Leadership Summit Thoughts From The Heart Day Two


I have goals. I have dreams. I have aspirations. I have little whispers in my spirit. I have flutters in my heart. I have glimpses of my future. I can see a moment inside of a huge vision. I see others living their dream. I hear others telling me I can do it too but...

Am I really prepared enough?
Smart enough?
Wise enough?
Pretty enough?
Do I have enough?
Am I brave enough?
Am I credible enough?
Have I struggled enough?
Have I cried enough?
Have I suffered enough?
Have I given up in the past enough?

When I look in the mirror, do I believe I am worthy ENOUGH for the life, the dreams, and the purpose I feel inside of me?
PAUSE. Think. Look in the mirror. ARE YOU ENOUGH? WHY NOT? Many times we get so caught up in an invisible checklist of criteria based on what we have seen others do, what others have had to go through, how long it took someone else, or the credentials that someone told us that were required; that we abandon, abort, and deny our most precious gifts. It brings tears to my eyes when I look into the eyes of a person that I love, admire, see such greatness in, such beauty, and such strength; yet they only see what is missing...Not enough. Not yet. Not time. Not now.

Leslie Briscoe was our special guest for the cocktail party on Friday night of the Leadership Summit and she handed out gifts to each leader that was present. We had to randomly choose a gift from the bag. One of the inspirational gifts said “SOMEDAY is not a day of the week".
As I shared intimate moments with leaders who were each amazing in their own right, I saw courage, beauty, strength, and enormous purpose. However, with pain being real, with disappointments and distractions being real, and with limited time being real in our lives, many leaders were simply stuck in the VIEW of the past. Stuck in the day to day management of life. Now once you get fed up enough with putting everything and everyone above yourself, you reach a point in which you sacrifice. But then here we are...AM I ENOUGH?

What is so powerful about reaching this obstacle or hurdle, is if we saw this as an obstacle course on a journey towards your truth, is that when it is a MENTAL obstacle, you have complete control. Stick with me here. See, when we really pause and think about it. The MOMENT you choose to see something different in the mirror, the moment you see the courage we see, the moment someone can help you shift your view to your strength, and you literally DECIDE that you ARE WORTHY, that you ARE ENOUGH, and that no one you admire is any smarter, capable, less disappointed by others, less faced with distractions, but instead simply living in a NEW VIEW, a NEW DECISION, a NEW MINDSET, you literally begin to change your life. INSTANTLY. Now you have turned on a new street, a new path, a new way of living…mentally. The questions shift from AM I CREDIBLE ENOUGH or SMART ENOUGH, to what step do I take first? What step do I take next? Where can I go to surround myself with people on this path? What resources are available to guide me along this new path. Because the reality is, it is not until you first SEE and BELIEVE that you are worthy, that you will begin taking ACTION steps on the path.

Only then are you bold enough to know that any mistakes you make will NEVER define you, because the very people that you think will be watching and laughing if you fail, are secret admirers. Why? Because you are out there! 'You are in the arena', as Brene Brown would say! You are living, you are back in the game! How can you make a touchdown if you aren’t on the field? Have you ever watched an athlete miss a pass, get tackled before a touchdown, over and over and over, yet eventually they become the most valuable player? WHY? Because many times, it's not the person sitting in the stands saying what should happen or waiting until they are ENOUGH, but it’s the people who decided to get on the field and allow the field to be the TEACHER.

Trust and believe that you learn EXTREMELY different lessons from watching, studying, preparing, and researching, than you do when you are on the field, so to speak. Imagine another year of wondering versus a year of trying a few small endeavors to actually begin living this dream.

Varian Brandon is a leader that I think is so powerful that she could change women across the world. I admire her transparency in being a past Fortune 500 C-Suite Executive who admits being a TYPE A female leader who did not lead with emotion and really didn’t like getting emotionally close to people. That wasn’t what she was taught it took to be successful. We shared an intimate conversation about this in Jamaica, months before I even knew there would be a Summit. During the Summit, I asked if she would give us our marching orders as we locked arms together and prepared to depart.
In 1974 Philippe Petit, a Frenchman, street performer & high wire artist, carried out a feat that no one had done before or since. He walked between the twin towers at the World Trade Center on a high wire more than 1300 feet in the air.
Conventional wisdom tells us that the first step is the hardest, but I invite you to consider that the second step is actually the hardest.
You see as Philippe took the first step, although hard, he still had one foot securely planted on the rooftop of the building. He still had the opportunity to step back and not go.
He still had the opportunity to surrender to uncertainty & doubt.
He still had time to abort the mission he had been planning day & night for the previous 6 1/2 years.

