keshea way

Is there an elephant in the room?

Is there an elephant in the room?

Growing up it was a must to have an elephant in the room, the elephant signified dignity, power, pride and reliability. The elephant is one of the largest animals in the jungle not to mention the tremendous strength and wisdom it carries. Have you heard the saying "I have the mind of an elephant"? The elephant is thought of as one of the most intelligent creatures. The life span is 60 plus years and throughout their years they are very compassionate and deeply committed. 
As humans we are much like elephants. We show compassion, wisdom and strength. The development of relationships that are fostered through family, friends and neighbors we build each other up and support in the time of need. The elephant does the same with community of the jungle when babies are born they hover around to celebrate and take care of the elderly of the jungle by honoring them. 
This large yet graceful animal has poor eyesight, but with FAITH his other senses are keen. For Faith is not what is seen but knowing and believing so I am more than sure this animal has tons of FAITH. With my FAITH I would love to be the ELEPHANT IN ANY ROOM.  

- Keshea Way

Connect with Keshea:

Twitter Handle: @taughtbyfaith
Instagram Handle: @taughtbyfaith
Facebook Handle: Keshea Way
Linked In: Keshea Way

Put On Some New Genes!

Put On Some New Genes! 

As children we come into this world just as innocent as we can be. As our characteristics and traits start to develop people may see things we do that remind them of our mother or things that will remind them of our father. I have someone in my life that comes from a family of bi-polar disorder he constantly states he is not bi-polar. He does not want to be associated with the disorder. He is choosing to put on new GENES.

Just because his family line is associated and impacted by this disorder he is making better choices and decisions with his life. Life is all about making good choices and decisions because the choices affect our future, not to mention what or who is connected to our future. Diminish the infamous character or conduct that may have been passed on through your GENES. When you take authority over your life and learn to walk in your new GENES the overall life for the next set of family members can take a different route than the previous family members.

After a conversation with a close friend we realized the patterns that are currently in her life and I brought it to her attention that she must end it now. She must put on her new GENES because she has a daughter that may take the pattern and continue to build a quilt out of it. When you make the final say to ending the relationship with the old GENES and you put on the new GENES they will have a much better fit, cut and they will look good on you.

So stop what you are doing and look at your GENES....DO YOU NEED TO PUT ON SOME NEW GENES?

- Keshea Way

Connect with Keshea:

Twitter Handle: @taughtbyfaith
Instagram Handle: @taughtbyfaith
Facebook Handle: Keshea Way
Linked In: Keshea Way

Woman 2 Woman


When you hear this title most think of the song by Shirley Brown. But in this case Woman 2 Woman is the total opposite from the song. Being a woman we wear many hats and sometimes those hats can be layered with pain, confusion and just plain old lost. We lose ourselves in the mist of taking care of others and mainly how others view us. A woman rarely sees her worth due to the value has been subtracted through the giving and never really allowing herself to receive. While attending the Woman 2 Woman event I feel every woman in the room that day received something that added more value to her life and self-worth. The feeling of being worthy amongst others that had traveled the same path but choose to become SURVIVORS and not VICTIMS. "As women we have a huge responsibility, but we must first use our ability to be responsible for ourselves" -Keshea Way   
Who takes care of the caregiver? Taking care of yourself first, yes I know this is hard to do, but in fact it must be done. What more to give to the world than a woman who is empowered by self. 
After attending the Woman 2 Woman event that was hosted by TDR Brands International and HR Brain for Hire I was inspired to never judge a book or shall I say woman by her outer appearance. The stories that were revealed healed every woman in that room because they knew in that very moment they were not alone. Hearing your story from a complete stranger can literally knock you off your feet. But I know those women choose stand in that very moment and make a decision to live their LIFE> LIVING.IN.FAITH.EVERYDAY
Lately I have seen many post about a listening ear can also be a running mouth. Gossip is what they call it and it’s not fun. Did you know counseling is covered by your insurance? Having someone to listen to you without judging can be a relief. They can give you honest feedback because they are neutral and the exercises that come along with it are eye opening. Take a look at your health insurance and utilize it to the max....You get what you pay for unless you just fail to read the information you are paying for each and every pay period.

- Keshea Way

Connect with Keshea: 

Twitter Handle:@taughtbyfaith 

Instagram Handle:@taughtbyfaith 

Facebook Handle:Keshea Way 

Linked In:Keshea Way