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Let The Healing Continue

Adia Wright

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Listen to the voice within, don’t allow fear to take root and create your own outcome. Help others as best you can and give thanks every day for your every blessing big or small.

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

If you are a beauty professional like I am make sure you look up major product companies, they are helping beauty professionals; you have to sign up. Here is a website for Covid Relief for Beauty Industry Professionals.

If you feel you need some internal growth and healing, Mayet has been very instrumental in helping me to start my healing, you can schedule  here.

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission is to share my gifts and experiences with others in a loving way that will help someone to have a better life and they will be able to do the same.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the biggest challenges I have overcome is fear.

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

The action that helped me overcome it is, facing my fears and realizing that this is what courage really is anyway.

How do you define leadership? 

I define leadership as a follower who has gained wisdom and knowledge through experiences which has made them compassionate and shown them how to lead others with conviction.

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

To be ashamed of your story is to be ashamed of yourself. You are your story and your story, good and bad has made you who you are today. Embrace all of you.

How can people reach you?


Adia Wright Bio

With over 15 years of experience in the beauty industry Adia Wright, owner of It's Not About the Nails, a holistic nail care business was compelled to transition from a corporate career to operating her own holistic nail care business. In 2015, she launched It's Not About The Nail's which allows her to serve her clients through customized nail sessions for healing, physical restoration, and mental renewal. As a little girl Adia had a love for helping others. She knew early on she was called to the beauty industry, and would not be fulfilled until she was doing what she loved. With a spirit to serve, a love for people and the beauty industry, Adia is exactly where she's meant to be. Being a business owner has allowed her to share her gifts with others. She describes her experience as an entrepreneur as both successful and rewarding. Her passion for the nail care industry compelled her to become a licensed nail care professional .Together, Adia’s unique gifts and her experience as a nail care professional, business owner and nail care educator have made her an asset to the beauty industry. As 2020 unfolds look for her upcoming book that every woman will want to read before going to the salon. Beauty products for nail techs, continue education classes and pop up toe readings.

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Lander Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Lander V. Stovall

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Here in Louisiana we have endured a lot of natural disasters in most recent years. Hurricanes and floods which we are normally prepared for. We know how to board up the windows, move to higher ground. You need to have enough food on hand for a few days, batteries, and generators.  We can feel the winds getting stronger and we can see the water rising, but this invisible enemy is an attack like no other we have experienced in our lifetime. The past few years have been epic in that every storm, flood, and virus has been likened to a hundred year repeat.

The one thing I know is that in order to navigate these times of uncertainty we must activate our faith.  Love our families. Smell the flowers. Having faith that God will see us through. Everything that has come to pass will calm our spirits, give our minds peace and allow our bodies to respond in rest.

The gift of time to spend with our families is priceless although it comes with a price. We have had to go back to the old ways. Practice the art of the family dinner. Find things that are pleasing, educational and entertaining to each member in the family.  We have our creative juices flowing. We have learned that some of the things we thought we could not live without, we can. We have been able to tap into the talents of our children. And our children have been able to tap into the minds of the parent.  In other words we are learning what makes each of us tick.

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

Take the time to learn new skills, read and reconnect with the dreams you may have put on hold. Plant a garden for beauty and food. Smell the flowers while we can. These times of uncertainty have allowed us to know what is truly important to us. Read a daily devotional with family. Let your children know where your faith comes from and the God you have faith in. Also, that God will provide all of your needs.

What is your personal mission in life?

It is my mission to show the love of God to the people I meet. Let them know that I care and have compassion for them. I am especially concerned for women and girls. It is important that they know their worth, their strengths and that they are overcomers. I want them to know that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, can be theirs if they want it. Power is knowing that you can crush a thing, but having the strength not to.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

The biggest challenge in my life was to become a widow at the age of 25. It changed my life and my direction. Having two small children presented its’ own set of challenges.