It wasn't until the second step....that he knew he was all in.
That there was no turning back.
That it was either do, what he knew he could do,
what he had trained to do, what he had planned to do......or DIE!!! (literally).
It takes courage to take the first step, but it takes your full commitment to take the second step.

So for us as extraordinary leaders who were at the Summit, with all the excitement and enthusiasm that environment created, my call to YOU is to take the second step. 

UNTIL YOU BELIEVE AND DECIDE THAT YOU ARE WORTHY AND THAT YOU ARE ENOUGH...The first step, the second step, your new view, your new life...will be there, inside of you, waiting to manifest. It is my hope that you will see your power, your essence, and your strength, when you look in the mirror.

Someone, somewhere needs a gift, a story, a dream that is still inside of you and the past, which may have scared you, was actually the bridge that you survived to help someone else cross over one similar. As Lorea Sample reminded each leader, "YOU ARE ENOUGH, because you are still here."

Continue reading more about NEW VIEW for the next seven days as our CEO, Tierra Destiny Reid, shares thoughts from the heart on what it felt like to experience such magic and power.

Day One: Sacrifice

Day Two: I Am Enough

Day Three: Trust
Day Four: Faith
Day Five: Power of Knowledge
Day Six: Fear
Day Seven: Success

Leadership Summit Thoughts From The Heart


At 3:50 AM, I awaken to a stream of text messages revealing pain, fear, and an emotional and spiritual breakdown that proceeded an apology that she would not be in attendance for the Summit. My spirit said to call her. It was now 4:11 and the call was less than 60 seconds. “I read everything you have sent, I know it hurts, get to the Summit. I can’t talk long, but I feel that you should get there.”
As I surprise the attendees by entering through the back door, to my all-time favorite song “Intentional”, I immediately lock eyes with this servant leader. In that moment all I could think of was ‘SHE MADE IT! She grew BEYOND her pain and circumstances and she got here! What a sacrifice!’

How many times do we want something, but there is a conflict or it’s not a good day, or the action requires us to stretch? How often do we allow our circumstances to determine what “makes sense” for our next move? So many times we speak faith, but rarely allow God to show us what is in store because it may hurt too bad to fall, fail, bruise our heart again, or face public humiliation. As I reflected on the women who traveled from Chicago, DC, Houston, Orlando, and South Carolina, to unite with us here in Atlanta. I was so grateful for their level of sacrifice. Our presenter for Global Imports and Exports had literally just returned from China and made the sacrifice to invest in attending the Summit to lock arms with women she had never met. She had never met ANY of us face to face, yet her obedience got her here.

With the holiday season underway, it’s no secret that budgets get tight, time with family is priority, and deciding to travel and attend a Summit that was just announced a few weeks prior, forced everyone to pause and DECIDE if this was an experience that they were willing to sacrifice for. After reading their words of gratitude, seeing women literally breakdown and transform before my eyes, and hugging women for minutes upon minutes at a time because we didn’t want to leave; empowered me to continue to see sacrifice as an investment, not a risk, not a bad thing, but a seed. Each Servant leader sacrificed to be with us, and for their obedience, we were all rewarded and awakened by their presence.
The Leadership Summit, held November 13-15th, in Atlanta, GA was a forum that welcomed servant leaders, entrepreneurs, and women of excellence to lock arms together to experience and discuss intentional leadership and intentional living. With a unique mix of transformation sessions and hard hitting business development sessions, the leaders each came away with a NEW VIEW on life, business, and their purpose. 

Continue reading more about NEW VIEW for the next seven days as our CEO, Tierra Destiny Reid, shares thoughts from the heart on what it felt like to experience such magic and power.

