Melody Joy

Living Vs Existing

Living Vs Existing

"You haven't lived until you have learned to breathe." I was driving to the office one day when I heard this saying in my spirit. I begin to ponder on it and it brought tears to my eyes. The first image that I could see was when a baby is first born.

Pregnancy doesn't equate living, it is merely the anticipation of life. How many of us can recall and reflect on being "pregnant or pregnant with something"? To be pregnant with something, means that we are holding something that is so dear that has yet to be birthed, nurtured and matured. That's how it is with your dreams, visions and desires. But it's just conception until we give birth to it and it has life blown into it.

I want to take a minute to look at the how something has the potential to live or to exist. Anything living is thriving, growing, and maturing. Anything that is just existing is lingering, barely surviving. Many of us can possibly find ourselves in one or the other and have at some point in life. Life has a way of causing some people to just exist, mean you are lingering. Sometimes many don't even know they are just existing. It's a normalcy to them. How can one just be existing?

Easy! Focused more on survival than creating substance. For some that's all we know. We believe that there's no more options or very few options. Ok, so that's the hand you were dealt? Then let's change the card game that you're playing. Instead of playing Go fish, let's play Solitaire. Increase your leverage and change your strategies and influencers. People with different mindsets play Solitaire from those who play Go Fish. That's a different discussion. Existing! You want to start the business but you're lingering at "I thought about it". You want to get married but when it comes to trust you say "I don't know if I will find the right one". You want to travel and your words are "but the bills have more frequent flyer miles than I do". You get the picture?

That's existing because what should feel like life feels like exhaustion, as if life is being drained from you. At some point in life you have to take your decisions and direction by the horns and create a space to live and not just exist. There's a saying that says "Surely I was born to do more than work and pay bills". That is so true. So how do I live and not just exist? I am glad you asked. The key is to learn to breathe!!! Inhale and exhale. You haven't lived until you have learned to breathe. Anything living is breathing. That's why it's so important that babies cry when existing the womb and into the world. That cry clears the lungs and that cry denotes breathing; which confirms that the baby is living!!

You may need to cry to clear your lungs. It's ok! There's Kleenex for baby tears as well as adult tears. Crying is normal, pride is unhealthy. But once you've cleared your lungs and wiped your tears, it's time to Live and not just exist. Give that vision, life; that relationship, life; that ministry, life; your family, life; and so much more. So it failed before. No it didn't fail, that strategy just was befitting for that plan.

Try again! It's time to get rid of or walk away from what's not giving YOU life. Whatever isn't giving life is lingering and you can't afford to linger. Be mindful of your environment, it may not be conducive to positive living. Toxic environment and connections give off toxic air; which is more fatal and worse than second hand smoke. For those who feel like they have passed slap out due to past trauma(s), that have caused you to stop breathing, today we administer CPR to you. We are our sisters and brothers keeper. You will live again. You were create for so much more. Inhale. Exhale. Live the life that's worth living.

- Melody Joy

Connect with Melody: 

Twitter Handle:@melodyjoy_ 

Instagram Handle:@stiletto_authority 

Facebook Handle:Melody Joy (Stiletto Authority) 

Linked In:Melody France




But It's Worth It

But It's Worth It

For many it wasn't easy getting to 2016 and every day still isn't sunshine but don't allow pressure and processes to cancel out your promises. Your gifts have made room for you. I know you can feel the stretch but don't give into the cramping. It's just purpose "walk it out". As we get wiser and older, certain things and people should no longer matter. One thing is for sure you will go as far as you can speak and as far as the support around you. What and who shall be, will be. God is definitely removing excuses and giving you what and who you need and desire. This is the season of connections. Sometimes you have to lose to win; it teaches you how to persevere. Learn to do it less than perfect and to do IT afraid. Lots of great things coming and you get to experience some of the best days of your life. Don't wallow in what was but leap into what is to come. Often times we are consumed by our battles and negate to look at what's already been won. It's easier to say what you desire to do, where you desire to go and who you would like to be connected with but the real victory and joy comes in moving your BUT. Change your profession and you'll change your position. Notice the title of this "...But it's worth it" instead of "It's worth it but...". I did that because the “but changes the position of accomplishing based on where it's placed. We are positioned to acquire not shrink back or make excuses. The placement of the "but" says in spite of I can, I must and I will. Blows and trials will come to detour you but they aren't fatal. Tough times don't last tough people do. You're the lead star and headliner. Despite how it feels, there's greater on the other side of through. Faced with anything? Just go through. There's danger and defeat in getting stuck. There's an encore being performed in your life in your honor. Your best is not next its NOW. The stage is set. Are you? Lets go and be great. It's worth it. 

- Melody Joy

Connect with Melody: 

Twitter Handle:@melodyjoy_ 

Instagram Handle:@stiletto_authority 

Facebook Handle:Melody Joy (Stiletto Authority) 

Linked In:Melody France 

New You...Old Ways

New You...Old Ways

Many make New Year's Resolutions or New Years Resolutions. Pay attention to the grammar and punctuation on the word Year. The reason why I did that is because some resolutions rollover to the next year or season and are not specified to one particular season. This won't be a long blog because it's not a subject matter that should take a lot of time. People often order drinks "straight no chaser", well we should accept coaching or correction the same way. I often tell people, facts are easier to accept than truth is. Why?

I'm glad you asked. Facts are challenging and Truth is confrontational. You know it's true. People can handle what seems to be facts but truth makes you make some decisions. Say for instance, a person who is diabetic can handle that the large amounts of sugar places them in danger of a diabetic coma, but the truth is they must discontinue the consumption of sugar.

The thought of letting go is what paralyzes the individual. They are already thinking of ways to compensate sugar in their life. They'll try sugar substitutes, limited amount of sugar, take extra medicine and so forth instead of just getting rid of the sugar. We do our hearts, spirits, purpose, business and relationships the same way. Instead of getting rid of the thing that is causing us harm, we find ways to fit it in or we find substitutes. Fact is it's harmful, truth is I have to get rid of it in order to better. We are desiring to go into 2016 with new expectations, but we failed to get rid of the things and people that could possibly cause us to miss out on some great things and opportunities. We revamp our vision boards but with old mindsets.

Many just changed the pictures but the way to achieve what we believe we see for ourselves, is old. If you are going to get anything that you have never had before, you're going to have to do something you've never done before. You can't put new wine in old wine skins. Its capacity to hold, its potency, and power isn't strong enough. So, I admonish you that if you're going to declare to be a New You in seasons to come, you have to remove and detach from old ways. Fact is you're not a bad person, but the truth is what you've been doing is no longer working for who you're desiring to become. There is so much greatness on the inside of you and what's to come is far exceeding greater. Learn to forgive yourself and don't be afraid to try.

Budget, track spending and create a savings for what you desire to do. Spend more time developing your gifts, integrity and character. Revisit your core values and have an accountability partner. Say I need you and I love you more often. Laugh, dance, and relax. The only thing that should roll over from year to year are vacation days, not bad thoughts, strategies or habits. I'm guilty of it too. I say if the majority has tried it and IT (whatever IT may be) hasn't work, be the minority that will dare to be different in order to get different results. Dare to be different and different is daring but it's undeniably ok to be so. 

Connect with Melody:

Twitter Handle: @melodyjoy_
Instagram Handle: @stiletto_authority
Facebook Handle: Melody Joy (Stiletto Authority) 
Linked In: Melody France


Photo Credit: Conscious Living Radio