Falling Apart

Falling Apart

Happy Monday!


I hope you had a great weekend.

I normally avoid sending emails on Mondays, but for some reason, I felt led to send this one. I have been reflecting a lot lately over how some seasons in our life or bridges we must cross, seem to be endless, heavy, and filled with drudgery. Then there are those seasons in which everything seems to be coming together. It makes me think of the saying, just when you think things are falling apart they could be falling in place. It's funny how when life begins to change we try to

Meet Carla Gonzalez Reynolds

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.
Carla Gonzalez Reynolds:  I am a General and Special Education Teacher. 

TDR:  What is your current mission? 
CGR:  My career mission is to be an advocate for my students and youth in general, and to empower my parents to be advocates for their children, especially those with special needs.  My life's mission is to be a living example for my girls by first living a life that's pleasing to God, and secondly, raising them to be fearless, women of God full of wisdom and grace.

TDR:  How many children do you have? What are their ages? 
CGR:  I have two children.  Ana Gabriella is a bright, smart, witty 13 year-old who is an overcomer.  She has overcome many challenges in her short life including open-heart surgery at 2 1/2 months which led to major hearing loss, intestinal surgery at 7 months and spinal surgery in first grade.  She also only has one functioning lung, but none of this has stopped her from being a vibrant young lady, scholar and musician.  She has always been on the honor roll at school and she plays both the piano and clarinet.  Isabella is my bright, compassionate, loving 9 year-old.  She's very caring.  She wants to take care of everyone.  She is also an honor roll student and an artist.  She loves to draw and paint.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with parenthood? 

CGR:  I am a single mom, currently divorced for 7 years, so it hasn't been easy.  I am blessed to have been able to teach in the same school district as my children.  This makes juggling schedules better.  As most people know, teaching is more than a full-time job as we take work home daily and spend a lot of nights and weekends creating lesson plans and grading papers.  Fortunately, my daughters understand my position and don't mind sharing their mom with my students.  They realize that my students pretty much become an extension of our family.  They've made a lot of sacrifices along the way having a single mom who is also a teacher, but that it just a testament to their selflessness.  Now, that they are older and more independent, it is getting easier to juggle everything.

TDR:  What are some of the things you struggle with that would surprise other people?  How do you overcome those struggles?

CGR: Having the responsibility of doing everything on my own is currently my biggest challenge.  When Ana Gabriella was younger, her health was a great challenge, but no matter the issue, my faith in God is what gets me through.  My faith gives me hope and assurance to know that no matter the situation, God's got me and he's going to give me everything I need to see it through.  I am already victorious!  I may not always see how's it's going to work out, but I already know that all things work together for my good because I belong to Him.

TDR:  What are 2 resources that you use to help you stay motivated? 

CGR:  Two resources that help me stay motivated are The Word and my children.  I'm not just here for me.  It's not just about me.  I want their lives to have meaning and purpose.  I want them to make a difference.  I have to keep pressing forward for that and the Word is my foundation.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to ‘Pause’? 

CGR: I love the beach, I love a good book, and I love to write.  I'm a writer at heart!

TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?  

CGR:  The scariest moment was definitely going through my daughter's health issues, mainly the open-heart surgery which was a matter of life and death.  By the time we discovered the problem the doctors said it was only a miracle that she was still living.  After that, it was returning to my profession, as a single mom, after being a stay-at-home mom for 6 years and just trying to make everything happen and come together for me and my girls on my own.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice for other Power Moms wanting to follow their dreams? 

CGR:  Never let anything stop you.  I started out as a therapist.  I worked for a private agency that provided mental health therapists to students within Baltimore City Public Schools.  Every time I walked into a classroom to pick up one of my students for therapy I felt like that's where I was supposed to be.  I already had a bachelor and master degree, but decided to go back to school and get a second masters in Special Education.  So, don't ever let anyone tell you can't, but also be willing to do the work.  Trust your gut.  I truly believe in instinct, especially as a woman and a mother.  Most of all, believe in yourself.  If you don't believe in yourself no one else will.  When you do, you're unstoppable!

TDR: What word best describes the seed or legacy that you want to leave for your children? 

CGR: Inspire!  

TDR:  Why do you choose this particular word?

CGR:  I hope that I am an inspiration to them and I want them to be an inspiration to others.

