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Let The Healing Continue

Cara Wykowski

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

I go back to my simple wellness formula. 

1.  Move your body. 

2.  Write it down.

3. And instead of volunteer work which may be difficult during quarantine, I suggest a commitment to staying connected.  Reach out and talk to someone! 

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

Feed your mind with inspiration, mindfulness tips, and humor.  One of my favorite resources for inspiration is  I love their daily emails.  Secondly, I limit my consumption of the news so I subscribed to  a daily digest from  Both are free!

What is your personal mission in life?   

My personal mission is to be a good mother, friend, citizen and leader;  to thrive as my authentic self, and to help other women learn to neutralize their inner critic while nurturing their inner mentor.  Emotional resiliency is my super-power!

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

The biggest challenge I have overcome is a lifetime of inadequate coping skills. My resulting unhappiness led to health issues including clinical depression in 2009.  I was my own worst enemy, with "busy-ness" as my drug of choice.   I had no time to feel anything and when I did, there was overwhelming guilt, shame, blame and hopelessness.  

What is one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

I listened to the advice of my doctor.  She said there were three things that would immediately contribute to my wellness. 

1. Move your body for at least ten minutes daily.   

2. Write it down. Move your thoughts from your head on to paper by journaling. 

3. Do something for someone else, someone you are not related to or responsible for. Find a volunteer job.  It does the heart good! 

How do you define leadership?

Leadership is the ability to mentor and develop others; to inspire and facilitate solutions.  A great leader has confidence, integrity, vision and impeccable communication skills.  

What advice would you give to someone ashamed to share their story?

I would invite the person to use curiosity to help unlock the shame surrounding the story.  Where does the shame arise from?  If he/she wasn't able to share the story publicly then perhaps share privately as a first step in the healing process.   One of my favorite sayings is, "Find your voice, find your power."

People can reach me at?  

On Facebook and IG, you can find me at My Girlfrirend Voice.  My website is

Cara Wykowski Bio

Originally from Michigan, Cara found her niche in technical sale, combining her Biochemistry degree with her extroverted style, she has twenty years of experience working with Biotechnology companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.  It was in 2011 that she began writing a blog called My Girlfriend Voice.  In the past nine years she has developed a following on social media platforms,  served as a featured speaker, and launched a small group coaching program called The Becoming Project.   Cara's lives in Oakland, CA and has one son living in San Francisco and the other in Los Angeles. 

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator


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Let The Healing Continue

Alex Bryant

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

I would encourage people to do actionable kindness by doing something instead of nothing. Examples of actionable kindness are like writing a letter of recommendation to someone who was laid off from a job, writing a review for small business, and simply ask genuinely on how people are doing and how people can help in multiple ways. You'll be surprised at how many people will be willing to do so. 

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

 I currently work for the Trevor Romain Company, which is an educational publishing company that provides social and emotional learning resources to empower families, educators and children to become happier, healthier and more confident at This includes free ebooks, activities, free video books, podcast, products and more. For families, I would highly encourage to visit, which offers meaningful entertainment based from best-selling author, illustrator and TV personality Trevor Romain's award-winning animated series. The website has free worksheet activities, coloring pages and animation episodes that cost less than $1.99 each on a variety of topics kids can understand and thrive. 

What is your personal mission in life?

To energize humanity through connection and positivity with meaningful opportunities that matter.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

 I would have to say graduating from college, because I grew up in a special needs program in primary school when I lived in  the United Kingdom, and was told that dream would not be possible for someone like me. I overcame that rhetoric with the determination to try always try my best in all ways not only in academics, but in life challenges. I had a speech impediment, so I did speech therapy and stayed after school for tutoring to excel at the standard exams. As a result of my work ethic in primary and secondary education, I graduated with full honors with a full ride scholarship from a 4 year university! 

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

  One action that helped me overcome this challenge to graduate is achieve the obstacles of adversity in applying for as many scholarships as possible so I can focus on my courses to achieve the requirements for gradation. I worked on my craft and using the software and participated in internships to make myself as prepared for what the world after graduation.  

