Dispute Sample Letter

Dispute Sample Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code]


Complaint Department
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to dispute the following information in my file. I have circled the items I dispute on the attached copy of the report I received.

This item [identify item(s) disputed by name of source, such as creditors or tax court, and identify type of item, such as credit account, judgment, etc.] is [inaccurate or incomplete] because [describe what is inaccurate or incomplete and why]. I am requesting that the item be removed [or request another specific change] to correct the information.

Enclosed are copies of [use this sentence if applicable and describe any enclosed documentation, such as payment records and court documents] supporting my position. Please reinvestigate this [these] matter[s] and [delete or correct] the disputed item[s] as soon as possible.

Your name

Enclosures: [List what you are enclosing.]

Connect with Santasia:

Website: www.creditdonesimple.com
Twitter Handle: @mscandihill
Instagram Handle: @I_am_candihill
Facebook Handle: Santasia "Candi" Hill
Linked In: Santasia L. Hill



Tradition vs. Entrepreneurship

Tradition states that we have to go to school and earn our college degree so that we can then pursue the thought of getting married and raising a family along with living in a house on the hill.

As we know, times have changed tremendously!

The only thing is... We've changed our thinking!

We are looking to kick that 9 to 5 job to the side and run full-fledged towards our dreams. While we feel strongly that we're making the correct decisions, there's always the person that's close to us discouraging us with their negative "What If?" So then we start to think "What if, I can't pay my bills, I lose my house, my car, and most of the loss of income that I already receive at work?”

I'm here to say that it's all true...depending on our grind. If we keep thinking negative, we will receive negative results.

In order to bypass the naysayers, we have to find ourselves a good business network of people. I find myself so excited to speak with other entrepreneurs because they kick my passion to thrive into overdrive. They get it! They get the struggle! Rest assured that everyone that we'll meet on our journey, will instill tidbits of value and experience to our burning desire to become successful. This will alleviate the sharing of information with the people that are traditionally driven.

I also wanted to touch on significant others that totally don't see or believe in our vision. We must realize that it is our vision and not theirs. We can't expect them to get it but we can show them a visual. Otherwise, we can find what motivates us best and gravitate to it when we're not so motivated. Accept change and consistently fine tune your business model if things don't seem to pan out how you want them to. Find a BBF (business best friend) and ask for direction. I have been really grateful for all of the people (including you ladies) that gave me guidance on moving forward after what could have been failure. They were also open to sharing helpful information with me.

Keep your head up and your ears open to new opportunity. Stay prepared because you never know who you're speaking with.

Connect with Shyreeta:

Website: www.ibrandmatchmaker.com

Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow


Photo Credit: Rich Cruse




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New View with Santasia Hill

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?

Santasia: Credit improvement and credit awareness. We as people tend to want to change everything around us and about us. But neglect credit improvement and credit awareness; to secure a better financial future.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

Santasia: Most of my philanthropy efforts are typically directed towards serving Senior Citizens. One of the first lesson we learn as kids is to share. Everyone has a gift, talent and/or skills that can make a difference for someone. Even if it’s a smile or simply hello, you never know how much of a difference a little gesture can make. I see serving as leaving a situation better than you approached it.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?

Santasia: I define leadership as communicating a vision to others through trust, commitment, inspiration, and actions.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

Santasia: I would describe my leadership style as a participating leadership style. Whether it be rolling up my sleeves getting the job done along with the team or making the team apart of a decision-making process. I think others respect you and the final decision more when they feel valued.

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

Santasia: The most painful lesson that I've learned in life that has helped me become who I am today is confusing complacency with contentment. I didn't know the two apart in my career, or my personal relationships. I ignored my drive to move and make changes.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

Santasia: People would be surprised to know that I had to overcome self-esteem issues. Growing up I was remembered as “the girl with the freckles”. After a few years working in Dermatology, I asked one the doctors if there was something to remove my freckles, he told me laser and agreed to give me the procedure. Needless to say I didn't get the procedure because it would have taken away what GOD intended for me to have. As the adult I am today, I have no problem being remembered as “the girl with the freckles”.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

Santasia: 3 leaders that I look up to are Dr. Raschondrius Burnett, Angela C. Kenmegne and Dr. Carl V. Washington.

