

Having the munchkins there was an answered prayer and it was so sweet to see Kylie take in the sisterhood.

Bryson preferred chilling in the lounge at the buffet and site seeing afterwards... He was a good sport but I think he will pass on the next event. He would rather go play or bring his ipad.

I am forever grateful for each of you and I have said it since my first event in 2012. There is just something so special about DC I think we may end up doing something else here, just not sure what.

Belinda Johnson, Lisa Matthews, and Monica Byrd it would not have been a rich, powerful, and heart-awakening experience without your support and effort. Thank you for having the courage to help me with this vision.



Special thanks to our speakers and the ladies that attended our Pause & Propel event. I thank God for blessing me with women who understand that sharing their wounds doesn't make them weak. I am stronger because of you. Your courage and trust has truly inspired me to keep reaching higher, reflecting deeper and remaining grateful for it all! Your testimonies have given me LIFE and our conversations are transforming and preparing us for what's on the way! 

See below for fun images! We're headed to DC next click here to RSVP.



Yes! A moment is just as powerful as a plan...a life is birthed in a moment and a life can be taken in a moment. You need both in order to understand the power of embracing significant moments of unity that are desperately needed, and the sustainability of a plan that takes consistent time and effort. Don't minimize one for the other, because they work together for those willing to see the entire scope of change.

People must feel and see hope sometimes once it has been stripped away. Who are we to minimize restoring hope so that people can muster up the desire to keep showing up at the polls, keep feeling like their money matters, keep holding their local education and police system accountable? Do you know how many people have gone numb?

 People who do NOT need you to tell them to do these things went numb this week so don't assume that we think a rally creates change... It sparks it... IT REVITALIZES IT! Don't minimize efforts and feed into divisive mindsets and conversations. BE THE CHANGE... 

For those who are parents, we know when our children are growing weary and we need them to push through towards the end of a project or test..right? Sometimes we have to remind them, show them, inspire them... That's what this did for me and 10,000 others. I have so much love for those who shared and came out! If my life can be used to change lives, yesterday definitely has revitalized my determination. I stand as one...but I come as 10,000. I can't stop reading the text messages that we had just 48 hours ago trying to pull this together. IT'S POSSIBLE! I LOVE YOU