How do you define leadership? 

I define leadership as a way to combine empathy and empowerment with the intention to create a lasting impact.

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

I would say it's important to share your story, because it won't just be healing for you, but your story will help someone else's life.

People can reach me at:

 Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or

by going to my website:         

Alex Bryant is an Emmy®-award winning Media Relations Director for children’s media company, The Trevor Romain Company (TRC) in Austin, TX which aims to empower kids to become happier, healthier and more confident. He is as also remained an active member of ACM SIGGRAPH, the International Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. The organization convenes two annual conferences in North America and Asia which is attended by tens of thousands of technical and creative professionals.

A digital force from the entertainment industry, Alex holds more than 6 years of experience within the realms of social media, television production and graphic design. In less than 5 years, Alex went from being an intern at CBS to director at TRC, making him the youngest executive at the company. Oprah Winfrey calls him, “the man with good vibes!” This year, Alex was selected by Black Enterprise Magazine as a Modern Man of Distinction. From his strong work ethic and contributions, Alex has also received 4 American Advertising Awards, a $100,000 scholarship from the General Motors Foundation, and an Emmy certificate for his work at Entertainment Tonight. Prior to TRC, Alex has worked at CBS, Dick Clark Productions, the Daytime Emmys, and NBCUniversal.

Since his early youth, giving back to others has remained a core value. Alex’s humanitarian efforts commonly focus on causes that ignite inclusion and resilience such as his volunteer work with the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Committee, float decorating with Honda and DreamWorks Animation for the Tournament of Roses Parade, NAACP Image Awards, ATX TV Festival, and the Circuit of the Americas for Indy Car, MotoGP and Formula 1. His efforts have also been acknowledged by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, and he has had the honor of being invited to the Dieu Ngu Temple grand opening by the Dalai Lama and took part in opening for former first lady Michelle Obama for her ‘Becoming’ book tour. Alex also speaks across the country at schools and institutions such as: Virginia Commonwealth University, Long Beach City College, Texas A&M, Mildenhall College Academy, and his alma mater Angelo State University.

Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk and raised in Suffolk, United Kingdom and West Texas within a military family, Alex is a person with many different perspectives. He has a B.F.A. in Graphic Design from Angelo State University. Currently, he resides in Austin, TX with his partner Jennifer and cat Sophie. 


Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Sally Lou Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Sally Lou Loveman

What is your personal mission in life? 

My personal mission in life is to make people's lives better through connection, love and laughter.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome? 

My biggest challenge I have overcome most recently is surviving COVID-19, but before that .... healing my marriage and allowing my faith to guide me.

How do you define leadership?

I define leadership by allowing people to use their talents and do what they love with full support. I believe leadership begins with kindness.

What is your advice to someone who is ashamed to tell their story?

My advice to anyone who is ashamed to speak their story (and I wrote a book on this) is simply this - you have no idea how your story could land on someone else's heart. When you are in service to others your heart heals by helping others. Speak your story to help others heal and heal yourself! Your story matters. It's what you own. Your story is your superpower! We have no control over anything except one thing - our story. Our stories are what connect us and heal us. I would suggest to anyone reading this that they take the time to write their story, speak their story and share it with the people they love. Story brings us comfort and belonging and we need that more than ever right now.

People can reach me at or

Sally Lou Loveman Bio

Sally Lou Loveman has spent a lifetime doing what she loves. As the former audience producer for The Oprah Winfrey Show, Sally Lou lives her purpose by connecting with audiences. At age 14, Sally Lou discovered her passion for television when she was an audience member at The Mike Douglas Show. She spotted a girl on the set with a clipboard and while she didn’t know what this girl did, she knew one day she would do it too.

After a 35-year career in television and having entertained over a half a million people from the Oprah stage, Sally Lou Loveman brings her message to new audiences through her business lovespeaks.

Today, Sally Lou serves her clients and engages audiences with inspirational presentations that connect with truth, talent and a life’s work. Her speaking engagements focus on connecting audiences with their greatest talents and designing professional and personal experiences that embrace that innate joy.