TDR: How do you support other mothers and women today? 

CGR:  By giving of myself and my time to counsel, inspire, assist and uplift women and mothers.  This journey is never just about you.  We are here to serve and help others along the way!

TDR: How can others collaborate or support your mission? 

CGR:  As women, we need to support and uplift one another instead of putting each other down, but in order to do that we must first work on ourselves.  When we as women have low self-esteem and low self-worth, we're not able to lift others.  People put others down to make themselves feel better.

Connect with Carla Gonzalez Reynolds:

Facebook- Carla Gonzalez

Twitter - @dosangelitas 

Meet Kimberly Combs

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TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

Tierra Destiny Reid:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Kimberly Combs:  I am a portrait photographer that specializes in high school senior portraits.

TDR:  Please tell us about your children.

KC:  I have been blessed with 2 amazing children. My son, David is 16 and a Junior and my daughter, Danielle is 15 and a sophomore. Both attend Marietta High School. Both of them are exceptional students academically. They are part of the International Baccalaureate program which is a rigorous program of study that teaches them to think more critically & challenge what they are told. It teaches them think from a local & global perspective. And I am so proud of their standard of excellence. Along with juggling course studies, both are athletically active. David plays baseball & Danielle softball both for their year round travel teams & their high school. Both are striving towards academic & athletic opportunities at the collegiate level.


TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

KC:  At times it's easy, at times it can be difficult. But the beauty of being an entrepreneur is that I can tailor my schedule around my children's needs. I only have 1 opportunity to raise my children and therefore they are my top priority. Because they are both in high school, it is easier to schedule my business priorities. Unlike if they were grade school age when they need parents the most.


TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

KC:  Learning how to say "No". It's second nature for me to always say "yes", "sure I can…no problem". I've learned to take time to pause and respond in a way that gives me time to look at my schedule and get back to them. I've learned through the years that someone else's "emergency" does not have to be my "priority".


TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

KC:  1. I have 2 very dear friends that are also photographers. We Skype regularly. Share information. Attend workshops together.
2. Prayer helps me stay motivated. I ask God to give me strength, opportunities, the right people to guide me along my journey to work my passion. Because I know He is the One who planted this seed within me. I have to stay obedient to Him. Every time I do, He surprises more than I could ever imagine. 
Here's a testimony to that….last year in April, I was really running on empty. At the time I was juggling a full time job, my 2 kids schedules, and my elderly mother. I was tired and ready to give up my passion.  During one week, I was tuning into a live online worldwide photography workshop. While listening to the content of the workshop, I took a leap of faith and entered into the online photo contest by the instructor (now mind you, I've tuned in and watched several workshops prior to this one. Never had the desire to enter any of the contests). The last day of the workshop the announcements came on for the contest. As they were calling 3rd runner up, I glanced over to see the photo submission on my iPad and thought "what a cool photo", then 2nd runner up…I though "oooo pretty backlighting photo". Then the workshop moderator said "First place goes to Kimberly Combs" and I literally went into complete shock! When my image popped up on the screen (that is viewed worldwide) I thought my iPad flipped over to iPhoto! 
Once I gathered myself, I cried and thanked God because I knew this was Him. This online contest was God's way to tell me "Kim don't give up…You have greatness in you…Trust me"

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?    

KC:  My favorite way to pause it to be alone. If it's walking around a park or hiking a nearby mountain. I need time by myself. 
I crave solitude. It allows me time to think, meditate, and "re-boot" so that I can have the energy & enthusiasm to face whatever come before me.


TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

KC:  The death of my mother last year. It is still a difficult time of my life. I'm learning how to live without her. It is a new normal. I miss her tremendously. I am so very grateful for my 2 children who have been my support during this most difficult year. We've had to draw strength from each other. My kids were very close to my mother. When my son was born, my mom came to live with us so that she could care for David while I returned to work. She cherished her grandchildren. She loved us so much. 
This past year has been the most painful & difficult year for me. It has been debilitating. I've suffered a tremendous loss of my mother. I literally gave up on life itself. Many weeks & months I could barely shower or get out of bed. But as the days went on, God's mercy & love has sustained me. I've had to consciously put myself back together. Piece by piece I am "gluing" my life back together because I know my mom would not want to see me like this. She sacrificed so much in her life in order for me to have more than her. So I owe it to her. To pass on the same legacy she's passed on to me so that I can pass it on to my daughter.


TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

KC:  Don't give up! You will have the thoughts come that say "you're not good enough", "you're not worthy", "no one will buy into this", "you're wasting your time", etc. You MUST fight these thoughts. They are rooted from the enemy. You see the enemy wants to feel less than, defeated, and worthless. But you have to tell that energy to go somewhere else. You serve a Mighty God and He wants nothing but the best for us.


TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

KC:  Determination & strength. Life will knock you down. And at times you will feel hopeless. But you have to fight like hell. Stay determined to your vision & your passion. You are not here on earth by chance. You were thought of and created by God. And it is amazing that we are here on earth having this experience. So do what you love & love what you do. Don't let anyone tell you anything less.


TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

KC:  I would love to empower women & girls to love themselves first and foremost. Take care of yourself first. I'm working on partnering with local community organizations to help women & girls in need.


Connect with Kimberly:

Facebook - Facebook.com/kimberlyannportraitphotography

Instagram - 1kimberlyann


Meet Camille Allen

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams. 

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career?

CA:  I'm a serial turned lifestyle entrepreneur who got clear after multiple entrepreneurship ventures and years of corporate or professional experience in cosmetology, bartending, retail management, event planning, copywriting, marketing, design, and adult education in entrepreneurship, sales and service instruction/training. I'm currently a commercial real estate broker and business strategist, specializing in retail and client retention.

TDR:  Please tell us about your children.

CA:  Sumaiya Ilene a.k.a. "Showtime" (13) is an honor student, cheerleader, born entertainer, social butterfly, mediator and kidpreneur; Gabriel Malachi b.k.a. "G" (11) is a soccer loving, soccer player and artist (clay sculpting and acrylic painting on canvas) and mostly paints and creates things that are soccer related. As an aside, he's a Bruce Lee, Run DMC and Michael Jackson aficionado; Akilah Audrey, a.k.a. "Triple A" (20 months) is bright, bubbly, super independent and a major music lover.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

CA:  I don't even try to juggle (or dance seriously) because I'm not that coordinated. I have a deliberate schedule with specific work hours and one rule. My one rule is that if my family is disrupted, my passion is put on pause (short or long) until the family is back in tact.

TDR:  What are some of you struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

CA:  Sometimes I struggle when things aren't moving fast enough for me - from business partners to my internet connection to my children. I often, very often have to practice patience. I do that through daily meditation, breathing and physical activity. Occasionally an impromptu day off, is necessary and works well for my sanity.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

CA:  My husband is my biggest champion. He motivates me daily. It doesn't happen much, but if I show any signs of doubt, he squashes it. I also use lots of visuals to keep motivation in front of me. I have motivational quotes all over the house, including on every mirror and I have multiple vision boards posted around the house.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

CA:  When I pause, I like to jump into my DYI projects. Right now I'm working on a bath remodel. I love being covered in saw dust and paint.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

CA:  In the span of one year, I gained a daughter and lost a mom. I spent Christmas 2013 in the NICU with my newborn who was having seizures. Then, I spent Christmas 2014 in Hospice with my mom who lost her life after suffering a heart attack 6 days after Akilah's first birthday. A pause was absolutely necessary during this time, but I utilized that time to get clear. This year, I took on some fresh new challenges and am excited about the future. My entire life, my mom always said, "Preparation is never lost time." The older I get, the more sense all of my mom's mantras make to me. I've even developed quite the library of my own quotes that my children hear constantly.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

CA:  Overall, I would say that impossible is an opinion, not a fact.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

CA:  It's hard to choose one, but I'm pretty sure my children will remember me as a visionary, peacemaking, love-leading, no b-s taking, rebel, because that's exactly who I am, I see it in my children and I'm proud of that.

TDR:  How do you support mothers and other women today?

CA:  I speak to groups of women going through the employment training and leadership programs at three local non-profits. I personally mentor two fantastic young mothers who are really working to change their lives. Additionally, I target women for my leadership and service training courses.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

CA:  I'm particularly interested in helping young mothers (ages 25-29) who feel trapped between that socioeconomic space between making too much for government assistance, but still barely making ends meet and not sure how they can even think about owning a business or changing the world. I'm happy to connect with any woman that has experience with this demographic, is this demo or once was this demo.


