New View


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New View with Nikhol B. Jackson 

TDR: What issues are you most passionate about in your community? 

NikholMental and emotional health and holistic well-being (mind, body and spirit). Families transitioning from dysfunctional living to happy, healthy, holistic functional living. 

TDR: Where are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed when serving? 

NikholWomen and families. 

TDR: How would you describe your leadership style? 

NikholMy overall leadership style is Warm, Encouraging and Supportive. I am learning to walk more comfortably in the newest adjectives that I would add to this list; Direct, Assertive and Unapologetic. For years I struggled with guilt of having to disappoint others when things I planned to deliver on could not be done in the matter in which I had wanted. In business, in the business of serving others, I have had to learn to focus on what I can control, be intentional about those things, be clear and direct about the expectations of others charged with assisting me in manifesting things and to not beat myself up for the pitfalls that come. 

TDR: What is the most painful lesson that you’ve learned that has helped you become who you are today? 

NikholI discovered 2 years ago that I suffered from an addiction. The addiction of perfectionism. Most people do not know that this even exists. I did not and I am a mental health clinician. The background: in life most things came easy for me growing up. The grades, the friends, extra-curricular activities, the clothes I wanted, being accepted into the colleges I wanted to go to, landing my first real job with a Fortune 500 company before even graduating, everything. That is until my 20's. Once I began to experience life on my own terms I began to have small reality checks that shock me to my core. I was not in control, my "perfect" bubbles began to burst. Getting pregnant before marriage, was not part of my perfect plan, bubble burst. The death of my daughter...I am a woman, I am supposed to bring forth life, not death, bubble burst. Church hurt, having to leave the church I grew up in, bubble burst. Failed business partnerships, the loss of my house, my cars, relationship issues in marriage, depression, loss of my faith, bubble burst after bubble burst. 
As I stand now on the other side of all these things and more today I am more self-aware than I have ever been. I realize that it was not just these experiences alone that caused me stress and grief, but it was coupled by my mindset... My idea that things had to be a certain way, "perfect," that added to my grief. I now give myself a pep talk and a break when I feel the urge of perfectionism arising. I encourage and speak life over myself instead of tearing myself down when things do not go according to plan. And most importantly I share my testimony with others, whether I know what they are going through or not, because I know that if God can bring me through what I have been through, then he can and will do it for others. We are all Perfectly Imperfect and that is OK. 

TDR: What would people be surprised to know that you have had to overcome? 

NikholGrief & Depression after a series of personal losses. The death of my first child in 2002, financial pitfalls in business and personal areas, loss of my faith all resulting in total / complete restructuring of my life in 2015. I had spent several years of my life doing what "I" wanted to do, making excuses for my behavior along the way. Hitting rock bottom and seeing how the decisions I had made impacted my family was a reality check for me. I re-dedicated my life back to Christ, linked arms with good coaches and mentors and went to THERAPY. God is so good, in the midst of my mess, he never once let us fall and continued to show up and show out in our lives! Once I made the decision to be obedient my life changed forever. I am so thankful for Grace, Mercy, Protection and Favor. 


TDR: Who are 3 leaders that you look up to? 

NikholMichelle Obama, Oprah, and Pastor Kim Jones-Poither. 

TDR: What are 3 of your favorite books? 

NikholTransforming Your Life, 7 Steps to the life you dream of, desire and deserve by Nikhol B. Jackson, The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian, and The Bible. 

TDR: What is your best advice for emerging leaders? 

NikholBe the change that you want to see. You have to be willing to do your own work and walk in your authentic truth in order to lead and guide others in a space where you are respected. True leaders serve and you have to make sure you’re serving from an overflowing cup (one overflowing with holistic health - mind, body and spirit) so that you can effectively serve others. 

TDR: How would you finish this sentence…”5 years ago I was,”? 

NikholAll over the place...Just had our 2nd living child, who was born prematurely and had a heart defect. I put my business and career on hold to be a stay at home mother for my daughter and the 2 additional children that would later come. What was initially one of the hardest years of my life, turned out to be the beginning of the most 4 rewarding years of my life as a mother. I had always longed to be at home with my children to see them play, learn and grow every day and I lived that dream to the fullest. 

TDR: How would you finish this sentence…”5 years from now I hope to,”? 