Sally Lou is no stranger to a microphone. She hosts her Unexpected Speaker workshops for heart-centered professionals; and she is also available to serve as emcee for heart-centered events. Sally Lou brings her producer talent and heart to the room and promises to make every moment memorable.

Her name speaks for itself. Be inspired by her passion, her stories, her humor and her truth.

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Christine shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Christine Martinello


Create a life filled with things you are certain about and give your gifts in service to your self,  family, and others.  I provide people education and products that can help them love more and live with victory.  


1. The Momager Guide, Empowering Moms to Leave a Loving Legacy

2. The Original Love Box

3. Digital love note for Health Heroes.

What is your personal mission in life ?

To love well and spread love around the world.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

There have been so many! Creating a loving family with hubby & 3 kids. Caregiving and supporting my husband with stage 4 cancer.  Trusting God with losing my husband and a loved one I was caring for.  God chose to heal my hubby!

What is one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

Daily prayer & coming back to center.  Negotiations with health providers and family.

How do you define leadership?

A person who influences others with a clear vision, values, and action.

What is your advice to someone who is ashamed to share their story?  

That’s ok for now.  Do the interior work to get stronger so you can tell your truth of the story.  Your story can heal and guide another.

How You can reach me? 


Christine Martinello Bio

On most days Christine is either telling stories with friends, teaching or writing.  Her passion is educating and inspiring people to live with love and purpose.

For the ‘official stuff’; Christine is CEO of Training Solutions Int’l, an international speaker since 1992, is the best-selling author of 4 books including ‘The Momager Guide, Empowering Moms to Leave a Loving Legacy’ and the inventor of ‘Original Love Box’ products.  She has travelled to over 25 countries and taught leaders across the globe.   She has been on countless TV shows & over 300 radio shows.  She’s a woman who has something to say about bringing more love & sanity into the world and she says it.   

Her personal achievements are;  Spreading God’s love, being married to Bob for 27+ years and launching 3 young adults. 

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Caline Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Caline Shares

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty? 

The advice I would give people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty is to pause, to pray, to focus on self-care and to invest in knowledge. Feed your spirit, body, and mind positively. 

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now. 

The Bible – The Ultimate Resource. My guiding life scripture is found in Psalm 46. He says, “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth”

Psalms 46:10 As a faith believer, I found the one scripture that gave me hope at a time when all I wanted to do is die. Find that scripture fervently --- hold on to it like your life depends on it –- because your life does. 

What is your personal mission in life? 

My personal mission in life is to lead and move others confidently from financial fear and frustration to financial freedom and legacy through mastering their mindset and their money; ultimately impacting, influencing, and transforming humanity. 

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome? 

Days after my 21st birthday (October 1996), I became paralyzed. One of the biggest challenges I had to overcome was mastering my mind. Thoughts of suicide consistently invaded my thoughts during that time where I was completely bed-ridden (for almost 3 months) and in recovery (for another 9 months) thereafter. 

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge? 

The one action that helped me overcome this challenge was mastering my mind through prayer and meditation. It was the most critical action that moved me from succumbing to thoughts of death and suicide to life and the power of mastering my mindset. 

How do you define leadership? 

The short answer is influence. I define leadership as influencing others and adding value to others by serving. Leadership to me ultimately transforms lives through service to others, being a clear representation of what you desire to see in others and leading others to become who they are purposed to be. 

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story? 

The advice that I would give someone who is ashamed to share their story is multifold. I would offer the following: 

1. There is value in your story, that your story releases their voice and that you have the power to release and heal yourself from shame and judgement by sharing your story with others. When you heal yourself, you heal others.

2. Telling your story openly, owning it and showing the journey, releases healing, forgiveness, freedom, and others to speak up; ultimately creating a safe space for others to share their story.

3. Telling your story creates community built on authentic connection and support.

4. Telling your story breaks generational cycles.

5. Because some topics are loaded with judgment, shame, and stigma, give yourself patience and grace to when and how you tell your story. 

How can people reach you? 