Day Two: Enough
Day Three: Trust
Day Four: Faith
Day Five: Power of Knowledge
Day Six: Fear
Day Seven: Success

Leadership Summit Thoughts From The Heart

Leadership Summit 2015
Atlanta, GA
November 13-15

“I gotta keep myself in check sometimes
Cause' I tend to dream real big sometimes
The fancy outfits and the sparkly awards
My name in lights, the people lined up at the doors
But I gotta remember to take it one step at a time
People seem to think
That you'll be happier, once you reach the top
You'll have it all
But I'm living for right now
Cause what if tomorrow never comes
I'm not waiting, I'm not waiting
For the confetti to fall, yeah
I can't just sit around and wait for my life to start
I can make a difference, put a little happiness in someone's heart
The fancy cars, the glitter and the fame
It's all nice, but it won't be worth a thing
Love is bigger, so I'm a stand up for love, yeah”
Tori Kelly – Confetti

Interestingly enough, while reflecting on the power of the weekend with servant leaders and women of excellence coming together, one of the videos of our symbolic ride overlooking the city contained this song, Confetti. My spirit felt at peace. It summed up our weekend…a NEW VIEW…No more waiting for the confetti to fall. Live for right now.
After taking time to pause and learning the importance of embracing each moment and significant milestone in our journey; I realized the power of doing this immediately following our Leadership Summit! Not only did I ignore the urge to rush the team to get all the pictures out in lightning speed, I allowed myself to simply sit, reflect, and celebrate the magic of what had just occurred. In doing so, the following lessons and revelations have surfaced, which I hope will encourage someone else to stop waiting for the confetti to fall, so to speak.

Divinely enough, seven elements came to my spirit during reflection. I have written about each one and it will be released individually. Please share your thoughts and experiences as it pertains to each element. As we begin sharing the power of what the women created as a unit, I must say, I am still a bit overwhelmed in a sense and can physically feel the transformation of yet, another view, a deeper awakening, and a more graceful flow after sharing this special time with such incredible women. Please follow along for the next seven posts. I had no idea I would learn so much.

Continue reading more about NEW VIEW for the next seven days as our CEO, Tierra Destiny Reid, shares thoughts from the heart on what it felt like to experience such magic and power.
Day One: Sacrifice
Day Two: Enough
Day Three: Trust
Day Four: Faith
Day Five: Power of Knowledge
Day Six: Fear
Day Seven: Success


Meet Power Mom De'Shonda Lucas

"Smile. My mother always told me if you smile at the world it will smile back at you. This translates to having positive energy leads to positive returns - you will always be able to see light..."

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career.

De’Shonda Lucas:  My career began as an auditor for Georgia Department of Audits & Accounts immediately after graduating from Georgia Southern University in 2000. During my time there I audited state government agencies, boards of education, colleges and universities. I resigned for a short period between 2005 and 2007 and turned in my final resignation in 2009. I worked as a General Ledger Accountant for GDOT. I then opened my first business New Beginnings Business Consulting and later in 2011 Premier Asset Inventory (PAI) after 2 family member's homes were destroyed by fire. Through PAI, I provide an inventory of assets for fire, flood, theft, and natural disasters for residential clients and fixed asset reporting and other accounting services for commercial and non-profit clients. I also operate Dream Big Vacations where I make travel dreams come true as a Certified Travel Agent.

TDR: Please tell us about your children. 

DL:  I have one daughter, Mariah J., who is 12 years old and will be 13 in less than 90 days. I am blessed for believing in her. She is amazing! Mariah is full of wisdom, a gifted dancer, she is an excellent student who has attended a small African American private school, a large Caucasian private school, home school, and now public middle school and has remained the same child no matter where she is. She has a passion for entertainment and aspires to be an entertainment of fashion lawyer. This past summer she spent 3 weeks in Italy, France, & Spain as a Student Ambassador. She tells it like is, still trusts her mommy, holds me accountable for living the life that I teach her to live which means being happy, serving others, and going after your dreams, and is still sweet. Oh yes, and she is a little business lady already.