NikholI hope to have made a difference in the lives of others. I hope to have a thriving behavioral health practice that impacts lives and changes the dynamics of families daily. I hope to travel the world speaking on the goodness of God and teaching / coaching others how to transform their lives by improving their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. 

TDR: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why? 

NikholFAVORED. When I didn't deserve it, he did it anyway. When I thought I would lose my mind, he gave me peace. When I thought I would never be happy again, he restored my joy. When I gave up on my dreams, he sent me a partner and pusher, someone who would pray until something happened and would not let me give up on me. When I thought it was all over, he set things up so that it would only be the beginning of the best to come... God has turned my Mess into my Message and my Message into my Ministry. 

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives that people can support you? 

NikholThe Healing Place Inc. our non-profit arm that strives to bring awareness to the community via free / low cost workshops, events and other opportunities; is in need of financial assistance so that we are able to continue our work of spreading the message of Hope, Healing, Peace and Recovery of the Mind, Body and Spirit to those in need, those who may never step foot into a counselor's office and or a church. Donations can be made on our Go Fund Me Page "The Healing Place." 

Connect with Nikhol

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pintrest, LinkedIn : Nikhol B. Jackson 
Twitter, Periscope : @jajcounseling


Thank you for texting NewView to 40691. TDR will be reading the comments below to engage.

What was the biggest decision you ever made? Did it make you stronger in the end?

- Tierra Destiny

When you think of love, joy, peace, and priceless memories , who comes to mind? If they are still living, let them know. 

- Tierra Destiny

Who could you surprise today with a simple act of kindness?

- Tierra Destiny

What thought continues to surface in your mind that deserves to be retired so that you can move forward?

- Tierra Destiny

What is one of your favorite things to do? How often do you take the time to do it?

- Tierra Destiny

What is your soul asking for that your mind and actions aren't supporting? 

-Tierra Destiny

Do you believe that how you love yourself changes over time and what factors affect love, life and vision...When you reflect on each of these words, if each of them served as a mirror, what would they be reflecting back to you about you in your life? Let me know in the comments below.

- Tierra Destiny


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New View with LaTaye Davis

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?

LaTaye: Public School education - specifically improving reading proficiency for young African-American men.
Advanced education for women on public assistance. Education not just in the formal sense but also in lifestyle improvement, better paying jobs, and parent-child dynamics. Homeless Veterans and Vetpreneurship (specifically female veterans). I would love to publish a book, at no cost to women, where they share their stories of military life and transition thereafter.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

LaTaye: The spirits of individuals whom think they're ok but are still living in fear, doubt, and low self-esteem. The sadness is when we pass these feelings on to our children. I also believe in helping homeless and displaced veterans.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?       

LaTaye: The ability to challenge the status quo, bring out the mosaic talents of each individual, and then guide them to translate those talents into living a life full of happiness, joy, and optimism.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

LaTaye: Straight no chaser. I get that an individual may be disappointed, hurt, defeated, unsure...but I didn't come in the room for you to stay that way. Take a knee, take a few sips of water, and then GET THE HELL UP! The devil can't and won't win…GOD wants you to WIN!

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

LaTaye: That lesson was and still is…you can't expect anyone to see your value or even respect your value if YOU don't see it in you…truthfully. I'm not talking about your alter ego rocking the heels, driving the nice car, or even saying "it's ok" when it's not. YOU have to love where YOU are while YOU'RE getting where YOU'RE going. Then, stand firm in it! Don't back down and never let anyone else define your worth.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

LaTaye: Depression and anxiety. Even when I was working at one of the most prestigious military treatment facilities I was living in place of low self-worth, bitterness after my divorce, and internal pain.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

LaTaye: Tierra Destiny Reid (of course!), Daymond John, and Marie Forleo (for just being her and loving it).