Connect with Camille:

Twitter - @reallifecamille

Instagram - @camilleunlimited


Exciting Update! Team. Totally Exceptional And Magnificent.

Team. Totally Exceptional And Magnificent! 

 Delmar Johnson a
nd I connected five years ago after hearing me speak at Tory Johnson's Spark and Hustle conference in Texas. She helped me refine my intern program, recruit from local colleges, hire every employee, expand to contractors, complete hiring packets and stay focused on the culture of my brand. It is hard for entrepreneurs to trust at times because when you are pouring in 100% you don't want to risk things falling apart. You wonder if people will care as much as you do. I learned that you simply CAN NOT do it alone and until we begin to trust , we can't get help. I'm still extremely protective and my team supports that. They are patient with me and accept me as an imperfect leader. I'm human and so are they.

Delmar has poured in endless hours to provide virtual administrative support when we began to grow faster than expected while teaching and being a caregiver. She has been such a reliable force and she believes in the vision. I spoke to her a few weeks ago and she sounded empty. I dug in a bit to assess. I sensed a fragile spirit who needed a BREAK. While we were celebrating and planning our expansion and office move here in Atlanta, she was struggling to hold it all together in Memphis. I realized that the team leaves rejuvenated after our meetings but virtual team members are expected to keep pushing without the support of those shared moments.

We decided to ask her to come here for a weekend. We put our heads together and celebrated with a PAUSE AND PAMPER weekend. Zakiya Kyles your gift to serve, M Semoine Chandler your gift of execution, Rhonda Glaze your gift of ministry, Adia Weaver Wright your gift to pamper, Cherika Hines your gift of radiant joy, Shakira Stephens your gift of loyalty and quiet support all made this weekend memorable. I reflected over the weekend then over the last 5 years and I simply smile and hope our partnership will continue to serve many. We understand what it takes to trust, ask for help, hire help, fire help, and become family. It's a ride and it wouldn't have been the same without an HR veteran that approaches her gift with the spirit of ministry. 

Meet Santasia Hill

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career. 

Santasia Hill:  I have been in the healthcare field over a decade. I began as a medical assistant in Pediatrics. I am currently a supervisor for a Metro Atlanta Dermatology office. I have held various position with healthcare management in both the clinical and business as care manager, site supervisor and office manager.

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

SH:  I have an outspoken 6 year old princess named Kaleigh; that keeps me on my toes.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

SH:  I have to admit I use to try to do everything that sometimes comes with being a mom. But my family is an amazing support system. My mom is a tremendous help through everything. Another thing that helps me is prioritizing and organizing as much as possible. I put everything in my phone and calendar. For me staying organized is the only way to remain sane while juggling parenthood and everyday life.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

SH:  The feeling of wasting time and trying to find the perfect work- life balance. I had to learn to be patient and know that achieving success doesn't have a timeframe. No matter how fast I want to progress.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

SH:  Prayer and talking with others. Everyone we meet has a story that can motivate in some way.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

SH:  Quiet R&R, movies, and massages.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

SH:  Remaining in an uncomfortable comfort zone knowing it was time to walk away and follow my dreams; but not knowing where and when to start but knowing that I must start.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

SH:  Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why? 

SH:  Faith - It makes everything possible.

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

SH:  Communicate your vision and share your story it can make a difference for someone.


Connect with Santasia:

Instagram - I_am_candihill


Meet Virginia Nava Hieger

Viginia Nava Hieger

TDR Brands International spotlights Power Moms who show inner strength and courage, while simultaneously loving and nurturing family, during the pursuit of their dreams.

TDR:  Please give us a brief recap of your career.