TDR: How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

DL:  The grace of God, focus, time management, and prioritizing. I also believe it to be healthy to communicate with my daughter about my passion and plan. It is important to me that I show her how to go from passion to plan to manifestation. Being a single parent I have always stayed true to there is nothing that I have to do that my daughter cannot and because of this she has been by my side from board meetings to traveling the world and everything in between. I took two years off from full-time work to homeschool her because more than anything she is my passion and I was still able to run my business part-time to support our family. She actually works with me part-time. She is back in school now and I can work full-time; I am so excited. I did what I felt best for the long-term served as her guide during probably the most important stage in her development.

TDR: What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

DL:  Reading this I realize I don't see my obstacles as struggles - this is just my life and I just press forward with a positive attitude and something good eventually happens. I do not have a struggle mentality. I just do what needs to get done, allow myself to fail but never lose. I love God, He has brought me through so much there is no way that I can stay down for too long. It all starts in the mind. The mind can take a person wherever he or she wants to go or can also cause them to stand still.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

DL: The Bible and conversations with my daughter & mother.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

DL:  My first choice is to take a vacation, if that is not possible, I go to my own private beach in my basement. You see, what God has for you is for you. When I purchased my home there was already an indoor beach. In my beach room one wall (the entire wall) is painted as the ocean with a mermaid floating in the ocean under the moon. The other wall is a lighthouse on the beach with the ocean behind it. It was painted so well that it looks like you can walk directly into the lighthouse. On the other two walls, I plan to put wall-to-wall mirroring so that the painted walls and the carpet truly looks like sand. I have 2 lawn chairs, a small table, seashells, my vision board, and candles perfectly placed on the floor in front of the lighthouse. I can escape there anytime with some soft music or even a massage party if I invite girlfriends. It is definitely my favorite place. You should join me one day.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

DL:  In 2012…from having a regular annual checkup in September to about 4 doctor visits in a 2 month period, I ended up having open-heart surgery because the doctors found a hole in my heart the size of a 50 cent piece. So imagine being 34, having open-heart surgery as a single parent, and no family living in the Atlanta area. I interviewed 3 doctors and chose the best.  Now, only a small scar remains under my right breast. I say that my late husband left a big hole in my heart. I went through the process of healing mentally and spiritually and the heart surgery was a symbol of physical and complete healing.

TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

DL:  Know that the spirit of God lives within you; and for that reason, any dream can reach full manifestation.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

DL:  Smile. My mother always told me if you smile at the world it will smile back at you. This translates to having positive energy leads to positive returns - you will always be able to see light. The worst events in my life truly created the best of me.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

DL:  In the next couple of weeks I will be launching New Vision Youth and am working on a study for youth titled "Vision With The End in Mind: Developing Steps 2-9 for Teens". I will need speakers to visit classes to and share information about a specific area of expertise for example: family, career, education, community, etc.

Connect with De’Shonda:

Facebook: Deshonda.Lucas

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Power Mom below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Power Mom below. We will check the comments box often. :) 


What started off as a boardroom round table leadership summit has expanded to more than two dozen leaders traveling in from 6 states to lock arms for 2016 and beyond. Sometimes we can over think things and allow the PAST and LOGIC to keep us from attempting a vision or dream. If we allowed statistics to guide our decision which says that people are less likely to travel during the month of November due to holiday expenses, we wouldn't have gone with our gut!

In the past, it has also been hard for some to get registrants to invest $50 for a seminar let alone invest over $1000 to travel and attend a summit during the holiday season. I once heard a mentor remind me that you will use the same amount of energy serving 20 people at a higher level of investment, commitment,and intimacy as you do trying to get 100 people at a give away rate. This advice gave me the courage to begin offering more intimate events for higher engagement and I can NOT believe we have more than doubled this number and attracted women who I am beyond impressed with. Not only do they serve and have a heart of love, but they are RAZOR sharp! MEET THE SPEAKERS HERE.

Check out the topics below! By the way, we now could use 2 additional volunteers to assist with greeting the leaders as they arrive.

Please reply now if you can join us. Special thanks to our amazing sponsors and in-kind donors! This is a circle of women with high impact, influence, and heart. We can't wait to feature each of your companies AFTER they see the goodies! Shhhh!

Want to sponsor, gain exposure and support?
Reply now.