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

 I held onto my faith in God and his direction to bring me through. The one thing that I knew I had to do was to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. I made sure that I ate right and exercised at least three to four times a week. The exercise was a great source to release the stress of being a single working mom. Eating properly helped me to teach my children how to care for their health also, although they did not like everything I put before them.  They were five and six years old before they knew what candy was. We ate a lot of fresh fruit. I called it natures’ candy and they bought into that. But it was not long before their grandparents introduced them to the real sugar, candy.

How do you define leadership? 

I believe leadership should be fluid. I do not believe that it should be one size fits all. A leader needs to be strong, but also have a degree of compassion for the people they serve. They should ask questions and truly consider the answers they receive.  You can learn a lot by just being observant and not obsessed.

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

Everyone has a story that needs to be shared. When you tell your story, you are helping someone else who may need validation. Sometimes people need to know that they are not alone, that others have walked in their shoes. The test is a testimony that you too can overcome. You too can be great. People need to know that they are not the product of the problem or the situation. That it was someone’s poor judgement, poor decision and they are not a victim. Your story can increase someone’s self- esteem. It is not how you start but how you finish. You can become more than your zip code. It took me almost a lifetime to share my story. But it was the most liberating and defining moment of my life. I was able to tell my story, from my point of view, and do it with compassion for the people who hurt me. That is faith and love at its best. Deliverance is empowering.

How can people reach you?

You can reach me at      

 Visit my website

Lander V. Stovall Bio

I was employed by the United States Postal Service for 31 years, now retired. I was formally employed by Sears as an auditor. I am currently licensed by the State of Louisiana Insurance Commission as an independent Life and Health agent with American Income Life. I am the former President and CEO of Team Dawson, LLC, doing business as Discreet Limousine Service; our motto is”The Service is in the Name”. I am a license Chauffeur with the State of Louisiana and the Parish of East Baton Rouge.

I served as a missionary to the Community Baptist Church, St. Croix, US Virgin Island. I spent 18 days teaching Biblical principles to the youth. For the past 15 years I have written and performed skits for the Summer Blast, a fund raiser for the Battered Women’s Program here in Baton Rouge, La. Performed in the play “Crowns” for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Baton Rouge Sigma Alumnae Chapter and Baton Rouge Sigma Foundation in 2010. And I have been the MC for “Sunday’s Best” for Antioch Baptist Church and a key note speaker for Women of Destiny for Remnant and Chabod Ministries. I am a board member and secretary for Women Working with Women, LLC. A service organization whose mission is to identify, develop, and cultivate the leadership skills of women.  The organization hosted a Domestic Violence Forum on October 22, 2012, where I served on the planning / decorations committees.

I am a graduate of Southern University Laboratory High School.  I attended both Southern University and Louisiana State University. I am a graduate of Ever Increasing Word Training Center. I completed the Louisiana District of the U S Postal Service, Associate Supervisor Program. And I received my diploma from the United States Air Force Auxiliary of the Civil Air Patrol, Squadron Leadership School.

I am single.  I have one son, one daughter, and I am the proud grandmother of 4 beautiful granddaughters and one grandson. I am the 4th daughter of the late, Leonard and Juanita Higginbottham Virdure. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers.

I have a passion for people, life and compassion for God’s people. God is the center of my life and it is through him that I have my being. I am a member of Magnolia Full Gospel Baptist Church in St. Francisville, where Prophet Milton Coats is my pastor. I sing in the mass choir and I am a member of the scholarship/graduate recognition committee. I served as the chairman of the 2010 -2011 graduate prayer breakfast. I serve as a member of the adult team of Sunday school teachers.

I am the prior owner of a boutique, event planner and weight loss clinic. I have been coined the “entrapanegro” by my friends. I enjoy art, music, traveling and experiencing new and exciting things.

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Zaneen Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Zaneen Thompson

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

 Sit with your moments of uncertainty. Do not pretend you are ok if you are not. You unjustly serve yourself when you don't acknowledge your fear, hurt, anger, or pain. When we chose not to, we mask who we are and then you make decisions that do not reflect your authentic self. Trace the cause of the uncertainty, acknowledge it, and do the work to shift from that space. Don't stay there! 

 Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

You have to feed yourself. My Faith is number one. I have to read material that strengthens my faith and correct any maladaptive thoughts and behaviors rooted in my past trauma and life experiences that can exasperate the current events we are experiencing. So the word of God is number 1. Connected to that is Bible Plans through the Bible App which allows me to complete plans according to areas I need to grow in or challenge myself. 

The second resource I would suggest is Queenology by RC Blakes for women. This book is a clarion call to the inner queen of women from the voice of a father. I have a heart for women and being a woman who dealt with trauma, I believe part of the healing process is affirmations to who you are and called to be. Just because we are in a pandemic does not mean your personal development stops. You don't want to compact issues.

What is your personal mission in life?


My personal mission is the Encourage, Educate, Inspire, and Usher Healing to women, especially those who do not realize their childhood trauma is affecting their adult decisions.   


 What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Forgiving myself for the guilt of not knowing better!!! For the longest I was my worst critic for decisions I made immaturely. It took growing, healing, and maturing in order to forgive the broken me.   


 What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

Counseling HONEY!!!!! I have my masters in counseling and while I was learning how to be present with others through their process, God was healing me in mine. We need to break the stigma of counseling/therapy in the Black Community. The phrase, 'What happens in this house, stays in this house', has a lot of individuals holding on to false narratives. Get some help in a safe space to unpack your trauma. 

How do you define leadership? 

I would define leadership as the willingness to go first. It is hard to steer people where you yourself have not been. I also believe leadership comes with a level of transparency. People need to know you are real and relatable. That insight gives people hope their situation can change for the better and how to navigate through troubled life waters as you have.


 What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

I would tell them to sit and really trace where the shame is originating from. We carry shame sometimes that is not even ours to bear especially for acts committed against us. There is a freedom that comes from sharing your story. And let me clarify something. Sharing your story does not mean it has to be on a large platform. Honey in the beginning it can be coming to terms with sharing it with yourself!!! You are the first partaker of that fruit.


How can people reach you?

I'm on Facebook as Zaneen Thompson.

I'm also on Facebook and IG under Arise Tamar 

I can also be reached at

Zaneen Thompson Bio

Zaneen Thompson is an Accounting Processor at a Fortune 100 Food Service Company in Orlando, Florida. After hitting a glass ceiling in Corporate America, she decided to pursue a degree in accounting to push through the promotional barriers she was facing. However, during the 1st month of enrollment in her degree program, she endured a life-altering event which changed her degree program and ignited her life’s passion.

She holds an undergraduate degree in Human Services from the University of Phoenix and a Graduate degree in Counseling minoring in Marriage, Family, and Couples therapy from Palm Beach Atlantic University.  She is also a Certified Life Coach through the Life Coach Institute of Orange County. Zaneen’s primary passion is to empower, encourage, inspire, and user women through healing specifically in the area of unresolved childhood trauma affecting adulthood unaware.

Zaneen believes the true authenticity of who you are begins to shine when you are heal and that women need to be intentional about their healing. She believes the pace is not important but the progression is. 

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator


LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Marlyn Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Marlyn Bonzil-Juste

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

My advice to anyone at the moment, in light of these uncertain times would be to focus on what they can control; live from a place of gratitude and continue to show up, on whatever capacity. 

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

Resources that can currently help people are the following:
*Prayer/ Meditation
*Exercise tips (walking, running, jogging, training, etc) via Livestreams and/or Youtube channels 

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission in life is to use my God-given talents to share light, life, and hope with others. 

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the most biggest challenges I've had to overcome would be my journey as an immigrant from Haiti to the

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

One key action that helped me overcome this challenge was to tapped into my inner strength instilled by my parents at an early age, and keeping a strong family bond. 

How do you define leadership? 

My definition of leadership is the art of igniting developmental skills in others, while playing an active, authentic role in their journey. 

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

My advice to anyone who is ashamed to share their story is simply that Your story is not meant for you. Clarity and healing will only be discovered by connecting with others who have walked your paths and are in dire need of your voice to deliberate them. And only by doing so, would they find true life purpose and their tribe.

 How can people reach you?