VNH:  I’m the CEO of Transformative Power, LLC. I released my Corporate Career of 15 years as a branding expert for corporate, Fortune 500 companies so that I can be the GIFT I was born to be. I help people free themselves from the label, box and wrapping, so that they can once again connect with the essence of their GIFT, the purpose they have been searching for in life. I also help people who have already connected with the essence of their GIFT and are living their life purpose, yet still seeking a way to share it with the world. These are entrepreneurs with a heart to transform the world around them, to do what they love; they are coaches, humanitarians, and changemakers who need to share their message with the world. I am privileged to help them do that.
I’ve created various methodologies for entrepreneurs with a heart, including the Why, the Why Yes vs. Why Not, and the Unique GIFT Proposition. As visionaries and entrepreneurs, we all need to find ways to teach others the why behind what we are doing so it doesn’t get lost, and so the message is very clear.
I also teach people to realize that being the CEO of a company starts within. When we struggle with expansion, sharing our message, or receiving value for our services, it’s an inside-out reflection. This is accomplished by sharing my own inner processes: Trusting intuition, finding the “guiding lights” to help us make good decisions, unmasking the moments of truth, leading with a “why” and letting the “how” become more in alignment with the why. Together, we discover the methodologies for inner alignment so that we become more confident in communicating our inner agreements with the world. We do this so that we can receive an exchange for our services and products that it is in truth and alignment with who we are. We often think we may need more support, but even when we receive it, we have to be willing to show up in a expanded version of who we are. To own the transformative power of our GIFTs, to step into our own inner leadership, this is what differentiates the IMPACTful leader versus a successful one. A successful leader accomplishes and achieves, while an IMPACTful leader serves.

TDR:  Tell us about your children.

VNH:  I have a two-year-old son.

TDR:  How are you juggling your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

VNH:  I’ve found parenting to be one of the most transformative experiences of my life. I often say that parenting is stretching, while my personal transformation was at my own pace and rhythm; my parenting transformation is immediate and happening in real time. Just as you graduate from one phase, here comes a new one. It’s a constant process of learning, growing and stretching.
The challenge for me has been to adopt a new mindset, one that’s full of the possibilities and GIFTs that parenting brings. A new perspective of what I can accomplish on my own, an openness to vulnerability, and willingness to ask others to help and support me. I can no longer do everything on my own, because if I do, there’s a price to pay in terms of my health and the growth of my business. The realization that I can grow my business as much as I am willing to trust and accept help from others, is so humbling. 
I think business and parenting have a lot in common. At so many crossroads in parenting, there are a lot of new experiences and circumstances that you haven’t ever experienced before. The tools are available, yet you need to be willing to learn, ask questions, and know what your core values are in your business. Know what your parenting style is, and then research and let go of what doesn’t serve you or isn’t in alignment with you, and stay open to new possibilities as well as support from others. Both business and parenting have been an amazing opportunity for growth. Just recently, as I face the “two’s,” I read a book about toddlers that speaks to influence, and it was a reminder of how many times in my life I am influencing others positively, how much I am acknowledging them, or even simply thanking them for their efforts. Our life success really depends a lot on our ability to influence ourselves to move into the direction of our dreams as we collaborate with others.

TDR:  What are some of your struggles and how do you work to overcome them?

VNH:  Mostly, I’ve developed a new definition of time, applying a new value for it, and becoming more realistic about the time available for me to balance my goals with the IMPACT I want to create in the world.

TDR:  What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?  

VNH:  What keeps me motivated is love. Reminding myself that God, the divine, already supports me, already loves me as I am, and that the only thing I need to do is to serve others and share. Remembering that I am always loved, even with my flaws and imperfections.
My spirit sisters and my wisdom council, they offer love, courage, and support. I am so grateful for their support and wisdom; it surrounds me with encouragement and love.
I am grateful for nature, its beauty and the vastness of the Universe.
And for my intuition.
And family. Women with wisdom in my life.

TDR:  What is your favorite way to pause?

VNH:  I pause by practicing love meditations. I love Agapi, she is amazing. In her meditation, she reminds you of all that is. 
I also do other meditations in divine love, divine abundance, and gratitude.
I participate in many practices for personal development, emotional maturity, and gracefulness. I use essential oils for relaxation, swim, walk on trails, play and grow, friendships that include lots of wonderful spiritual conversations. I also love to dance.
I read A Course in Miracles.
I think the most important for me is reminding myself that compassion is very important, and to continue practicing compassion for myself so I can best share it with others.

TDR:  What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey? 

VNH:  The scariest moments are about my finances; I’ve released the safety of a paycheck and bonuses, and financially invested in my own business. I face resistance to trust everything to the Universe to provide for me, yet at the same time, it’s also about learning to trust, to let the fear fall away and the courage begin to win and in that moment is feeling safer and prosperous and abundant in ways I have not experienced before.

