Starting Over


Greatness Unmasked!

I want to WIN but I have no one that believes in me or my vision!
I need a mentor!
In order to receive what you are being taught by a mentor, they have to be relatable.
Relatable in a sense of knowing how you feel and being unafraid to share their raw feelings of how they felt and how they coped.
On those days where you just feel unmotivated, defeated, rejected, empty, overwhelmed, beat down, and just blocked up from life's occurences this person should be able to tell you that it's normal and show you ways of how to get pass it.
I'm not saying that your mentor should pacify and pat you on the back by telling you what you want to hear. They should be able to be in touch with life and not sale you a story of whimsical dreams and experiences. Nobody gets to where they are by way of luck or by living the perfect life. Their lives are built with brick and mortar; one brick at a time.
When you find a mentor that you can trust, be honest with, and unashamed to share your rawest of feelings, keep them close. Those are the ones that have experienced some things and take pride in providing the necessary tools to help you succeed.
Remember your success depends greatly upon you and the work that you put in not the excuses!
I hope your week is grand!

Connect with Shyreeta:


Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow



Tune out the Negative!

“Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory.” –Mahatma Gandhi, Political and Spiritual Leader

Failures in business happen. It is a fact of life. Research says that you could probably expect to fail in business since the majority of new businesses do fail within the first four years. Is that something that we want to accept? NO! But it is a true statement. So go at it full-fledged knowing that you will WIN! 

Most of us experience slow business, increased overhead costs, and bad location etc. Which causes us to shut down our business. It hurts and we feel less determined to start over. 

However, we must realize that it is what you do after your failure that separates the wheat from the chaff. If you give up then you should resign yourself to working for the man and make the best of it. But if you don’t, and start another venture, you are giving yourself the opportunity to succeed and surpass your previous endeavor. If you don’t keep trying to make a go of it, you will never have the opportunity to experience the freedom of success. Where there is no risk there is no reward and a successful business can be the most rewarding thing to ever happen to you.

Don't look at past experiences as failures, look at them as a way to improve and move forward. 

A bad mental situation will keep your business from ever experiencing the growth that creates success. Find yourself something that makes you excited and get into that instead. You will be happier when you do. – Doug Kersten 

Today we must think about what makes us happy and what we can do to extend our existing businesses. Especially when business is slow.

Ex. If you do hair, you could sell extensions, hair care products that you make on your own, give out complimentary scalp massages, give out free services time to time (ex. deep conditioner or clip ends), have loyalty cards and accumulative point systems. Offer consignment for your products.

If you own a space, rent it out for private events after office hours.

Remember, where there's a will, there's a way. Find it!

Connect with Shyreeta:


Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow

Photo Credit: Rich Cruse 


Tradition vs. Entrepreneurship

Tradition states that we have to go to school and earn our college degree so that we can then pursue the thought of getting married and raising a family along with living in a house on the hill.

As we know, times have changed tremendously!

The only thing is... We've changed our thinking!

We are looking to kick that 9 to 5 job to the side and run full-fledged towards our dreams. While we feel strongly that we're making the correct decisions, there's always the person that's close to us discouraging us with their negative "What If?" So then we start to think "What if, I can't pay my bills, I lose my house, my car, and most of the loss of income that I already receive at work?”

I'm here to say that it's all true...depending on our grind. If we keep thinking negative, we will receive negative results.

In order to bypass the naysayers, we have to find ourselves a good business network of people. I find myself so excited to speak with other entrepreneurs because they kick my passion to thrive into overdrive. They get it! They get the struggle! Rest assured that everyone that we'll meet on our journey, will instill tidbits of value and experience to our burning desire to become successful. This will alleviate the sharing of information with the people that are traditionally driven.

I also wanted to touch on significant others that totally don't see or believe in our vision. We must realize that it is our vision and not theirs. We can't expect them to get it but we can show them a visual. Otherwise, we can find what motivates us best and gravitate to it when we're not so motivated. Accept change and consistently fine tune your business model if things don't seem to pan out how you want them to. Find a BBF (business best friend) and ask for direction. I have been really grateful for all of the people (including you ladies) that gave me guidance on moving forward after what could have been failure. They were also open to sharing helpful information with me.

Keep your head up and your ears open to new opportunity. Stay prepared because you never know who you're speaking with.

Connect with Shyreeta:


Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow


Photo Credit: Rich Cruse




Self-Criticism - A positive approach

"Confront your path with courage, and don't be afraid of the criticism of others. And, above all, don't allow yourself to become paralyzed by self-criticism."

Self-criticism - critical of oneself, one's abilities, or one's actions in a self-aware or unduly disapproving manner.

Although many people believe that being hard on themselves will make them better people, research does not support this belief: Self-criticism has been shown to increase procrastination and rumination and impede goal progress. If you already feel worthless and incompetent, you may feel like there’s no point in even trying to do better next time.

Whether your M.O. is to build yourself up or put yourself down, it’s all about self-judgment. The focus is on, am I good person or a bad person? It’s easy to lose sight of questions that are more likely to get us somewhere, like how did this happen, and how can I avoid letting it happen again? What does it take to get out of the trap of self-judgment? 