Facebook: Marlyn Bonzil-Juste
Instagram: MJ.Visionary1
LinkedIn: Marlyn Bonzil-Juste

Marlyn Bonzil-Juste Bio

Marlyn Bonzil-Juste is the Visionary Founder of MJ Solutions LLC, a consulting firm.  Offering tailored business solutions to companies within legal and healthcare industries, with a specialty in Personal Injury Law.  She has over 15 years of progressive management experience in Sales, Marketing, and Strategic Business Relations.  

Mrs. Bonzil-Juste stands behind her motto, Create Yourself. Such has fueled her passion to continually evolve and deepen her found belief in practicing a holistic approach to living. She is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Your Best Life: Self-Care For The Modern Woman conference. In 2019, she was the recipient of the Entrepreneur Deeva Award presented by Women On The Rise.  She acquired the title as a best-selling author, with a collaborative publication entitled, Broken Chains. 

In order to contribute to her community, Mrs. Bonzil-Juste serves as the Vice-Chairwoman of the Greater Haitian American Chamber of Commerce- Orlando and a board member of the Human Relations Diversity Board for the city of Ocoee. She continues to promote advocacy for wellness and diversity.

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Jacquie Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Jacquie McIver

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Living a life full of uncertainties is common for me in this season of my life.  As a Caregiver of my 9-year old son, who has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Autism & host of other medical fragilities; coupled with caring for my 94- year old  mother who has Alzheimer’s simultaneously.  I had to learn really quick that I am NOT in control.  A key discovery for me was that being human means we have limitations.  If I am doing the best I can, then I have to find Faith in someone greater than myself.  My personal relationship with God gives me my center and  balance I need each day to face the uncertainties.  My true desire is to start my day with prayer, meditation, worship and reading of my Bible.  However, reality is that my day can have many challenges before I even get out of bed.  I don’t beat myself up if I don’t get to spend time with God at the beginning of my day.  Honestly I’ve learned that praying continually throughout the day helps to navigate through the daily obstacles.  Unfortunately, as a Caregiver no two days are alike, so you have to be very flexible in how you handle each day.  I’ve heard many people talk about religion is important during times of uncertainty.  I would disagree and say a Relationship with Jesus Christ is essential.  The key to the relationship is that it’s requires two-way communication. It is crucial that I share with God what’s on my heart and ask for His help (prayer) and then I take time to  listen to God (meditation).  No matter how crazy things get, for my own sanity I make sure I spend time some way with God daily. During our current condition we have lots of time to ourselves to give God a few minutes of the day.  It’s a choice and one that will help keep you going. 

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

There are two FREE resources available. One resources is the Bible and you can get it in all different formats from book, digital, audible and even with music (on YouTube).  If you don’t like to read you can now have the Bible read to you by downloading a Bible App.    Another resource that is available for FREE is music.  Find the music that lift’s your spirits and stay far away from music and lyrics that are dark or focuses on negativity. Music brightens up a room and sets the atmosphere in a place.

What is your personal mission in life?

 My mission in life is to passionately spread hope to those parents/caregivers of special needs children, those living with disabilities, those caring for elderly parents and for hurting people who have lost hope.  I believe unequivocally that everyone has a distinct and unique contribution to make and that my purpose is to touch the lives of those I encounter with a message that helps them understand this indisputable fact.

 What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of my biggest challenges was embracing the fact that my son who entered the world at 1-pound & 15-ounces and only given  24-hours to live has a greater purpose.  I’ve learned to believe God for his life and after 9-years God has not failed me.  My son has fought to be here and now he should have a voice to be respected in spite of any disability. He should have every opportunity to live a very fulfilled life and not be treated differently.  Acceptance of my son as human and not a medical diagnosis is something that continues to be an uphill battle.  However, it is one that has many victories because of the awareness and acceptance by others.  From the very beginning of his life, I’ve taught my son that he has a purpose and is here to help others know that they have a purpose. 

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

 For my 50th birthday instead of having a party, I made a decision to launch a non-profit organization; that focuses on helping Parents/Caregivers and those living with disabilities to know that they should “Live Beyond their Disability”.  It’s called Jeremiah’s Voice, Inc. We are committed to the transformative mission of providing supportive opportunities for those with a disability to live their lives to the fullest and with great joy.

