" Leadership is about resilience and developing resilient people.”
· Ability to experience adversity and the ability to conquer challenges and bounce back from repeated failures
· Ability to confront challenges and promotes a culture of excellence
· Build a client-driven team that can pivot during challenging times.
Resilience was defined for me early on. Reflecting on my first day at Hilltop Elementary, unable to speak and or understand a single word of English. I was introduced to the fifth-grade teacher Ms. Dunn, who pulled a blank sheet of paper and outlined two stick figures of her and me. This would be the start of how we would communicate. She made a big small world and met me where I was in my learning. This would start building my resilience in situations where I had to adapt quickly—sharing this memory for us to discuss resilience as a principle. Leaders must understand resilience is developed over time. Foundation was formed early on; adapt, face fears, let your faith be your guide was established early in my childhood. Currently, developing resilient people has increased success in customer engagements, developing teams, and personal life as wife and mother.
Five strategies have helped me.
· Belief in positive outcomes and outlook fosters a culture of excellence
· Never losing site of personal satisfaction
· Facing pressure head-on, work, and home
· Physical Health
· Emotional health
As people leaders, we must nurture characteristics that yield a good outcome in the face of adversity. A life lesson from my fifth-grade teacher is creating a space where any student can thrive.
Directing teams in the following way has fostered an inclusive environment where my teams have thrived.
· Engage leadership
· Path for growth
· Advocate and action-driven ally
· Inclusive culture
· Clear direction
· Empathy