Global Mindset 

Impact and Influence

Self Worth vs Net Worth

Strategic Planning and Development Strategy

The 3-D Approach to Leadership

Am I Taking Care of Me?



Meet Annelle Johnson Elder

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TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.


Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Annelle Johnson Elder:  I started out as a cashier for McDonalds as a teenager in Albany, New York. On to do nursing assistant work in nursing homes, while raising my two daughters.  I was also a medical secretary for nearly ten years and in school at the same time to become a Master Cosmetologist. I've had now thirteen contracts in all types of facilities. I am an advocate for seniors and those persons diagnosed with Alzheimer ’s disease. My husband and I have a small real estate company, we have had for fourteen years.  We do appraisals, home inspections, and mobile notary services.  I have recently written my first literary project entitled "Purple River".  This book was written to help others live well past their past, pains, and hurdles.

TDR:  Please tell us about your children.  

AJE:  Tierra Destiny; a wife, mother of two wonderful children, community engager, a giver, as well as being an entrepreneur.  She is the author of “The Power of Peace in a Pause.”  I am extremely proud of Tierra Destiny.  My youngest daughter, Tashbina Vaya Wahid, is a veteran jewlery sales associate at a high-end franchise.  Tashbina is a sweet person that enjoys helping others and she loves her family and friends. Tashbina mentors young ladies and she is the author of "The Fast Lane."


TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

AJE:  I no longer have to juggle, but back then I tried to do as much studying as I could while the children were in school or sleeping.  I never let go of my passion to help and connect with people. Parenthood was always #1, because the girls had no one but me to depend on.  My life and theirs was hard, but we made it out of difficult times and God walked us through all of the seasons that were ours. Once the girls got bigger, I dug in to do what I wanted to do in life and didn’t mind trying new things that were out of the norm for women.


TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

AJE:  Caring too much for others, I have to learn that I can do some things, but I cannot change and fix the world alone.  I am learning to listen more and better also. Life has a way of changing right in front of you and we may not see it happening.  I will continue to work on myself to get closer to God with every breath I take until the end of my journey.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

AJE:  Dreams and love for humanity.  I also love to listen to music as an outlet.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

AJE:  People watching, music, traveling, eating good food along with a nice margarita, and visiting thrift stores in different cities.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

AJE:  Being a young mother with the wrong man and leaving Albany, New York, by myself.


TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

AJE:  Ask God to direct your paths, set goals, and make good choices.  Never lose sight of your dreams and pursue them without fail. You can do it!!!

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

AJE:  Love and to love and help others.  This is what I hoped for and eventually I did get on many levels.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

AJE:  Join in and stay connected with the "Purple River" book movement and spread the word. My book is written to give back, inspire, motivate, and encourage! Please feel free to reach out with your ideas to help mankind live better with my message. Thank you!

Connect with Annelle:

LinkedIn -To Elder's Real Estate

Facebook - Ajonsonelder/purple




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TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Meet Power Mom Bess Blanco

If God gave you the dream, and you are scared - remember that He brought you to it, HE WILL bring you through it!

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Bess Blanco: I've done so many things over the years, this one is always so hard to do! Let's just say my FAVORITE job ever was managing a group home for a group of adult disabled people. I learned SO MUCH from them about finding joy, appreciating life and the true meaning of LOVE! I also learned serious people management skills which is serving me well these days! Another impactful "career" of mine was the decade I spent successfully maneuvering the direct sales world with Mary Kay. I LOVED the way I could determine my own success, and I grew to the top 2% of the company, working as a Senior Sales Director and growing others into directors, too! Drove the free car, wore the diamonds I earned, but mostly, just learned VALUABLE management, leadership and communication skills I now use in the company I've built from the ground up now.
These days, I am the CEO of my company, FRESH Start for Health, and I've never been more tired and stressed, but blissfully happy and fulfilled in a job! Leading a team of FRESH Start Coaches, we are a movement of health and hope, and we are changing lives and building legacy together as a team! LOVE working with this group of servant-heart givers and leaders!