1. Are you thinking positively?
2. What is your solution?
3. Can you use a second opinion?
4. Have you stepped away completely, took time out for yourself, and returned to a blank canvas to start over?
5. Are you worried about what others think?
6. What's makes you happy?

Make sure your thoughts aren't poisonous to your well-being. Believe in yourself and know that there is a difference in being cocky and confident.
Post 3
Tradition vs. Entrepreneurship
Tradition states that we have to go to school and earn our college degree so that we can then pursue the thought of getting married and raising a family along with living in a house on the hill.

As we know, times have changed tremendously!

The only thing is... We've changed our thinking!

We are looking to kick that 9 to 5 job to the side and run full-fledged towards our dreams. While we feel strongly that we're making the correct decisions, there's always the person that's close to us discouraging us with their negative "What If?" So then we start to think "What if, I can't pay my bills, I lose my house, my car, and most of the loss of income that I already receive at work?”

I'm here to say that it's all true...depending on our grind. If we keep thinking negative, we will receive negative results.

In order to bypass the naysayers, we have to find ourselves a good business network of people. I find myself so excited to speak with other entrepreneurs because they kick my passion to thrive into overdrive. They get it! They get the struggle! Rest assured that everyone that we'll meet on our journey, will instill tidbits of value and experience to our burning desire to become successful. This will alleviate the sharing of information with the people that are traditionally driven.

I also wanted to touch on significant others that totally don't see or believe in our vision. We must realize that it is our vision and not theirs. We can't expect them to get it but we can show them a visual. Otherwise, we can find what motivates us best and gravitate to it when we're not so motivated. Accept change and consistently fine tune your business model if things don't seem to pan out how you want them to. Find a BBF (business best friend) and ask for direction. I have been really grateful for all of the people (including you ladies) that gave me guidance on moving forward after what could have been failure. They were also open to sharing helpful information with me.

Keep your head up and your ears open to new opportunity. Stay prepared because you never know who you're speaking with.

Connect with Shyreeta:


Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow


Photo Credit: Rich Cruse 


Self Reliance Vs. Self Dependency

Have I become the people that hurt me?

Everyone has been plagued by hurt at one time or many times. But I'm here to show you how to become emotionally self-reliant and to no longer be emotionally dependent.

First I want to ask you do any one of these questions apply to you:

Are you looking for a romantic partner to make you happy?

If you have a partner, do you look to this person for love, for sex, for support, for reassurance, for validation?

Are you upset if your partner doesn’t react in a certain way, doesn’t meet a need?

When you’re alone, do you feel the need to fill the loneliness void with distraction? 

Are you always on your phone when you’re alone?

Do you complain a lot about other people? Get mad because of things they do?

Is your relationship the center of your universe?

What about your relationship with friends or your kids?

Do you get bothered if your partner does something that doesn’t include you, or cuts out something that you’ve been doing together? 

Do you need to be acknowledged for certain things that you do?

Usually this way of thinking starts in childhood. We rely on our parents for our emotional needs — love, comfort, support, validation, etc. And we don’t often develop emotional self-reliance skills as kids, because parents (out of love for us) do their best to provide for all these needs.

Then we become adults, without having learned emotional self-reliance. And so we look for someone else to fill our emotional needs. We look for the perfect partner, and will probably go through a few breakups, because 1) we’re not emotionally independent, and so we do needy things that hurt a relationship, and 2) our partner is probably the same way.

If we’re ever hurt, we blame the other person for hurting us. If they aren’t there for us, we blame them. If something bad happens to us, we become victims, because you can’t move on with your life if someone has done something bad to you, right?

However, there is a solution.

We have to learn this: Happiness is not outside ourselves.

Here's some example to practice while on your journey to self-reliance:

Sit by yourself, without a device or distraction, for a few minutes. Look inside of you. Notice your thoughts as they come up. Get to know your mind. See how fascinating it is. This in itself is an endless source of learning of oneself.

One of my sources of happiness is creating, coming up with ideas, producing something, and later presenting it to a group of friends or family. This gives me happiness, and a sense of accomplishment.

Learn to fix your own problems and not complain. If you complain, have a solution. If you are bored, try to fix it or at least try. 

If you are lonely or hurt, comfort yourself. It's easier to comfort others and harder to confront our own hurt.

If you lack attention or feeling love, don’t hope that someone will reassure you … reassure yourself. 

Take responsibility. If you find yourself blaming others, tell yourself that the other person is never the problem. Of course, it's easier to believe that the other person is the problem, but then you are reliant on them for the solution. If you believe that they aren’t the problem, then you look inside yourself for the solution.

If you find yourself complaining, instead find a way to be grateful for the simple things. 

If you find yourself being needy, instead find a way to give. 

If you find yourself wanting someone to help you, take the first step at helping yourself.

Create your own source of built-in happiness. Walk around as a whole, happy person, needing nothing as you have already provided the sources of love, attention, and the ability to pick yourself up when in a slump.

Remember: Practice Makes Perfect!


Connect with Shyreeta:


Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow


Photo Credit: Rich Cruse