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

LaTaye: "The Power of Broke", "The Power of Peace In A Pause", and "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

LaTaye: 1. Be real with yourself first and never create a "draft" of yourself based on someone else's life.
2. Embrace your journey and just participate in your process. Stop trying to FORCE it to happen and just be proactive in your dreams.
3. Never allow someone to hurt you over and over. Sometimes the space we allow someone to occupy in our lives is more meaningful to us than them. It's okay to let go! Anchors will hold you and your dreams down. You deserve more.
4. Be REAL! The worst thing you can do is be speaking of a life you aren't really living. People want to connect with you and your truth.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

LaTaye: Underpaid, mean, unhappy and making my boss money while I was ruining relationships. I was optimistic about my business but feeling defeated in love. I worked waaayyyy too hard for someone else's

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

LaTaye: Have a successful company with over 100 employees, have published over 300 authors, and have set up my children financially for their education and lives.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

LaTaye: Discernment. I have learned to trust my feelings now. I knew, before, some feelings came from the dysfunction of my generational curses. Nothing will stop me and I cannot allow anyone to get me off track.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with?

LaTaye: The collaborative book with other female veterans and military spouses and the Manifest Your Worth Tour - Creating Balance for Women in their Lifestyles....just having these conversations all over the world with women hearing their take on life, Mommyhood, relationships, etc. AAHHH I just want to sit in the Hamptons (LOL) at a great restaurant with all these cool women with titles (Mom, Caregiver, thought I meant those other titles didn't you?)

Connect with LaTaye:

Instagram -
Periscope: @stilettosincity
Twitter: @stilettosincity
LinkedIn: LaTaye Davis
Facebook: LaTaye Davis: SIC Brand





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New View with Janna Brown

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?

Janna: The issues I am most passionate about in my community are increasing the self-worth of our youth, especially young girls, and women. Everything stems from our self-worth. How we operate in life and business is impacted by what we believe about ourselves and what we have been through. Many times the biggest obstacle we have that keeps us from achieving our success are the lies we tell ourselves based on past hurt and disappointments. We believe the negative more than the positive of what others think and say about us and our future. If I can help someone realize their fullest potential and to discover who they truly are, who they were created to be, to understand and change their mindset, their belief about themselves, then I would have accomplished what God has created me to do and be. Nothing brings a smile to my face more than to see someone accomplish their goals when they didn't think they could because they were thinking and living beneath their fullest potential.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Janna: Most of my philanthropy efforts are typically directed towards serving youth and women. I know firsthand the impact you can have on a youth when you take the time to pour into them. I have seen the lives of youth changed because they were involved in a positive outlet where their voice was heard. I love helping women see the best in themselves and accomplish their goals. I currently work with a non-profit organization that builds character through the performing art in youth and have been doing so for the past 10+ years. I get so much joy out of serving.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?

Janna: Leadership is being able to place others before yourself for the greater good of the cause. It is also being able to inspire others to become passionate ambassadors about the cause and who they are serving because they know you genuinely care about them and their success. I always say that if you take care of your people, they will take care of you.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

Janna: I would describe my leadership style as servant because I am always looking for ways to uplift and grow my team. To pull out the best in them and provide opportunities that pulls on their passion and develops their interest. I always ask how we can make this a win-win situation. I also know that this helps to foster a healthy, productive and trusting environment and relationship because my team understands I am concerned about them. Therefore, they are passionate about executing the project and going above and beyond. In the process, I realized that this leadership style also helped to produce successors who can teach others and phenomenal individuals who move on to birth amazing businesses.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Janna: The most painful lesson I have learned in life that has helped me become who I am today is to take responsibility for your actions even when you are afraid of failing. I have made mistakes and I had to learn how to own up to those mistakes and become more of a problem solver to rectify the mess I had made. This was challenging for me because I never wanted to let anyone down or feel as if I had failed them or wasted the company’s money. The first time it happened I was devastated and wrought because I didn't know what to do, however, after a few of those experiences, it caused me to become more of a problem-solver and to take more risks because I knew failure was a part of the process.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

Janna: People would be surprised to know that I had to overcome, and at times still overcoming, low self-esteem, fear and self-worth. I am a natural born leader and have come to understand my gifting, however, people never knew the struggle of what I was going through while I was operating in my gifts because I seemed so confident even though I was uncertain.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

Janna: Three leaders I look up to are my uncle Maynard Jackson, my husband Darrell Brown and Theresa Spralling. I look up to my uncle Maynard because of all that he did for the community and to help shape Atlanta into what it is today. He faced difficulties and fear but he still continued to press forward. But what was even more remarkable to me was his passion for the people and their love and passion for him. They called him the peoples Mayor and he NEVER forgot a name. A remarkable legacy was left behind. I look up to my husband because of his dedication and fearlessness. He inspires me so much as an entrepreneur. He jumps out there to take risk, he is always expanding himself, creating new opportunities, implementing his multiple gifts, dedicated to his family and the community and he doesn't let fear of the unknown prevent him from exploring a path. He really helped to shape me into the person I am today. But don't tell him I told you that lol. I look up to Theresa Spralling because of the work she is accomplishing with women at AT&T. She has grown their women's organization tremendously and has such an open heart to help others and young adults. From the moment I met her I admired her work and what she has accomplished.