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

BB:  Jovanni is 17, he's a senior in high school - he's quirky, strong, funny and loves to play classical guitar, lifeguard in summer and wears flip flops year round. Isabella is 14 and our responsible girl. Rule follower, high achiever, serious (sometimes too much!) she's the oldest sister and my biggest helper. Giana (GiGi) is 11, self-motivated, a nurturer, funny. She is currently my office buddy as she is doing 6th grade from home, digitally. AnaSophia (Sophi) is the "baby of the family" and in 2nd grade, almost 8. She's everybody's friend, smart as a whip and doesn't meet a stranger. She's *slightly* boy-crazy and has a keen sense of fashion - Sophi-style fashion that is!

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

BB:  Well, I don't always know how I am doing it! LOL And, truthfully, I am not always doing it well! But at the end of the day, I wouldn't change this crazy day-to-day we live in, and my kids tell me they wouldn't either. (and I know that because sometimes I threaten to be a working-outside-the-home mom, and they freak out on me! LOL) They love having me here and even on the rough ones, I do too.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

BB:  TIME. When to use it here, when to apply it there. Seems like EVERYONE needs a piece of me, hell, even I NEED A PIECE OF ME sometimes! LOL Seriously, there is NOT enough time in the day and I struggle with prioritizing it sometimes. The BEST way I have found to combat the issue of "not enough time" is to do everything in my day ON PURPOSE (ie: exercise, naps, cooking, writing, emails, family time, worship, etc.) EVERYTHING I do is on purpose and this helps me. Also, to PLAN. I plan nightly for the next day. I plan weekly for the coming week. I plan monthly for the goals to break down into weekly tasks...etc. Oh and I CANNOT forget to mention I have a POWERFUL team in my kids, hubby and "inner circle" of support. They are also planners and purposeful people, SO it makes the rest of all this work!

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

BB: TedX Talks - NEVER get tired of listening to these! Fuels my fire! 
Chats/communication with my "inner support team" (my "dream team" I call them!) – when I'm down, frustrated or losing focus, I call on one or more of them. Sometimes, it's just me and Jesus chatting away. Other times, it's a person. I need my peeps. I don't ever pretend I have done, or could do, this alone!



TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

BB:  After a long day? HOT as I can handle it epsom salt and lavendar oil baths! Ooooh, with a delicious glass of red moscato! YES! FAVE WAY. My "daily pause" is my 6 a.m. coffee and Jesus time on the back porch. Usually watching the early sunrise, or the buzzing hummingbird as it feasts on my trumpet vines and jasmine.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

BB:  When I lost my business partner late last year. I didn't think I would make it or keep going. I had leaned on her so much for 3 years (she's a BEAUTIFUL person full of skills and big belief in me and our vision!) I spent the first 6 months of this year healing from the loss and what felt like a business-divorce, realizing I COULD do this, learning all the hands-on stuff (mostly on my own) that I had not yet had to do, and praying through the next breath as I did!!!

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

BB:  If God gave you the dream, and you are scared - remember that He brought you to it, HE WILL bring you through it! Trust God, hold the hands of your very own personal dream team or inner circle, AND JUMP!!! You've got this!

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

BB:  That I NEVER GAVE UP. I want commitment to be my legacy. I mean, because of what I do, sure, I want them to be healthy and whole! I want them to pursue their God-given dreams! I want SO MUCH for them. But I want them to cling to their dreams and NEVER GIVE UP. It's a shaky, changing, scary world out there, but I want them to feel the fear and do it anyway!

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

BB:  Oh this is FUN! The mission at FRESH Start IS ALL ABOUT OTHERS! We are ALL about TEAM! There are several ways they can collaborate with us! There are precious peeps sharing our message through community groups where they present the FRESH Start message through using the workbook, and there are health coaches and community leaders sharing our message through their own businesses across the US! (We are in 15 states now!) Just check us out at www.freshstartforhealth.org and there is a tab called "Get Involved" there!


Connect with Bess:

Facbook - https://www.facebook.com/bess.blanco 

Instagram - @coach_bess

Periscope - @coachbess



Meet Servant Leader Keshea Way

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?