TDR:  What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

VNH:  GIFTED. The best GIFT you can give to the world is to be authentically yourself, with the courage to also be authentic about how you are inauthentic. It’s about living in a freedom that is sustained by purpose. As I became a mother, I explored the concept of the mom I wanted to be and realized that being a “stretched mom” was what I aspired for most. After a few months of trying to be a perfect mom, I realized I’d rather be a stretched mom, one who celebrates having brought a baby to life, while continuing to stretch and grow. I wanted to grow as much as my child, to enjoy the process of growing together.  If you want to live your dreams, you must be willing to keep growing beyond your self-imposed boundaries, because there’s magic in the stretching and growing. Becoming in closer alignment with your true self is the best gift we can give to others. Being willing to stretch and truly be yourself in a world that may not be willing to accept it. Taking on the risk because it will make your life better than before.  A movement I created called “Stretch Moms is about telling one another the truth, not only about the perfect days of motherhood, but also sharing the challenges and struggles while saying, “Hey, it’s ok to not be perfect, because we’re all human, so stretch yourself and learn that every day is a learning experience.”


TDR:  What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

VNH:  GIFTED. I want to leave the legacy for my child to be himself, to celebrate and share the GIFT that he is born to be. To question the world’s norms and ways of being, and find the answers from his spirit within. I have a heart desire for him to choose his life and to have the courage to be true to himself and live a life sustained by love and compassion. And I can only accomplish this by modeling it myself, constantly choosing to be true to myself, to serve with my GIFT and make a difference in the world. To choose IMPACT.

TDR:  How do you support or mothers and women today?

VNH:  I support mothers by being an authentic mom in both my friendships and community, sharing that it’s ok to let go of the “super-mom” cape and be a stretch mom instead.  I support women by helping them free themselves to be authentically who they were born to be. By giving them personal development resources, as well as messaging, branding and the methodologies to succeed, I offer them innovative practices that are in alignment with their true selves. These are purpose-driven, not cookie-cutter, methodologies, sustained by a strong and powerful inner “why,” an inner compass that leads their lives toward genuine IMPACT. I guide them to be the expanded self they long to be, in a purposeful, actionable way. I help them share it with others from the inside out.I lead transformative retreats on meaningful freedom.  One-on-one consulting and training. I am an author of two books and with a third book in the works. At a university, I train entrepreneurs in my new methodologies: Finding your “why,” your values and compass; relationships as a sustainable force; the metrics of IMPACT, and the Unique GIFT Proposition. I have a new program for women who want to share their voice with the world. It’s for women interested in developing larger platforms, and it’s a one-on-one program via invitation only. I help these women to release their authentic voices to the world. 

TDR:  How can others collaborate and support your mission?

VNH: Speaking engagements, book clubs and book leaders. Collaborating with other women to share my methodologies. Spreading the word. Editorial content for articles.  They can invite me to teach at their universities. I would love to teach a purpose-driven course for people to learn how to be their GIFTs.

Connect with Virginia Nava Hieger: 

Twitter - @TransformativeP 

For Immediate Release...Shopify Contest Results

CONTACT:  Tamell Green, 888-353-0899
Email: inquiries@tierradestinyreid.com
ENERGY OF ATTRACTION / TDR Brands International’s Shopify 5th Annual Build A Business Competition Contest Entrance Garners Supporters and Sponsors Despite Not Making the Top Five
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far go together. -African Proverb
Atlanta, GA-July 31, 2015 - Tierra Destiny Reid of TDR Brands International entered Shopify’s 5th Annual Build A Business Competition. Unfortunately, TDR Brands International was not one of the top five highest selling stores online during this contest, but because of her selling strategies through the use of social media, she was able to garner support and sponsorship for the very reason she entered the contest which was to revolutionize the lives of 20 single mom trailblazers and their children to have the chance of a lifetime with an all inclusive paid transformation retreat with entrepreneurial workshops.
The top six stores that sold the most, over a two-month period were named the winners. The grand prize included a trip on a private jet to Necker Island, to spend five days of mentorship with some of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world, including Sir Richard Branson, Daymond John, Tim Ferriss, Marie Forleo and Seth Godin. TDR Brands International would like to extend their congratulations to the winners of Shopify’s 5th Annual Build A Business Competition. They are: Leesa, Trunkster, Shore Projects, Pavlok, Little Letter Lights Co, and Coco White. Tierra and her team would also like to thank Shopify, Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Records, Daymond John from Shark Tank, Seth Godin, Tim Ferris, and Marie Forleo for giving her the opportunity to push herself and her team even harder to reach their goals. 
Thank you to the hundreds of supporters who have contributed to Tierra’s continued mission to support and empower women in business. You can continue to support this venture by visiting www.tierradestinyreid.com and purchasing products from her shop for yourself or others. Please stay tuned for more details on the upcoming event for 20 single mompreneurs.
Tierra Destiny Reid is a grateful mother of two, and an innovative trailblazer in retail, entrepreneurship, and women’s empowerment. The author of the revolutionary empowerment guide The Power of Peace in a Pause, Tierra is passionate about using her life lessons and gifts to inspire women around the world to pause and propel their way to authentic success, leadership, and service.
For more information about how you can be involved, please visit  www.tierradestinyreid.com or contact Tamell Green at tgreen@tierradestinyreid.com.