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

Santasia: 3 of my favorite books are Law of attraction by Michael Losier; The Secret by Rhonda Byrne; and The Bible.

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?


Santasia: Create your own way to success; there's no BLUEPRINT or GUIDE.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

Santasia: 5 years ago I was formulating my goals and dreams but afraid to act on them. Therefore I tried climbing the corporate ladder to reach success by "the process" society deemed as the way and pictured success to be.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

Santasia: In 5 years I want to have a thriving Senior Service Agency along with expanding my services to other metro counties in Georgia. Also enjoying life and the legacy I'm building.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?          

Santasia: Understanding. A person with the power of understanding knows how to empathize, and also how to forgive.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with?

Santasia: Some of the current initiatives people can help me with is sharing my message through social media, the community, inspiration, marketing, and accountability.

Connect with Santasia

Instagram: i_am_candihill
Periscope: i_am_candihill
LinkedIn: Santasia L. Hill
Facebook: Santasia Candi Hill


Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights

Know your credit rights...how many of us actually read that information that comes along with your credit file. It's important information that can make a difference. Listed below are a few of those important facts.

You must be told if information in your file has been used against you. If you are denied for credit, insurance, or employment – you must be give the name, address, and phone number of the agency that provided the information. 

You have the right to know what is in your file. You may request and obtain all the information about you in the files of a consumer reporting agency. (Identification may be required) 

You have the right to ask for a credit score. (Cost varies depending on credit agency)

You have the right to dispute incomplete or inaccurate information. Consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information. Inaccurate, incomplete or unverifiable information must be removed or corrected, usually within 30 days. However, a consumer reporting agency may continue to report information it has verified as accurate.
Consumer reporting agencies may not report outdated negative information. In most cases, a consumer reporting agency may not report negative information that is more than seven years old, or bankruptcies that are more than 10 years old.

Access to your file is limited. A consumer reporting agency may provide information about you only to people with a valid need -- usually to consider an application with a creditor, insurer, employer, or landlords. You must give your consent for reports to be provided to employers. A consumer reporting agency may not give out information about you to your employer, or a potential employer, without your written consent given to the employer.

You may limit “prescreened” offers of credit and insurance you get based on information in your credit report.

You may seek damages from violators. If a consumer reporting agency, or, in some cases, a user of consumer reports or a furnisher of information to a consumer reporting agency violates the FCRA, you may be able to sue in state or federal court.

Identity theft victims and active duty military personnel have additional rights.

Connect with Santasia:

Website: www.creditdonesimple.com
Twitter Handle: @mscandihill
Instagram Handle: @I_am_candihill
Facebook Handle: Santasia "Candi" Hill
Linked In: Santasia L. Hill




Self-Criticism - A positive approach

"Confront your path with courage, and don't be afraid of the criticism of others. And, above all, don't allow yourself to become paralyzed by self-criticism."

Self-criticism - critical of oneself, one's abilities, or one's actions in a self-aware or unduly disapproving manner.

Although many people believe that being hard on themselves will make them better people, research does not support this belief: Self-criticism has been shown to increase procrastination and rumination and impede goal progress. If you already feel worthless and incompetent, you may feel like there’s no point in even trying to do better next time.

Whether your M.O. is to build yourself up or put yourself down, it’s all about self-judgment. The focus is on, am I good person or a bad person? It’s easy to lose sight of questions that are more likely to get us somewhere, like how did this happen, and how can I avoid letting it happen again? What does it take to get out of the trap of self-judgment? 

1. Are you thinking positively?
2. What is your solution?
3. Can you use a second opinion?
4. Have you stepped away completely, took time out for yourself, and returned to a blank canvas to start over?
5. Are you worried about what others think?
6. What's makes you happy?