Keshea: To inspire the youth to become product citizens of society learning in the non-traditional way due to life is not necessarily traditional. We have advanced as a society and with technology everything is at your fingertips. Therefore, there is no excuse not to be skilled in any area. Having a degree doesn't make you successful having wisdom does. Teaching the adults that the kids have a voice too, so as the saying goes it takes a village. Listen to the youth they have something to say.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Keshea: Most of my philanthropy efforts are typically directed towards serving the community. When you serve one community it’s like serving the world. Those that are a part of that community will eventually leave for college, move to other cities or maybe another country. But you have impacted the world when you start with that one community. Serving others is what the Giver of Doers created us to do. It’s never about us it’s always about HIM.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?

Keshea: Inspiring people to live the way they desire to lead. What better way to influence someone than by living your life in pursuit of your leadership. By serving others thru leadership you too are a student through the questions and clarity chats that surface. When you can inspire and develop someone into their true and natural state of being a leader that's when I feel leadership is at its best. Because we are all leaders that are being led as we lead.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

Keshea: As a leader I am discipline with a prudent character while remaining humble. I am open to the learning process for myself and encourages my team to keep a sharp mind while applying logic. I am committed to the path that leads to the vision of the overall team being successful and fulfilling the ultimate goal. I like to have knowledge of what the team is doing so I can carry them when needed. I am the 6th man on the bench and prepared to get in the game, because not only am I devising the plays but I am willing to do my part.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Keshea: Forgiveness....People make mistakes; mistakes don't make people. I carried a grudge around for years about something someone had done not realizing until recently they only did what they had experienced. When you grow up a certain way you don't always choose to explore other avenues typically you do what you have seen or what you have to come to believe is normal. When you start to communicate and realize WOW they really didn't know any better. It makes a huge difference, building better relationships is a product of that communication.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?  

Keshea: Self-esteem issues with my weight, I did not like to be reminded that I was so skinny. I saw this every day when I looked in the mirror but when people reminded me and most times it was in a negative way it had me feeling insecure. After I left high school I attended one of the basketball games and a former teacher said to me "you look like you have been slaughtered". Really is that how you greet someone? Being that she was what most would consider over weight I really could have given her a few choice words. But I held my tongue and went on my way. Over the years I began to accept my small frame and I can proudly say I love that body I am in.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

Keshea: Dr. Antonio Hill, Joel Osteen, and Fred A. Horn, Jr

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Keshea: The Alchemist by Pauleo Coelho; 7 Mindsets to Live your Ultimate Life by Scott Shickler; and the Bible

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

Keshea: Live the way you desire to lead....It’s just that simple.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

Keshea: I was lost......I was searching for my purpose, my reason for existing. Yes I was a wife, a mother, a daughter and a sister but I had no clue why I existed. Through journaling, studying, and praying it was revealed to me. I know my purpose is to inspire others. I am here to touch the lives of others with my words of advice, encouragement and cold hard truths. Service through the Giver of Doers led me to this platform.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Keshea: In 5 years I hope to have a thriving business that will allow me to pour into others along with building a legacy for my children. I want to extend my services to inspire others to be what they were purposed to become. I see myself having multiple ways of reaching others through products and services. My current career will not be out front due to my business will take the lead. My family and faith will be stronger as well.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

Keshea: Sincere...I can truly say what I mean and mean what I say but also having the courage to admit when I am wrong. I understand failure is a way of learning and if I fail I can sincerely say I failed but there was a blessing in the lesson.

TDR:  What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with?

Keshea: Inspire, influence and impact others through word whether its blogging, writing or speaking. A purpose partner to hold me accountable for my goals
Starting a non-profit & a 2 week summer enrichment camp
Connections to people that are like minded and growing through service
Any feedback that will allow my platform to prosper and grow

Connect with Keshea:

Facebook: Keshea Way
Linkedin: Keshea Way
Periscope: @kesheaway
Tumblr: @kpway
Instagram @taughtbyfaith


TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Meet Power Mom Michele Santiago

There are many unknowns when deciding to pursue your purpose and the fear of the unknown paralyzes many and they never fulfill their God given purpose due to "what ifs". I say focus your "what ifs" on the possibilities.