Facebook: @calinenewton

Facebook: @livelifefree

Instagram: @calinenewton 

 Caline Newton Bio

Caline G. Newton, CM, CFE, CFCS is a teacher of financial literacy and empowerment, a leading personal financial analyst and strategist and philanthropist, delivering financial education through seminars, workshops, curricula, trainings and one-on-one coaching and mentoring since 2000. As a transformational and global servant leader, Newton’s extraordinary purpose and passion is ignited in her brand Live Life Free.

Caline’s story of strength, and her unique way of reaching people who are seeking to embrace an abundance mindset and achieve financial peace and financial freedom in every area of their life, defines her drive to impact and influence humanity’s financial journey and legacy.

Coined the “The Money Maven”, Caline is quickly becoming a sought-after voice of financial impact, influence & transformation. In October 2018, The Money Maven’s goal was to reach 5,000 persons with her message. To date, she has already doubled that number. Her financial advice has been featured in local and international print & radio, podcasts and various social media platforms. As a result, many have been able to master their mindset and their money.

Newton is a bestselling contributing author featured with 30 global entrepreneurs under the theme – Entrepreneurial Elevation: 31 Strategic Lessons & Personal Stories from Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs.

To Caline, this is more than money. This is Ministry. He says, “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth” – Psalms 46:10

Join the Movement in Matters That Count with Caline “The Money Maven” Newton, leading you confidently towards Financial Peace, Financial Freedom and Financial Legacy, as we move from minutes to moments to ministry with our money.

Follow The Money Maven’s dynamic faith journey on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn at @calinenewton

Learn more about The Money Maven at and connect with her for speaking engagements at

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Mandisa Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Mandisa Vilakazi

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to help young women fulfill their dreams and be the ones to break the poverty cycle back at home. I want to empower young women and young men to not only think about studying hard and getting a good 9-5 job. But I want to instill the importance of entrepreneurship, working for yourself and creating job opportunities at the same time. This is the best kind of financial freedom.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome?

The biggest challenge I had to overcome was I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder in 2015. From then onward, my life took a nasty turn and started deteriorating slowly. I was in a bad space and I just didn’t know how to get out of the dark pit, and my anti-depressants, anxiety pills and sleeping pills seemed to not be working. 2017 was surprisingly very promising and I spent most of it actually happy... but that was short-lived. I spiraled down quickly and had my worst episode.

What helped you overcome this challenge?

One thing that really helped me overcome this challenge was Prayer. It was finding my hope in God again and finding my identity in Him. I realized that maybe everything I tried did not work out because I did not have him by my side. I was really intentional about getting to know God again and trusting Him with my life. His love for me really liberated me and made me do things that were out of my understanding, in the best way possible. I have never needed anti-depressants and anxiety pills since.

How do you define leadership?

I define leadership as being trustworthy and having trust in the people that you lead. It is acting on your words, and never breaking promises. Leadership is having the ability to inspire other people and showing them a different perspective to things and life. It is being focused and having a clear vision and direction.

What advice would you give to anyone ashamed to tell their story?

My advice to anyone ashamed to share their story is that sharing your story can seem difficult because of the shame and guilt you might carry. It will however, be so liberating to you, and more reassuring to the people with whom you will be sharing it. Sharing your story is good cleansing for your heart and spirit. It also brings comfort to a lot of people and even inspires other people to do the same. There is no reason to be afraid of sharing your story, you are not what you went through. You are stronger now, more powerful, smart and beautiful. Sharing your story just sets your free from allowing your past to keep you captive and afraid.

People can reach me: email:
Facebook: mandy vilakazi

Instagram: sweetlifeliving_

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Contributor Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Ramona Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Ramona Hampton

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

When I think about what is going on in our nation, we have to help each other and lean on others .

Resources there are many books and classes which also through counseling .  

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to touch as many womens lives as I can to help build them up, encourage them, and to bring healing and restoration in their lives.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

The biggest challenge that I overcame in my life is being molested by my uncle at a young age.

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

What help me to overcome the molestation was to confront my uncle and forgive him even when he never wanted to say he was sorry.