Make sure your thoughts aren't poisonous to your well-being. Believe in yourself and know that there is a difference in being cocky and confident.
Post 3
Tradition vs. Entrepreneurship
Tradition states that we have to go to school and earn our college degree so that we can then pursue the thought of getting married and raising a family along with living in a house on the hill.

As we know, times have changed tremendously!

The only thing is... We've changed our thinking!

We are looking to kick that 9 to 5 job to the side and run full-fledged towards our dreams. While we feel strongly that we're making the correct decisions, there's always the person that's close to us discouraging us with their negative "What If?" So then we start to think "What if, I can't pay my bills, I lose my house, my car, and most of the loss of income that I already receive at work?”

I'm here to say that it's all true...depending on our grind. If we keep thinking negative, we will receive negative results.

In order to bypass the naysayers, we have to find ourselves a good business network of people. I find myself so excited to speak with other entrepreneurs because they kick my passion to thrive into overdrive. They get it! They get the struggle! Rest assured that everyone that we'll meet on our journey, will instill tidbits of value and experience to our burning desire to become successful. This will alleviate the sharing of information with the people that are traditionally driven.

I also wanted to touch on significant others that totally don't see or believe in our vision. We must realize that it is our vision and not theirs. We can't expect them to get it but we can show them a visual. Otherwise, we can find what motivates us best and gravitate to it when we're not so motivated. Accept change and consistently fine tune your business model if things don't seem to pan out how you want them to. Find a BBF (business best friend) and ask for direction. I have been really grateful for all of the people (including you ladies) that gave me guidance on moving forward after what could have been failure. They were also open to sharing helpful information with me.

Keep your head up and your ears open to new opportunity. Stay prepared because you never know who you're speaking with.

Connect with Shyreeta:

Website: www.ibrandmatchmaker.com

Instagram: Shyreeta_shops4u

Facebook: Shyreeta Benbow

Linked In: Shyreeta Benbow


Photo Credit: Rich Cruse 

Meet Pamela Booker

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Meet Power Mom Pamela Booker

TDR: Please give us a brief recap of your career.

Pamela: I served in the United States Army for 4 years as a computer specialist. I worked at the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon as a help desk tech for 1 year and I left after 9/11. I worked at the US Department of State for 5 years as a network specialist, receiving many awards. (BEST JOB EVER) I worked for the Department of Transportation, Department of Health and Human Services and my final job in the field of computer engineering was at the International Trade Commission as a GS employee. I started Koils by Nature in March of 2009, quit my job in November of 2009, and the rest is history in the making!

TDR: Please tell us about your children and include their ages.

Pamela: I have 2 babies that I gave birth to Deontae, 20 and Kendall, 8. I also have 3 bonus babies that came with my husband; Jabari who is 17, Ashante who is 16, and Naday who is 10. They ALL have very different personalities.....but they are amazing kids!

TDR: How are you balancing your passion with the responsibilities of parenthood?

Pamela: HA! Balance??? I don't know what that means! LOL!! I call it juggling…and with the beautiful family that I have they make it easy! Sometimes I have to throw some things in the air...and catch and work on the other things…but I make sure that I give love and attention to all…my husband, my kids and my passion…just not at the same time.

TDR: What are some of your challenges and how do you work to overcome them?

Pamela: TIME!!!! I wish an additional hour could be added to the day! (lol) I maximize the time that I have, but I wish I could have a little more of it.

TDR: What are 2 resources you use to help you stay motivated?

Pamela: My husband and my tribe! I am surround by an amazing group of women that keep me honest and keep me hungry for more!

TDR: What is your favorite way to pause?

Pamela: EXERCISING! Running is my love....fitness is what keeps me sane (lol)!

TDR: What has been the scariest moment or crossroad in your journey?

Pamela: The scariest moment for me is letting go of some aspects of my business and allowing others to help me grow my business! I had to learn that in order to grow, I have to let go! I could not continue to do everything myself and I had to learn to trust people!

TDR: What would be your greatest advice to other "Power Moms" wanting to pursue their dreams?

Pamela: Dream BIG and move your feet! The time will never ever be perfect! Just move your feet!