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Janna: Three of my favorite books are Who Moved My Cheese, The Art of Client Service and BOSS Women Pray.

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

Janna: My advice for emerging leaders is to find your leadership style and yourself because when you are genuine you will attract genuine people to work with and serve. Really cultivate a relationship with your team. Of course keep it professional but really get to know them and let them know you. When they see who you truly are they will be willing to go to battle with you.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

Janna: 5 years ago I was working at a marketing agency called GTM and I had just wrapped up working on the truth Campaign, a national and successful campaign, for 10 years. It was a weird place because I had to reposition and transition to a new space in my life and within the company. Saying goodbye to something you were committed to for so long was extremely difficult because I loved what I did. I also didn't realize how I had allowed that campaign to define who I was, therefore, when it ended I felt lost until I found a new purpose again.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Janna: 5 years from now I hope to be serving women and young girls in a way that truly impacts and transforms their lives. I hope to do this by traveling as a professional speaker, hosting conferences, producing workshops and various products for my business. I want to be able to make an impact on their self-worth, who they believe they are and help them to manifest the visions that God has given them to birth.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?          

Janna: Passionate. Passionate because it encompasses a lot of who I am (love, joy, happiness), it shows commitment to getting the job done, it is contagious, it brings an internal fire that has to be quenched, and it is about serving others.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with?

Janna: The K.I.D.D.S. Dance Project - We build character through the performing arts in youth ages 4-17 and we are always looking for volunteers to help with marketing for our annual spring recital Resurrection. This is our 20th year of the production, and every year is free to the community. It is a dramatic dance interpretation of the crucifixion of Christ. You can go to to find out more details or donate. 

The other organization I work with is called the Show Me Shoes Foundation. They assist young girls who have experienced unexpected hardships. Their mission is to encourage and inspire young girls to become successful young women giving them the gift of opportunities, networking, and leadership by "Building confidence from the "SOLE". Each year they collect dresses and shoes to give away at the Prom Project event in Atlanta, Kansas and LA. To find out how to volunteer or to donate some items go to

Connect with Janna:

E-mail -

Facebook @jannab

Twitter, Instagram, and Periscope @jannabspeaks

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Servant Leader below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Servant Leader below. We will check the comments box often. :) 


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New View with Dr. Sakeisha Hylick

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?    

Dr. Sakeisha: One of the issues that I am most passionate about in the community is the alarming increase in the divorce rate among couples. Both my husband and I are products of divorce and we have committed to help couples begin to succeed where many marriages have failed. Our mission is to help decrease the rate of divorce by Educating, Empowering and Encouraging husbands and wives to WIN in their Marriage. It is our desire to help couples be prepared with the tools and strategies necessary to overcome what we call "The Great Divide" in marriage, which is Communication, Finances and Sex. It is these three key elements that contributes to the increase in divorce and we want to help couples succeed in these areas.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Dr. Sakeisha: My efforts are typically directed towards serving those who have experienced unanticipated interruptions in their finances. The lack of income can have a significant impact on a marriage so we donate clothing and school supplies to parents who are otherwise unable to do so. We provide temporary housing for those who were victims of unfortunate life circumstances. I enjoy serving dinner to the homeless at various events and participating in clothing drives that facilitate the transition of women back into the workplace.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?

Dr. Sakeisha: I define leadership as a person who can not only create an inspiring vision but also motivates and inspires people to be their best self. A person who is in a leadership capacity that helps manage the delivery of the vision and coaches the team to help achieve the vision.

TDR:  How do you define your leadership style?