How do you define leadership? 

 Leadership is knowing how to serve and follow others with humility. 

 What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

I would share with them that you matter and your life matters.  You are a valued human being that has overcome many challenges that others need to hear, so they can overcome the challenges they face in life.  No experience in life is ever for ourselves, but for us to share to help others survive and thrive in life.  We are all born to serve one another and sharing your story will serve somebody who may not know how to make it.  Don’t allow anyone to hinder you from sharing your story.

How can people reach you?

Website –

Facebook – Jeremiah’s Voice

Instagram – @JeremiahsVoice

Twitter – Jeremiah’s Voice

Email -

Jacquie McIver Bio

Jacquie A. McIver is a single mother of her son, Jeremiah, a wonderful little Angel Gift from God to nurture and love. As a former Pastor, it has always been her true desire to embrace everyone and help them discover their purpose in life. As an entrepreneur consultant, she helped organizations to exceed their own potential. After graduating from Arizona State University with a MBA, in Marketing she spent several years traveling the world as a management consultant in corporate America with one of the top four firms in the world; Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLC.

Parenting is similar to business management in that you must utilize time and resources effectively. As a parent/caregiver of her son with special needs, her professional and educational skills come in handy to provide daily solutions. Jacquie is committed to a life in speaking, coaching, advocating, encouraging, strategizing, supporting and inspiring others. She is the visionary of Jeremiah’s Voice, Inc. A combination of her educational, ministerial, professional and parenting skills, she launches an organization that believes will help to aid those who care for and those who live with disabilities. She is transparent, open, honest and firmly believes unequivocally that everyone has a distinct and unique contribution to make. Furthermore, she understand that her purpose is to touch the lives of those she encounters with a message that helps them understand this indisputable fact.

Ms. McIver’s life passion is to spread hope to Parents/Caregivers of Special Needs Children, those living with disabilities, those caring for elderly parents and who are hurting or hopeless. She stands on the premise that your past circumstances do not dictate your future position in life. Her words are empowering, uplifting and bring encouragement to those who may have lost hope and affirmation to those who have already discovered and are walking in their purpose. It is her belief that God has a plan for every person and each person should be equipped with accurate information. She anchors her belief in Jeremiah 29:11. 

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator


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Let The Healing Continue


In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Trust God and know that He has a plan for you and it is all good.  Know that in this time of uncertainty, God is certain.  And God certainly cares about you.

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

Boldalicious has journals and promotes journaling heavily. Grab your journal and write it out! Whatever it is, just write it out!

What is your personal mission in life?

To help as many as I can discover self-love because it all comes back to self. 

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Everyone talks about self-love, but no one really wants to go on that journey.  The biggest challenge I had to overcome was learning to love myself.  Despite being told I was beautiful, I suffered from low self-esteem, often feeling unlovable, inadequate, and unworthy at times.   

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

I had to learn how to be alone and be happy with myself.  I had to realize that the way I felt was not an accurate reflection of who I was or who I was meant to be.  I had to change my perspective of myself

How do you define leadership? 

Leadership is learning from the wise of old, teaching the new young through words and actions, to prepare all for the exponential future ahead.    

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

It's Time to BE BOLD!

Walk in your Boldness.

Walk in your Authority.

It's BOLD Time!

No more fear, no more shame, and no more regrets!

You did it... And they probably did it too!

It's time to let go and be free.

How can people reach you?


Instagram: Boldalicious

Facebook: Boldalicious



Naya is the Co-Founder and President of Boldalicious.  While on a personal self-love journey, she quickly understood the importance of having a tribe of like-minded individuals to support growth and evolution of self.  After seasons of tears and pain, Boldalicious was birthed from a place of healing and wholeness. 

Naya loves encouraging others to fulfill their potential in God while encouraging herself.  You can regularly find Naya at speaking engagements as well as sharing encouragement on social media, where she reflects and speaks about life's experiences that affect men and women every day. 

Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator

LOVE & LIGHT SERIES: Pastor Kim Shares

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Let The Healing Continue

Kimberly Jones

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

I would advise people to establish an internal truth about who they are and how they will posture themselves throughout this. That way they will not find themselves on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, fears, and inhibitions as the climate ebbs and flows through this pandemic.

Please share one or two available resources that can  help people right now.

Book: Search For Significance

What is your personal mission in life?

My mission is to inspire, motivate, and empower women through faith
building, purpose identification, and strategic planning, that will get
them from where they are to where God has called and created them to be.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the biggest challenges I have overcome is the ability to live above and beyond past experiences that caused me to feel rejected and abandoned.

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

Higher level activation of my faith.

How do you define leadership?

Empowering others to live, operate, and work at maximum capacity tapping into innate gifts and talents that help them to be the best version of themselves as possible.

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

There is power in everyone's story that serves as a two-edged sword. It first cuts through your barriers and obstacles, while simultaneously doing the same for others.

How can people reach you?


Kimberly Jones Bio

Pastor Kimberly Jones is a woman of purpose and power who never passes up an opportunity to empower women across the world through her ministry and entrepreneurial gifts. As CEO of Living On Purpose Life & Empowerment Coaching, she gets to do what she loves doing most, which is empowering individuals to “Live On Purpose and Make Every Day Count.” In addition to assuming the role of CEO of Living On Purpose, Pastor Kimberly also co-pastors with her husband of 20 years, Apostle Louis D. Jones, Jr., at Prevailing Love Worship in Stone Mountain, Georgia where they together have impacted lives for over 17 years.

Utilizing the speaking and training platform of Kimberly Jones Global, Pastor Jones has been afforded the opportunity to stand before audiences coaching, preaching, and teaching in various settings including, women’s conferences, business seminars, and coaching events all over the world. She is an international speaker who has traveled and spoken in various parts of Africa including South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya. She is 2018 recipient of the D&Ksuomi Foundation Humanitarian Award (Nigeria) for her work in the area of women’s empowerment and leadership.

Kimberly is the founder of the international women’s network, WEWIN (Women Empowering Women International Network). This network is a platform for women to connect across the globe for the purpose of collaboration in business, ministry, and personal development. The message of WEWIN is one that emphasizes the power of faith and sisterhood. Kimberly’s desire is to bridge gaps that are created by cultural, economic, and social differences through the promotion of collective victory. She is also the visionary of The Awakening Women’s Encounter, a women’s empowerment gathering that compels women internationally to rise to a level of self and God consciousness that evokes transformation and empowerment for purpose.

Kimberly is a Certified Master Life & Empowerment Coach and holds a MA in Counseling. She shares her passion for advancement through education by training and certifying others who desire to become certified in life coaching through the Living On Purpose Coaching Certification Program.

Kimberly Jones has encouraged and inspired God’s people on a global level through the seven books she has authored. She is a mentor, spiritual mother, and spiritual counselor to many. However, her greatest joy is found in her role as mother to her two children (Kayla & Justin) and grandmother to her two grandchildren (Kingston & Hyndrix). She and her husband of 20 years reside in Snellville, GA with their beautiful family.

 Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator


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Let The Healing Continue

Farj DeLane

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Pursue entrepreneurship that is sustainable during a pandemic or recession.

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now. (stay active at home with living a healthy lifestyle) 

What is your personal mission in life?

To be my best self at all times and fulfill the missions God has for me on this Earth.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

Trusting the voice within me and seeing hardships through no matter what was going on in the present.

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?


How do you define leadership?

 Rising to the occasion, trusting ones instincts and not being afraid to do what's right. 

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

Your story can shed light on someone else's life.

How can people reach you?

Instagram: @fajrmalika

Facebook: Fajr DeLane


Fajr Malika DeLane Bio

Fajr Malika DeLane, a California and Georgia native now living in Washington, D.C., is a Bill and Melinda Millennium Gates Scholar and P.E.O. Star Scholar (recognizing graduating high school senior women who demonstrate outstanding leadership, academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and community service).  She is currently attending Howard University majoring in International Business Major with a concentration in Finance.  Fajr is the Founder and Director of two organizations:  “F to the Third Power: Fun.Fit.Fabulous!” a health and wellness program initiative for young girls, and College Prep 4 Success which prepares youth for college and provides resources to graduate debt-free.