TDR: What word best describes the legacy you want to leave for your children and why?

Pamela: Intentional. I want my kids to be INTENTIONAL about everything that they do!


TDR: How can others collaborate and support your mission?

Pamela: You can email me; pamela@koilsbynature.com


Connect with Pamela:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - KoilsbyNature

Did this inspire you? What are your thoughts? Please share feedback for this Power Mom below. Sometimes your words can trigger a thought that could change a life. We love hearing from you. Please share this with others if it helped you or could help someone else. Be sure to connect with this Power Mom below. We will check the comments box often. :) 


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New View with LaTaye Davis

TDR:  What issues are you most passionate about in your community?

LaTaye: Public School education - specifically improving reading proficiency for young African-American men.
Advanced education for women on public assistance. Education not just in the formal sense but also in lifestyle improvement, better paying jobs, and parent-child dynamics. Homeless Veterans and Vetpreneurship (specifically female veterans). I would love to publish a book, at no cost to women, where they share their stories of military life and transition thereafter.

TDR: What are most of your philanthropy efforts typically directed towards serving?

LaTaye: The spirits of individuals whom think they're ok but are still living in fear, doubt, and low self-esteem. The sadness is when we pass these feelings on to our children. I also believe in helping homeless and displaced veterans.

TDR:  How do you define leadership?       

LaTaye: The ability to challenge the status quo, bring out the mosaic talents of each individual, and then guide them to translate those talents into living a life full of happiness, joy, and optimism.

TDR:  How would you define your leadership style?

LaTaye: Straight no chaser. I get that an individual may be disappointed, hurt, defeated, unsure...but I didn't come in the room for you to stay that way. Take a knee, take a few sips of water, and then GET THE HELL UP! The devil can't and won't win…GOD wants you to WIN!

TDR:  What would be the most painful lesson that you've learned in life that has helped you become who you are today?

LaTaye: That lesson was and still is…you can't expect anyone to see your value or even respect your value if YOU don't see it in you…truthfully. I'm not talking about your alter ego rocking the heels, driving the nice car, or even saying "it's ok" when it's not. YOU have to love where YOU are while YOU'RE getting where YOU'RE going. Then, stand firm in it! Don't back down and never let anyone else define your worth.

TDR:  What would people be surprised to know that you had to overcome?

LaTaye: Depression and anxiety. Even when I was working at one of the most prestigious military treatment facilities I was living in place of low self-worth, bitterness after my divorce, and internal pain.

TDR:  Name 3 leaders that you look up to. 

LaTaye: Tierra Destiny Reid (of course!), Daymond John, and Marie Forleo (for just being her and loving it).

TDR:  Name 3 of your favorite books.

LaTaye: "The Power of Broke", "The Power of Peace In A Pause", and "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

TDR:  What is your advice for emerging leaders?

LaTaye: 1. Be real with yourself first and never create a "draft" of yourself based on someone else's life.
2. Embrace your journey and just participate in your process. Stop trying to FORCE it to happen and just be proactive in your dreams.
3. Never allow someone to hurt you over and over. Sometimes the space we allow someone to occupy in our lives is more meaningful to us than them. It's okay to let go! Anchors will hold you and your dreams down. You deserve more.
4. Be REAL! The worst thing you can do is be speaking of a life you aren't really living. People want to connect with you and your truth.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years ago I was…

LaTaye: Underpaid, mean, unhappy and making my boss money while I was ruining relationships. I was optimistic about my business but feeling defeated in love. I worked waaayyyy too hard for someone else's money...lol.

TDR:  Complete this sentence…5 years from now I hope to be…

LaTaye: Have a successful company with over 100 employees, have published over 300 authors, and have set up my children financially for their education and lives.

TDR:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

LaTaye: Discernment. I have learned to trust my feelings now. I knew, before, some feelings came from the dysfunction of my generational curses. Nothing will stop me and I cannot allow anyone to get me off track.

TDR: What are some of your current initiatives people can help you with?