Dr. Sakeisha: My leadership style is Motivational. As women we wear many hats and face multiple challenges and I encourage the couples that I serve to consider new techniques that will help their Marriage to Win. I motivate them to want to succeed in their marriage. The truth is that God is no respector of persons, if he could bring me out the most challenging situations on my marriage, my goal is to inspire others to do the same. I try to always be mindful of that in my leadership style.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Dr. Sakeisha: Never to make a permanent decision in a temporary situation. In life we all experience our victories, as well as our challenges. Can you imagine what life would be like if we gave up every time we encountered an obstacle? I enjoy being able to look back over some of the darkest moments in my life when I wanted to give up but I didn't and I draw from those experiences to help others press their way through. It is okay if they need to Pause and regroup but not remain stuck there. Don't allow that one temporary setback to stifle your growth. Utilize it as a stepping stone to get back up again and use it is fuel to help others who may be experiencing the same thing.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

Dr. Sakeisha: What's so funny, is that I've had many people tell me that they thought that I've had it easy all of my life. That couldn't be further from the truth. I wore a mask very well. People would be surprised to know that I've had to overcome molestation and the divorce of my parents which resulted in low self-esteem, fear and overall unworthiness. At one point in my life, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror! Everything had to be perfect in order for me to feel accepted and or worthy. As an adult I've had to overcome bankruptcy, repossession, fear of public speaking and shyness. Me? Shy? Absolutely, it was a daily struggle. But the truth is now I am able to recognize those who also wear that same mask that everything is okay, when it truly isn't. I draw from the pain of the past and use it to help other women overcome those challenges as well.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to.     

Dr. Sakeisha: The first leader that I look up to is my Pastor Dr. Riva Tims. Pastor Riva is the epitome of a Proverbs 31 Woman. She is a bold, but humble leader and she encourages and inspires ever one that she comes into contact with. The second leader that I look up to is First Lady Michelle Obama. Wife, mother and First Lady are just a few of the many hats she wears. Additionally, she is an advocate for poverty awareness and is a champion for Military families and spouses and is a proponent to help combat childhood obesity. The third leader that I look up to is Oprah. One of the things that I admire the most about her is her business acumen. She's relatable, inspirational and emotionally intelligent. Her efforts to establish a Leadership Academy for Girls helps fuel my determination to keep going in spite of any challenges that I may face.

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Dr. Sakeisha: The Bible. It's my source for any and everything. Reading the Bible provides the direction that I need and the inspiration to keep going.

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. After I read this book, my entire marriage was transformed. The doors of communication were opened like never before. I began to see my husband from a different perspective and I encourage all married couples to read this book.

Battlefield of The Mind by Joyce Meyer is another favorite book because it showed me when things like worry, doubt, confusion fear, anger and/ or frustration began to surface, it was an attack of the enemy and it helped me realize how to overcome these challenges by halting their ability to influence my life and the decisions that I made or were tempted to make

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

Dr. Sakeisha: My first piece of advice would be "Don't grow weary in well doing for you shall reap if you faint not". Often times a person may measure success by the number of people that attend their seminars or workshops or the number of people that follow them on Periscope and Twitter but the true value lies in those that you are truly able to assist. My second piece of advice would be to identify your strengths and flow intentionally in that element. Don't try to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Third, do not be afraid to ask for help. It doesn't make you any less of a leader. A great leader will surround himself with others that excel in areas in which he /she may not. Fourth, Consistency is key. My final piece of advice would be to never stop learning or striving for growth.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

Dr. Sakeisha: I was in the midst of bankruptcy, facing foreclosure, repossession, unhappy with my job and on the verge of walking away from everything and everyone because I lost my desire to fight. I felt defeated and unworthy of being a wife, a mother, a Pharmacist, a leader....... but GOD!!!

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Dr. Sakeisha: Away from the healthcare arena and working full-time helping to Educate, Empower and Encourage couples to Win In their Marriage. I plan to be traveling the globe with my husband, hosting seminars to equip couples with the tools and strategies necessary to succeed in their marriage. I plan to have at least three more books published and DVD training series for marriages completed as well.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

Dr. Sakeisha: Determined. I use that term because regardless of how many obstacles how come my way, God has blessed me with the ability to keep going in spite of the severity of various hardships that I have encountered throughout my life.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with? 

Dr. Sakeisha: My current initiative that people can help me with is the Marriage Can Win Initiative. We are desiring to connect with couples that are serious about winning in their marriage. We are currently putting together tele-classes so that we can reach couples across the globe. If you or someone you know is experiencing challenges in their marriage particularly in the areas of Communication, Finances and Sex; please have them contact us via our website. Our book "Marriage Can Win" will be available for purchase soon.