MAP Brands, Inc.
LaTaye Davis
Jade Ladson
Sherine Reid
Catrice Tanner
Alex Jackson
Renita Bryant
Delmar Johnson
Zakiya Kyles
Mitchell connor
Andrea Price
Sakeisha Hylick
Tanya Bryant
Cherika Hines
Adia Wright
Charles Jones
Lisa Matthews
Virginia Nava Hieger
Crystal-Marie Mitchell
Lavonda Williams
Stephanie Campbell
Felicia Joy
Rhonda Glaze
Sharmetta Taylor
Sakeisha Hylick
Shana Shears
Valerie Williams
Pink Pineapple Interiors & Boutique
Republic of Akita
Jamye Barnes
Camp 1720
Cherika Hines
Maricela Messner
Tanika Gray
Tasha Jackson
Marcella Reid
Keshea Way
Big Thinkers Science Exploration, Inc
Ursula Harrington
Kim Kellogg
Regina Jackson
Noreen Raines
Sonia Hazard
L. Sarbah International
Liquid Courage Cosmetics
Eardie Houston
Lorea Sample
Dana Weeks
Latasha Johnson
Andrea Williams
Anthony Burton
Tanya Douglas-Holland
Santasia Hill
Yatta Andrews
Shana Shears
Anjel Parker
Jahmi Hickson
Bridgett Bell
Virginia Nava Hieger
Carrolet Thomas
Shaneka Bray
Angela Linsey
Tasha Wilson
Ramona Hampton
Uju A.
Luisa Gomez-Bowes
Eric Hylick
Ladonna Hall
Sherry Darden
Noreen Raines
Lakisha Davis
Tanika Gray
Dora Raine
Natalia Moran
Mariangel Gomez
Shay Hope
Ursula Harrington
Demetrius Jones
Santasia Hill
Rich Cruse
Kimberly O'Neil
NC Henry
Janie Deadwyler
Latrice Howard
Sandra Strickland
Rebecca Stiles
Shakura Leitner
Judi Mason
Deborah Bien-Aime
Imogene Harris
Charity Washington
Sanita Barker
The Richards Group
Chandra Kennedy
Camesia Perry
Christie Smith Glaze
Dee Derrick
Sabrina Claiborne
Traci Gage
Tashbina Wahid
Lemuel LaRoche
leslie briscoe
Kustom Kreations
Mervin Williams
Teena Ingram
Ellise Bethel
Justin Carey
Alicia Walker
Women Recharged
Varian Brandon
Mack's Travel Designer, LLC
Beverly Jenkins
Marcella Moore
Tasha Mohamed
Koils by Nature, LLC
Shelley Hanson
Tammy Flynn
Annelle Johnson Elder
Sonia Hazard

Tired? Exhausted? Weary? Watch This!

There are certain times in life in which things seem to be flowing along and we are steadily building, growing and learning.
There are other times when we begin to question why we are doing what we do? Some rewards are delayed and some of the fruits of our labor can take years to blossom. Don't lose faith. Don't lose hope.

Whether you are a parent, entrepreneur,  servant, or student just know that some of the most purposeful results can take years to manifest.

This video was shared with me yesterday and it touched me so much, I wanted to stop everything and share it with as,many people as possible.

I hope it helps. Stay encouraged! 

Love TDR

Click here to watch