LaTaye: The collaborative book with other female veterans and military spouses and the Manifest Your Worth Tour - Creating Balance for Women in their Lifestyles....just having these conversations all over the world with women hearing their take on life, Mommyhood, relationships, etc. AAHHH I just want to sit in the Hamptons (LOL) at a great restaurant with all these cool women with titles (Mom, Caregiver, Sister...you thought I meant those other titles didn't you?)

Connect with LaTaye: 


Instagram - @stilettosinthecityllc.com
Periscope: @stilettosincity
Twitter: @stilettosincity
LinkedIn: LaTaye Davis
Facebook: LaTaye Davis: SIC Brand




New You...Old Ways

New You...Old Ways

Many make New Year's Resolutions or New Years Resolutions. Pay attention to the grammar and punctuation on the word Year. The reason why I did that is because some resolutions rollover to the next year or season and are not specified to one particular season. This won't be a long blog because it's not a subject matter that should take a lot of time. People often order drinks "straight no chaser", well we should accept coaching or correction the same way. I often tell people, facts are easier to accept than truth is. Why?

I'm glad you asked. Facts are challenging and Truth is confrontational. You know it's true. People can handle what seems to be facts but truth makes you make some decisions. Say for instance, a person who is diabetic can handle that the large amounts of sugar places them in danger of a diabetic coma, but the truth is they must discontinue the consumption of sugar.

The thought of letting go is what paralyzes the individual. They are already thinking of ways to compensate sugar in their life. They'll try sugar substitutes, limited amount of sugar, take extra medicine and so forth instead of just getting rid of the sugar. We do our hearts, spirits, purpose, business and relationships the same way. Instead of getting rid of the thing that is causing us harm, we find ways to fit it in or we find substitutes. Fact is it's harmful, truth is I have to get rid of it in order to better. We are desiring to go into 2016 with new expectations, but we failed to get rid of the things and people that could possibly cause us to miss out on some great things and opportunities. We revamp our vision boards but with old mindsets.

Many just changed the pictures but the way to achieve what we believe we see for ourselves, is old. If you are going to get anything that you have never had before, you're going to have to do something you've never done before. You can't put new wine in old wine skins. Its capacity to hold, its potency, and power isn't strong enough. So, I admonish you that if you're going to declare to be a New You in seasons to come, you have to remove and detach from old ways. Fact is you're not a bad person, but the truth is what you've been doing is no longer working for who you're desiring to become. There is so much greatness on the inside of you and what's to come is far exceeding greater. Learn to forgive yourself and don't be afraid to try.

Budget, track spending and create a savings for what you desire to do. Spend more time developing your gifts, integrity and character. Revisit your core values and have an accountability partner. Say I need you and I love you more often. Laugh, dance, and relax. The only thing that should roll over from year to year are vacation days, not bad thoughts, strategies or habits. I'm guilty of it too. I say if the majority has tried it and IT (whatever IT may be) hasn't work, be the minority that will dare to be different in order to get different results. Dare to be different and different is daring but it's undeniably ok to be so. 

Connect with Melody:

Website: www.stilettoauthority.org
Twitter Handle: @melodyjoy_
Instagram Handle: @stiletto_authority
Facebook Handle: Melody Joy (Stiletto Authority) 
Linked In: Melody France


Photo Credit: Conscious Living Radio

January is National Financial Wellness Month

January is National Financial Wellness Month

Start your year off on the right foot…It is National Financial Wellness Month and the perfect time for a fresh start. Breaking old financial routines and creating innovative routines that will allow you to make better financial decisions. Get to know your credit on a deeper level. January is a great time to get your finances in order by following these simple steps.

1. Request your FREE credit report(s) from www.annualcreditreport.com. Be sure to request your credit file from each credit bureau (Equifax, Experian, and Transunion).
Each credit bureau could report different information. 
2. Review your credit report thoroughly
3. Dispute any inaccuracies

Connect with Santasia:

Website: www.creditdonesimple.com
Twitter Handle: @mscandihill
Instagram Handle: @I_am_candihill
Facebook Handle: Santasia "Candi" Hill
Linked In: Santasia L. Hill