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Michele Santiago:  I began my career in sales in 1989. Married in 1992 and became a stay at home mom until 1999. During those years, I became a licensed nail tech to earn money and began to volunteer at my children's schools, sit on various community boards, and volunteer for political campaigns. I went back into sales by becoming the first African-American woman in the Midwest region to sell luxury vehicles for a local dealer. From that position I returned to retail as a manager for a national men's suit store until the company closed half of their stores. I worked as an independent contractor utilizing my skill set to work for organizations contractually until returning to luxury retail management. I became a certified life coach in 2013 and began working for myself. My clients range from women who have experienced chronic homelessness to individuals and businesses who need image/wardrobe coaching. I am blessed to be able to marry my love for helping people with my custom clothing business and I don't feel like I work a day in my life. In 2012, I also partnered with my best friend to launch a reality show pitch company.

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

MS:  I have three children. My eldest son who is 28, works for an industrial company and has a passion for writing rap lyrics. My daughter, my middle child, is a new mom. She's 22 and a great mom. I am so proud that she is nursing her daughter just like I nursed her and her younger brother. I was too ill to nurse my oldest. The baby is 3 months old. She is pursuing her license to become a clinical esthetician and then back to college to study dermatology. My youngest is 19 and an aspiring producer, writer, and director. In kindergarten he said that he was going to move to L.A. and work for Pixar, he is pursuing that by attending film school and interning with a local organization that works with youth who desire to have careers in the film and television industry.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

MS:  It took a moment for me to learn how to organize my life. I would become overwhelmed because I didn't know how to manage my time efficiently. Through trial and error, I finally learned to manage my time. I schedule every aspect of my personal life, family life, and career. I made sure that I set time aside to pursue what I was passionate about daily because it gave me life. I was determined to make use of the gifts and talents God gave me and made it a priority and shared this priority with my family. As a tool, I use a calendar and EVERYTHING has to go on that calendar. Now that the children are all young adults, everyone has somewhere to be and I had to train them to write every interview, outing, and appointment on that calendar.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

MS:  My biggest struggle was being disorganized. This became a detriment to our livelihood. When you get tired of paying additional fees and higher percentages due to late payments you learn very quickly how to begin organizing your life to reflect the outcomes you desire.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated

MS:  My vision board is my most valuable resource. Goals from every area of my life are on there. I use post-its around my home to help me remain focused. One of my weaknesses is that I can become easily distracted. My post-its remind me to stay the course. The next step to this process is my accountability partner. It can be my husband, my best friend, or an individual who has accomplished something I desire to accomplish. They know my goal, action plan, and when I set to complete it. This works well for me because I hate having to tell someone I didn't complete something, lol.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

MS:  I love dancing and being in the company of great friends. I love the human connection and I value the relationships in my life. With modern technology we have moved so far away from quality time spent with friends and family so we make a conscious effort to plan time to spend with one another. Preferably on vacation!

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

MS:  My scariest moment was when my husband was 41 years old and he suffered a major stroke. It left him disabled and it forever changed all of our lives. It was the first time my faith was challenged and I had to become a caregiver to him, as well as his cheerleader, his source of strength, and courage for my children who were school age at the time.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

MS:  Do it afraid. There are many unknowns when deciding to pursue your purpose and the fear of the unknown paralyzes many and they never fulfill their God given purpose due to "what ifs". I say focus your "what ifs" on the possibilities. How will your life change? How will your family's lives change for the better? Connect with that feeling you're having at that exact moment and make a vision board with images that represent the outcomes that invoked that feeling of success and place it where it's visible all the time. Now create an action plan with deadlines to reach your goals.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

MS:  Generational Wealth. Sorry, I know that's two words, but this is what pushes me daily. I am now a grandmother (I prefer GiGi, lol) and all I can think about is that my husband and I didn't have anyone to gives us money or rich relatives. We struggled often because although we were hard workers we were financially illiterate. This will NOT be my children's or my children's children legacy.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

MS:  My personal mission is to be empowered to empower others. I love speaking to groups (especially people form disenfranchised areas) to let them know that as long as they have breath, there is hope. My personal goals is to empower moms to be advocates for their children and how to reinvent themselves. Others can collaborate and support my mission by liking and sharing my social media pages and by having me come speak about my journey.


Connect with Michele:

Facebook: askcoachmichele

Instagram: theshespokenmogul 

Twitter: @gladiatormoms

Facebook: chicksthatpitch