Connect with Dr. Sakeisha

Periscope, Instagram and Twitter @ Dr.Sakeisha

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Servant Leader below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Servant Leader below. We will check the comments box often. :) 


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New View with Rosewitha G. Shelton

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?    

Rose: Children exhibiting a global mindset through global experiences and young women self-defining.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Rose: Young adults and children that desire to travel with their schools, church organizations or enrichment programs. When I was in high school my father gave up his job as an engineer and went back to school to become a Lutheran Pastor. The youth programs within the Lutheran Organization were so enriching that it changed my life and perspective of the world. The travel opportunities my father connected me to and the networking that occurred at such a young age created a belief in me that I could go anywhere in the world and somehow succeed and be divinely connected to who I needed to connect with. I believed that I could go anywhere in the world and never be lonely or alone. The diversity of the people I met and the places I traveled made me feel unlimited in my reach into the world. I felt that I could go as far as the people I knew and the streets they walked. When I joined the military, it further supported this belief. I desire this freedom of mind and experience for every child to help them discover who they are and who they desire to be without the limitations of the community and locality in which they live to define and marginalize their dreams and abilities.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?    

Rose: Being willing to take the chances necessary to bring about the vision held within you. One who is willing to live and die as the example for a vision beyond one’s self. Brave enough to try and fail and try again because they understand the importance of their efforts and the dream within and tune out the naysayers. Paving ways unpaved, exploring roads untraveled and then giving a detailed map with the pitfalls, curved roads and short cuts around mountains to the next one willing to travel the same or similar route of uniqueness. One not afraid or ashamed of their weaknesses or failings because they understand the power lies in their ups and downs. One willing to dare to drive ahead when all around them is crumbling and telling them they are not perfect enough. They understand the imperfections are what makes them perfectly more than enough. A leader is not a superhero, they just know how to play one when it's necessary.

TDR:  How do you define your leadership style?

Rose: Always evolving, yet consistent in practicality. I am a big picture person. As a leader, I see myself as the holder of the vision, but not a micromanager of the manifestation. I lead because I see, not because I always know. That is why I also listen so I can learn and the dream can expand beyond the walls of my own imagination if necessary.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Rose: You can’t make or help anyone be anything they don't want to be. You can’t help anyone reach levels of success they have first not seen or desired for themselves. No matter what potential you see in a person, if they can’t or do not make the effort to walk out their potential or buy into the vision of their own life, they can’t do it for you either. Everyone has potential, but do they have the drive and will? Are they flexible and stretchable? Can their mind be changed? What evidence shows this to be true? When you are a leader you have to think about the entire team, not just one or a few, because though one monkey may not stop the show, they sure can mess it up for everyone else. And as a leader, I will always be left holding the bag. I have learned to let go of things, people or ideas that drain progress so that the train can move down the road to its destination. Destiny, never allows ticketless passengers anyway, so no need to keep anyone on the train that does not buy into the vision (my vision). I only want those willing to push the vision forward to come along and then ride upon the vision realized. The vision and purpose is more important than one person, because the vision realized helps many. I accept people for who they are, where they are and what they desire for they and I don't judge it. We are all in transition and where we need to be right now. I just no longer try to put square pegs in round holes or round pegs in square ones. I further realized that at some point of this push to get people to change I must think I know better and am putting myself in the place of their god. Loving and accepting people where they are and for who they are is the best gift I can give them and myself. I only sow seeds and offer choice and opportunity, the rest is in the hand of the person. They are their own creator.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

Rose: Several miscarriages, 3 ectopic pregnancies, a son still born and a daughter who died from a rare kidney cancer and in the end, I had two beautiful little girls. Accepting that God is not what or who I believed. I had to overcome my belief system to allow Spirit to show me that I am a co-creator with power to create in my own life.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