DeLane’s inspiration comes from many sources: family; community; and international exposure. Her personal horizons are broad and her social perspectives well enlightened.  With over 700 hours of community service, Fajr has been a youth ambassador for many initiatives including at the Nations Mosque/Masjid Muhammad, Washington, D.C., the National Service-Learning Conference/United Religions Initiative (URI) in Denver, Colorado; Parliament of World Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah; National Muslim Women’s Summit at Harvard University; and 2019 Howard University FIRM Symposium in NYC. She has been the Delegate and Ambassador at the United Nations 14th & 15th Annual Human Rights Summit; Washington Cathedral Opening Prayer Vigil for the ‘March for Our Lives’ campaign in Washington, D.C.; Awarded on Capitol Hill for "Authentic Leadership; and the Pause and Propel Global Leadership Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.  In 2018, she served as United States Ambassador at the United Nations. During the summer, Fajr had the pleasure of interning in corporate America at Nevro Corporation, a billion+ dollar company in Silicon Valley in California.  In late May 2019, Fajr hosted her Fun. Fit. Fabulous clinic and College Prep 4 Success clinics in Athens, GA. During that summer, she interned at Autodesk software company in San Rafael, California.  In Feb 2020 as part of her position with Andres Martin, Founder of HBCU Nights, they launched their first tour stop in 2020 at Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York. 

Fajr has had several media appearances which have included participating as a political forum panelist on Deen Talk TV, a special feature on Al Jazeera+ (AJ+) with over 1 million views on the topic of “My Favorite Thing About Ramadan,” and several live appearances on Athens 1470 WXAG AM radio show over the years.  She recently served as an online reporter for the 4B4 Community organization at the Dalilah Muhammad event in Washington, D.C. (See “Meet an Olympian” in Muslim Journal Vol 45, No 21 February 7, 2020). As a member of Howard University’s upcoming class of 2020, Fajr DeLane hopes to continue building her leadership skills and opportunities to truly be the change she hopes to see in the world.

Fajr just recently announced that she was offered and accepted a full-time Financial Analytics and Sales position to her DREAM JOB at Bloomberg in Manhattan, New York City! She quotes “I want to thank my Creator, family and all my supporters for your prayers and love! My heart is filled with so much joy and excitement! I am so happy and can’t wait to start this incredible journey! “

Fajr can be contacted at @fajrmalika @Fun.Fit.Fabulous @CollegePrep4Success or by email  


Compiled by Tanysha W Carroll Executive Coordinator


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Let The Healing Continue

Dr. Lisa Matthews

In light of the recent events impacting our nation, what advice would you give to people in order to help them navigate the uncertainty?

Everything works together for our good even when we are unable to identify what that ‘good’ is during a moment of uncertainty.

Please share one or two available resources that can help people right now.

·  3 month or 6 month Professional and Executive Coaching through Top Choice Coaching

·  The book with views on work, life and business, The 4-hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss (Classic), now is the time to read it, if you haven’t already.

What is your personal mission in life?

My personal mission is to help individuals obtain the careers and goals that they deserve and desire through professional and executive coaching!

What is one of the biggest challenges you have overcome?

One of the biggest challenges that I overcame was being diagnosed with epilepsy in my thirties with no reason or cause that could be determined after being seen by over 20 neurologist and specialist.

What was one action that helped you overcome this challenge?

One action that helped me overcome this challenge was being transparent and open by sharing my story with others. Through sharing my story, I realized that so many others were in some way connected with epilepsy but were either ashamed, embarrassed and/or afraid to tell their stories about managing with their disability and kept their experiences to themselves.

How do you define leadership? 

Leadership is knowing that the humbled will be exalted, and the exalted will be humbled… - Luke 14:11

What advice would you give to someone that is ashamed to share their story?

Your story is your gift to the world, and it can change someone’s life. Please do not keep it hidden.  

How can people reach you?· 


 Telephone: (800) 680 – 2990