How do you define leadership?

I define Leadership as leading a group, organizing and leading and help women get pass their brokenness and help them be able to celebrate and love themselves.

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

Advice I would give to someone who is ashamed to share their story is to remind them that the person who did something to hurt you, has a stronghold over your life and until you release and share it, you are allowing them to control your life. For me it was the way I dealt with relationships with my children and my husband. God cannot restore until we release it.

How can people reach you?

You can reach me at 678-768-4497 and my email  

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Rhonda Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Rhonda Glaze


I would advise people to take advantage of the free intellectual information that is being made available during this time.  It is the season of transference of intellectual wealth. Free to low cost online courses and live stream events are prevalent right now.  I believe that the intellectual information that is being so generously made available is a set up for the transference of financial wealth.  We're about to come out of this ahead of the game in our businesses and missions.


Topic: How Do I Sell Products Without a Website?

What:  Facebook Live Training


Topic:  Authentic Transformational Leadership Beyond COVID-19

What:   Free Lunch & Lead Online Bootcamp 

When:  Every Thursday, 12:00p - 1:00p until April 30, 2020

Where:  Facebook Live at Dr. Patricia Anderson 


What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life, as a style influencer, is to influence women to believe in the beauty and style that they already possess; as a messenger of purpose, I encourage people to fulfill the purpose that God has styled them for.  

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Anxiety and fear.

What is one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

I intentionally began renewing my mind through meditation on the word of God, on scriptures that helped me to overcome fear.

How do you define leadership?

Taking the lead to serve in a calling that is bigger than yourself because leaders are also learners.

What is your advice to someone who is ashamed to share their story?

Your story does not define you.  It's how you overcome that defines you.  Let go of any guilt and shame.  Learn from other people who have boldly shared their story and how it has positively impacted the lives of others.  There is nothing to be ashamed of because everybody has a story and God has already aligned your journey for those who need to hear yours.

How can people reach you?

People can reach me at?

Rhonda Glaze Bio

Rhonda Glaze, aka RaRa, is the Founder and Owner of RaRa’s Style Appeal, a global style brand dedicated to helping women on the go achieve their personal style goals. After discovering her personal style journey, she joined with Stylish Consignments as a featured style blogger and spokeswoman for the 40 Plus Club on the mission of inspiring women to tap into their own unique style.

RaRa has now incorporated her passion, skill, and heart into her brand as a social media style influencer. Her eye for style and fashion sense combined with inspirational messages, have gained her a faithful audience of style enthusiasts.   She believes that every woman is worthy of a “Style Appeal” journey.  In 2016, God birthed in her the message of Styled by God while speaking at Surrender It, a women’s empowerment event hosted by Joanna D. Samuel in St. Croix, Virgin Islands.  Since then, the message has expanded to Styled by God:  Styled for A Purpose based on Psalm 139 which says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.  As a result of RaRa’s passion for fashion and style, God turned her passion into a purpose by revealing to her in Psalm 139 that He has styled everyone to be a divine expression of Him to fulfill a purpose. 

RaRa began to recognize that there were many people who had been influential to her along her personal style journey and in 2018 she created a FaceBook Live interview show as a platform to share their stories of purpose. 

A Maryland native and long-time Atlanta resident with a background in accounting and the arts, RaRa brings a perfect combination of approachable charm, creative artistry, and unconventional ministry that make her one to watch as a global influencer of style and messenger of purpose.   

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Leslie Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Leslie Briscoe Andrews

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?  Also, share one or two resources you recommend which are available to help people right now.

