I am amazed at how POWERFUL our Pause & Propel event was with so many new faces who didn't know each other in such a short amount of time! Some of the women were a bit reserved and conservative at first, but by the end it seemed as if we had all spread our wings and realized we were more alike than different! To see the transparency and transformations take place were priceless. I shared personal challenges and things that I had experienced since my last conference in DC and some of the ladies who have watched the brand on social media were in complete shock! There were so many golden jewels passed along and the inter-generational wisdom and exchange of love and compassion was refreshing.
In honor of the lessons I took away from our journey to Africa, we each passed around a glass diamond as we shared our personal revelations and declarations.
I am sitting here wondering how in the world I am suppose to fully process all that I am learning from each of you. Africa will take forever to fully process but then Saturday seemed like an unexpected garden of rich wisdom.
I am still figuring out the process and being in the moment when so many experiences are coming so fast.
You all are changing my life and I learn from each encounter.
Having the munchkins there was an answered prayer and it was so sweet to see Kylie take in the sisterhood.
Bryson preferred chilling in the lounge at the buffet and site seeing afterwards... He was a good sport but I think he will pass on the next event. He would rather go play or bring his ipad.
I am forever grateful for each of you and I have said it since my first event in 2012. There is just something so special about DC I think we may end up doing something else here, just not sure what.
Belinda Johnson, Lisa Matthews, and Monica Byrd it would not have been a rich, powerful, and heart-awakening experience without your support and effort. Thank you for having the courage to help me with this vision.