Rose: My parents. My father for stepping out and following his path into being a Lutheran pastor which was different and unique in our family. I appreciate him weathering the storms that came with being unique. I remember the pushback he received when offering his diverse and large visions of God and community, while exposing me to the unlimited possibilities of life and my reach into the world community of all peoples. The global mindset was priceless. My mother for standing as a strong tower beside her husband who she respects as a spiritual leader as well as her man while also creating her own path of success. The complexity of operating in that balance is unique and takes a special person who knows herself and her spouse and he, in turn, respects her greatness. I watched my mother and grandmother lead from the sideline in a quiet confidence (okay, my grandmother was not as quiet). When you have the ear of the leader and the heart of the leader, you are always in a position of power and control. To not manipulate or abuse that power is due to understanding the larger picture and the role you play because that leader lives or dies with your ability to operate fully in your capacity of love and upholder of his vision as well as your own. They as a unit I admire because they find a way to love and see God in all things and people despite being hurt by the same individuals they sacrifice to help because they understand the larger picture and the importance of those they are still responsible for under their leadership. 
Michelle Obama is another one I see who does this quite effortlessly. She maintains her composure and holds her tongue despite what the media and world throws at her. She understands and operates within the bigger picture as well. She has the heart, mind and ear of the leader as well as her own path that she carves out as an example for her own girls which vibrates into the world. I believe that if you can lead and serve another leader at the same time, you understand your purpose and destiny is connected to a larger vision and you must have a stronger will and sensibility than most. You understand the importance of the larger vision and how it must be protected and cared for so that the vision you have for yourself and those around you and the vision those around you have for themselves and others can be realized. That is a leader worth respecting and following. 
Finally, I know people say Oprah all the time, but for me I admire her for being courageous enough to speak her truth and allow her evolution of mind and spirit to be at the forefront of her life so that others may be free to operate in the evolution of their own. I have always thought and believed differently from the religious standards and ideals around me, but no one that looked like me spoke anything contrary other than my grandmother. However, that was in secret behind closed doors. Watching Ms. Oprah embrace diversity of culture and religion and take the blows from her own people with her head up gave me courage that I too could accept the dissention because my beliefs were that important. I did not worry any longer if I would be the only one that looked like me with my background saying out loud that Christ is a consciousness we forsake to embrace while holding up the title of Christian. I no longer worried about the fact that I believed that Buddhism, Hinduism, Voodoo and Islam are all beautiful religions that I have studied and appreciate the part they play and the truths they hold. I was allowed to be comfortable within myself of this truth because she did, thus allowing another to be free as well. And when they are free, a truth they hold will be released to help and bless another who is waiting on them to speak the word they hold. As Paul wrote, “I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak”. We lead by example so that others may be free to do the same.

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Rose: Of course my own! But also, anything written by Neville Goddard, The Tao Te Ching and my favorite book of the Bible - Isaiah. Isaiah speaks to me and sings my song.



TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?


Rose: Embrace your message, vison and desires even if you don't understand how or why they are important. Your uniqueness is important to the world. Give it, protect it, nurture it and love it into its fullness. Your light is a light unto another's path. Someone is watching you and God is using your life to speak to them.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

Rose: Thinking of making a career change and publishing my first book.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Rose: Be a world renowned author, teacher and motivational speaker.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

Rose: Open. I think I have come to a place in my life where I am open to receive and be directed by Spirit. Allowing life to unfold authentically. This is a scary and tricky practice because we are not conditioned to operate this way, though created to do so. Logic often has to be overcome. However, for elevation it is necessary to walk with your own spirit authentically to know where you end and the rest of the world begins so your light shines and you are not the reflection of what already is.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with? 

Rose: I am starting a non-profit to fund young adults in inner cities and rural areas to study abroad. It is important that our society as a whole embraces a global mindset, especially African Americans. Limitation in experience creates limitation in dreams and aspirations. When you know the world is full of unlimited possibilities for yourself, you have less of a chance of allowing your community borders to define your opportunities in life. I also want to document and record my teachings. I want others to be able to get the message easily and understand the messages I have to be applicable to them.

Connect with Rose: 

@Rosegshelton (periscope, twitter and facebook)

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New View with Shannon Denean

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?    

Shannon: In 2014, Atlanta was ranked the number 1 city for sex trafficking and the exploitation of women and children. From 2003 to 2007, the city of Atlanta generated more than $290 million dollars from the sale of trafficked human beings. As a woman who believes deeply in the power of women to change the world, I was heartbroken to learn about these staggering statistics. Since that time, I have helped with fundraising efforts to support women reclaiming their lives after having been in the trafficking system.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Shannon: Most of my philanthropic efforts are directed towards serving women and children. I strongly believe that the powerful and systematic changes that the world needs all start with powerful women. My philanthropy efforts have all been focused on improving the lives of women by helping them to change their minds about their situations. Currently, I am serving with the Junior League of Atlanta, an organization whose mission is to improve the lives of women and children. I also serve on the Board of Directors with Sporty Girls, Inc., a non-profit focused on introducing non-traditional sports to minority girls and helping them to gain college scholarships through those sports.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?