My mantra is to always do all things in love and I think that is even more necessary now.  People are frightened, panicked and have heightened levels of anxiety mostly because there are so many unknowns and we are forced to distance ourselves from others.  We are all creatures of community and need the connectedness to operate and thrive. It is like air to us. I don't think people realized how much they relied on community until they were forced to pull back from it.  It is important for us to listen to each other right now - listen so you can hear what the needs are.  Some just need to know it's going to be ok, while others are petrified of even stepping outside of their home.  Show up for them however they need it.  My mom is 74 and lives alone.  Up until this past Saturday she was feeling ok about things, getting out each day for a daily walk. But something changed for her Saturday morning - she woke up with a fear in her heart.  We talked for over an hour and she said she felt better and refused to let me come visit. The more I thought about it I "heard" her saying in our convo that she was worried about her babies - yes we are 51, 41 and 39 but still her babies.  So I scheduled a zoom call with all of us for the next day.  Now getting her set up on it was a challenge but the smile on her face and the peace she felt afterwards was worth it.  Figure out what people need.  It can be a phone call, picking up groceries for them, a text, a surprise delivery of balloons or flowers, anything.  Just listen to and respond to their hearts. Lastly, I believe God is speaking to us - not only has he said be still but He'has said sit down AND be still.  We should take this time to reflect on our lives and understand that this message is universal.  It's not just the United States affected but the entire world.  It's global and so is our connection.  We are more alike than we are different.  We must begin to look at and engage with one another through a lens of love.

Resource suggestions:

  1.  My newly released book - "Joy-Yes" - A Journey of Love, Faith & Gratitude

  2. Devotions, Advice & Renewal For When Motherhood Feels Too Hard: Daily by Kelly Crawford

What is your personal mission in life?

To spread the love and light of God and show others how to find the joy in their journey.  Find your joy in spite of your circumstance.

What is one of your biggest challenges that you have overcome?

The biggest challenge I have overcome is finding the strength to leave an abusive marriage while raising my toddler and facing a company merger/job loss.

What is one action you used to overcome your challenge?

One action which helped me overcome was my faith.

What is your definition of leadership?

I believe in leading from the heart.  The best leaders understand that leadership is not about them, but those they serve.  It's not about showcasing your own actions but lifting the actions of others up.  People first. 

What advice would you give to someone who was ashamed to tell their story?

I struggled with sharing my story initially because of my addiction to perfectionism.  It felt like failure to me, but I soon realized that sharing my story not only healed my heart, but it helped others identify their wounds and start the path to healing.  We are all a part of each other's journey.  The sooner we recognize the connection the better.

People can reach me at: - email - website - facebook

   @leslierenee12 - instagram


Leslie Briscoe Andrews Bio

Leslie Renee Briscoe-Andrews is a wife, mother, retail executive, mentor and founder of “joy-yes” – a journey to living a life of wellness and joy! A heart-led leader, her motto has always been to walk in excellence even when those around you choose mediocrity. She is full of energy and passionate about those she loves.  For her it is the people that matter.  She believes that her body is indeed her temple and is an avid proponent of a healthy lifestyle and fitness! Health is wealth!

While professional success has been gratifying, she believes she has no greater or more rewarding role than that of mother to her beautiful daughter, Gabrielle Renee. “I am because she is and being her mother is my number one priority.” 

Currently a Senior Buyer for Carters Inc., Leslie has over 25 years of expertise in the retail management industry. She has worked for retail industry leaders including Macy’s, Dicks Sporting Goods and American Eagle Outfitters holding management positions in Buying, Financial Planning and Store management. She has also worked as a consultant for Aptos and other Retail Software companies.

Community is a priority. She currently serves and works with Jack and Jill of American, North Suburban Atlanta Chapter, as Program Director and The Roswell Women’s Club as a part of the Education Committee supporting and funding college scholarships for local high school seniors.

There are 2 values she holds dear – authenticity and faith. She believes that we are all perfectly imperfect and embracing our experiences both good and bad shape who we are. Living your life as your most authentic self, without apology, is the most empowering and freeing feeling ever. 

Lastly her faith is the essence of who she is. It has sustained her through life's experiences and is fundamental to who she is and the way she approaches life. Her mantra is that every day is a gift and acknowledging that and applying it to how you live can be life changing! She believes that with God all things are possible, that miracles happen every day, dreams do come true and that attitude is a choice.  Choose to be positive, choose to be happy, choose joy! If she shares nothing else she wants others to know that the light of God lives within her!

Compiled by Tanysha W. Carroll Executive Coordinator