Shannon: Leadership is the ability provide a vision of something better which inspires growth, change, and forward movement.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

Shannon: When I was managing my team of insurance adjusters, I described my style as "macroleadership". I have always seen it as my job to present a vision of excellence, get the right people on board (people with skill, talent and drive), and give them the space to excel. As a leader, it’s my job to provide continued encouragement, the right environment, and the necessary equipment to help others exceed their potential.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Shannon: The most painful lesson that I've learned in life that has helped me become who I am today is that you're only as strong as the people who support you. You have to surround yourself with real, true support. I have definitely been hurt by people who didn't have my best interest at heart.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

Shannon: People would be surprised to know that I have had to overcome being sexually assaulted in college and a terribly difficult beginning to my marriage.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to.     

Shannon: Sheryl Sandburg, Michelle Obama, and Sarah Batts

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Shannon: The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Wiesberger, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, and I Wish I Had a Red Dress by Pearl Cleage.

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

Shannon: You cannot demand a premium for your value until you know what it is. Spend a considerable amount of your time learning about what makes you great and what makes you different.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

Shannon: Trying to pick up the pieces of a very broken relationship, trying to discover who I was and working in a job I hated.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Shannon: I hope to have a blossoming, profitable conglomerate consisting of several businesses. I hope to have learned Spanish fluently, have done more traveling, and have fulfilled my dream of being a top-tier DJ.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

Shannon: Tenacious.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with? 

Shannon: In January 2016, I will be presenting a T-shirt line whose profits will go to benefit the survivors of sex trafficking.

Connect with Shannon:

Facebook -
Twitter - @ShannonDenean
Periscope - @ShannonDenean

Website -

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New View with Varian Brandon

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?

Varian: Self-esteem of high achievers, Personal Power, Designing a life you love, and Being Intentional

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Varian: Education, but not necessarily formal education. I love contributing to and helping people acquire the necessary skills they need to live a full and fulfilled life. Many times our purposes are undiscovered because of lack of exposure and access.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?

Varian: Influence. I am an avid student of John Maxwell and I wholeheartedly agree that leadership is not a position or title, but one's ability to influence.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

Varian:  Empowering. I believe everyone has the capacity to lead and my role as a leader is to inspire the leader within and then provide the tools and the coaching and the mentoring to cultivate and future.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Varian: That there is no real success without the ability to intimately connect with other people. I lived most of my life in very masculine energy (head/logic driven) and it served me well as it relates to my career success, but I paid a high price in my personal life. A broken marriage and I am still navigating the relationship with my adult son.  I am truly grateful for my path though because it invited me to take the journey from my head to my heart....and I accepted.  It was the longest journey I ever took, but I am oh so glad I did!! I am truly the better for it.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

Varian: Being emotionally disconnected and not really liking people. And until 4 years ago, biting my nails, which I believe was connected to the emotional disconnection.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

Varian: My mother, Oprah Winfrey, and Riva Tims

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Varian: Hmmm, only 3.  Developing the Leader Within You, Lions Don’t Need to Roar, and The 4 Agreements

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

Varian: Leadership is not what you do, it's who you are. Live your life in a way that people want to follow you. And know that leadership, real leadership is not compartmentalized, everything matters. And that leadership is a privilege.



TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…


Varian: I was in the breakdown of a marriage, a career I loved, but wasn't challenging and had taught me to be fearful and safe and in my comfort zone.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Varian: Empowering women (and a few men) to lead their lives with urgency, to be intentional about the time they have on this planet. To be the main character in the best book they've ever read and to leave a legacy worthy of remark.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

Varian: Bold.  Because I have always been comfortable in my own skin and dared to be me.


Connect with Varian:

Instagram-- vcbrandon
Facebook --varian brandon
Twitter -- @varianbrandon
LinkedIn -- varian Brandon
Periscope --@varianbrandon

Email –

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